Optimistic Retro Fruit!

Hi friends!  I love bright colors and kitschy designs so when I doodled a little postcard with orange slices on it yesterday:


I knew I wanted to explore this subject more and thus was born my optimistic fruit from my imagination:


Fun huh? This took me about an hour to create but through the magic of YouTube you can see it come to life in about 15 minutes. I hope you enjoy! It is not a difficult painting, it is a fun piece you can doodle and get to know your supplies with. Feel free to use any water-soluble pastel or crayon you have and paint along. I’ll also list the exact supplies I used below, they are a bargain and I have been having a ball playing with them:)

Supplies (affiliate links used)


So, I asked my hubby about creating something like this in a large format for the kitchen (I have like a 3’x4′ canvas burning a hole in my studio) and he seemed OK with the idea but not overjoyed by the thought but I think it would look really cool with maybe some of my other tropical inspired paintings. What do you think. I mean, it’s a kitchen, it can’t make it any worse right? LOL! I just want being in the kitchen to me more pleasant, I want a kitschy kitchen haha! I think it would look good with my black and white checkerboard floor, white cabinets and blue walls, what do you think? Also if I d the large acrylic do you want a tutorial? Oh, on another note I might have a live stream watercolor palette tour this evening, I am thinking after dinner, maybe around 7pm Eastern time just to give you a heads up.  And one more thing, we just updated the shop with new paintings for July so check it out if you want to own a Lindsay original. Phew, that was a lot of info, have a great Sunday and til next time happy crafting!

14 thoughts on “Optimistic Retro Fruit!

  1. Perhaps since you have ch ckerboard floor you could make that the background for fruit so the blue background doesn’t get lost on your wall? Maybe sketch out that way and see how it looks😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. yes to tropical painting in kitchen, canvases can always be painted over when you’re tired of it. yes to tutorial.


  3. Hi Lindsay 🙂
    Welcome back! Hope your vacation was good.
    Sending you feel better soon wishes.
    Your painting is so summery and I think it is great.
    Thanks for sharing your talent.
    Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I would definitely like a video on how to make a canvas floor cloth. I have been asked to make one with my SW cactus art but don’t know how.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Looks good enough to eat, and I think it would look perfect in your black and white kitchen just the way it is. I would love to catch your watercolor palette tour live this evening, but have already made other plans. For sure, I’ll watch it as soon as I get home though . I know it will be both informative and interesting, as are all your videos. TFS and TC!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Love the painting! I’d also love to see it in a large acrylic format. I think it would go with your floor and cabinets, but I’m not sure about the blue wall. Take the small painting in the kitchen and see. Show us, please!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Yes, please, a large acrylic of this kitschy picture! My kitchen is 1940-1950’s kitschy chic and I would love to paint this. Your tutorials are fabulous! Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. OH Gosh!!! I hope you did it Lindsay! I really, super duper want to try and make something like that for my daughter’s new, 100 year old house, and guess what….she has the black and white checked floor too! And so do you! But, her walls are white, and all the actual wood, the many cupboards, and everything is like a teal color…awesome 😉 I hope you did it! Does anyone know? So Much Love ❤ ~Stacey


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