Art Chat with Tole Painting Designer Sheila Landry

Hi friends! Today I have decorative painter Sheila Landy on the podcast. She is a tole painting and surface designer who lives in Canada with her partner and together they run two successful art-based businesses. Have a listen to this relaxed chat about her creative journey.

Where to find Sheila:

I hope you enjoyed this art chat and til next time happy crafting!

One thought on “Art Chat with Tole Painting Designer Sheila Landry

  1. OMGsh Lindsey! I don’t normally listen to pod casts, but when I saw the title with “Tole,” I was like, I’m totally listening to his one. It didn’t disappoint. My only craft when my boys were young was sewing. Then I discovered Tole paining and absolutely fell in love. I learned so much from taking those classes and I painted hundreds of project over several years, and even taught a few classes, then things just died as far as shops and classes, then it was hard to find certain paints like the two of you were talking about and then a divorce and i kind of lost my mojo for several years. I later picked it up for a bit then I discovered people like you and The Art Sherpa and decided I was going to step out of comfort zone and try painting with acrylic on canvas and some watercolor, along with mixed media, but if I’m honest, I find those mediums stressful, if that makes any sense. I’ve been longing to get back into Tole, but just haven’t because of paints being discontinued, lack of wood blanks, etc. You have no idea how exciting this is to me that there is still someone out there trying to keep the art alive. I love her idea of color mixing. I think it makes complete sense to do that due to colors being discontinued, etc. Occasionally, I would find color substitution lists for other companies, but those are few and far between these days too. When I was doing mixed media and decoupage, there would be times i would be forced to mix colors to match a napkin design because most, if not all of my paints had gone bad because I didn’t use them during the divorce. Anyway, I’m just so happy you create this pod cast and it’s inspired me to get into it again. I’ve kept all of my Tole painting books as I just couldn’t let them go…I’m definitely a collector of art supplies. LOL. Thank you so much!

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