Craft Fairs, Bookmarks & Squirrels in my Van…

Hi friends! This has been such an unusual week with a lot of stuff going on that it seems like it must be Thursday or Friday but nope, only Tuesday. Do you ever have weeks like that? I think it might be because I did a craft fair on Saturday. I haven’t done one in a while. Look at my booth!


I can’t remember the last time I did an outdoor show, probably the sidewalk art festival back in 2002 when I was pregnant with Jackson! The weather was nice and I figured it would be slow as it was the premier year for this show so I brought along my trusty Meeden fan watercolor palette and some bookmarks I cut from watercolor paper. I use the 6″x9″ aquabee paper and made them 2 1/4″ x 6″ so I got 4 per sheet.


I even sold a few on the spot so that was cool. I am really glad I brought them as the event went from 9-4 but there were no more customers after 2pm. The organizers gave vendors permission to leave at 2:15 because it was so slow but I personally have a problem packing up early when I have advertised I would be there til 4. I felt bad because a family traveled an hour to see the pets there were up for adoption from a local charity (it was a vendor fair and not strictly a craft fair, the library was having a huge used book sale too) and they had left. Maybe I am an uptight fuddy-duddy but I think if an event is advertised for a certain time vendors should stay til the end. I have made too many “last 15 minute of the show” sales in the past to pack up early.  Having the extra time I was able to organize all of my inventory and pack it carefully rather than the last-minute dash I usually have and then the mess to sort out later. I enjoyed painting the bookmarks so much I made some more out of the Shizen Indian handmade watercolor paper I bought myself on my birthday. That paper was 5″x7 so I got two 2.5″x7″ bookmarks per sheet. I also tried that Meeden palette with my regular brushes and water as opposed to the waterbrush that it came with. I like the combo of real brushes on this textured paper for loose techniques and for pennies a bookmark I can afford to experiment!


I filmed a proper review of these paints today but I probably won’t have the video up til next week. So you might be wondering about the squirrels, well I took my minivan to the shop today to get an oil change and inspection sticker and look what they found under the hood!


they made a nest with leaves and pine needles and chewed on one wires! Naughty squirrels! I have a hard time believing that my sweet grey squirrels did this, I think it was the red squirrels at camp because I left my van in the same spot all week (I take lazy vacationing very seriously) and I also fed the red squirrels some peanuts I had in my car. Probably not the best idea in hindsight. I also gave them some bread and pizza. Luckily The damage was repaired and it wasn’t very expensive. I had thought I might be waiting in the shop for a while so I brought my sketchbook and worked on some upcoming rubber stamp designs I have coming out soon! I knew if I didn’t have anything else to distract me (like my other craft supplies and the internet) I could focus better. I’m like a squirrel in that way. That’s what I can’t get too mad at them I guess LOL! Well, that’s about it from here. The birthday special in my teachable school (Any class for $42 with coupon code HB42 ) is good til Friday. I’ll be back tomorrow with a fabulously fun and frugal card making video and til then happy crafting!

38 thoughts on “Craft Fairs, Bookmarks & Squirrels in my Van…

  1. Your booth looked great!I agree ..something should stay open for the advertised time.
    Love the fuschia👏🏻Hope you still like the Meeden set..mine arrived after dinner.Love the packaging!Squirrels are a pile of trouble lol!


  2. So, Funny ! … My husband got my Chrysler van registered & inspected, today ! We feed the squirrels, too ~~~ but store my van in our attached garage, so … I think I’m safe !!! Haha !


  3. How much did you charge for your bookmarks? Hope you sold a ton! Do you sell them on Etsy or any online place where we non-Maine residents could snag a couple? I’ve been wanting to stamp some for my grandkids to go along with our Grammy’s Girls Read (the boys aren’t reading independently yet at 2 and 4 ) Book Club that I’m doing with them this summer. I can’t paint freehand, but I could stamp some lovely floral images and paint those, and I do have some book-themed stamps and want to get some more – there are some cute book-themed stamps out there lately!

    On the subject of pesky rodents, my daughter’s a/c went out recently (when our temps were in the 90’s here in Chicago-land) and the fix-it people said that the chipmunks had made a nest in there, and had chewed a couple of wires in half! Fortunately it wasn’t an expensive fix (as a/c fixes can sometimes be), but I think they should do something to discourage the chipmunks, as cute as they are running by their patio door!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I sold them for $2 as that os the price of all of my bookmarks and they sold as well as the laminated ones, I think it just depends on what the shopper likes. I don’t have them for sale online tho, maybe I’ll put some on the website in the future:)

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Lindsay,  you’re beautiful!   T. 

    From: The Frugal Crafter Blog To: Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 7:04 PM Subject: [New post] Craft Fairs, Bookmarks & Squirrels in my Van… #yiv3971244227 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv3971244227 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv3971244227 a.yiv3971244227primaryactionlink:link, #yiv3971244227 a.yiv3971244227primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv3971244227 a.yiv3971244227primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv3971244227 a.yiv3971244227primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv3971244227 | thefrugalcrafter posted: “Hi friends! This has been such an unusual week with a lot of stuff going on that it seems like it must be Thursday or Friday but nope, only Tuesday. Do you ever have weeks like that? I think it might be because I did a craft fair on Saturday. I haven’t do” | |


  5. I love that you stayed & your bookmarks came out beautiful. I see nests like that in the crooks of trees & wondered what made them. I can’t believe they picked your van to nest! Crazy critters. So happy you look at the bright side & prove positives are always there most of the time.
    Thanks for sharing.


  6. Love the booth, love the bookmarks too! And, you’re a very caring and thoughtful Vendor. Have been to craft fairs where the vendors do just that, leave when it gets slow and forget that not all folks can time their visits when they first open up! I like to shop later with less crowds and that way I get to have time at the booths to shop. Plus you can always find a “close” parking space! Boo to those that left.


  7. Hoping your craft fair was productive. Your book markers are beautiful. Wish I had your talent and energy! Those cute little pesky squirrels can do some real damage. They chewed throuh the sofet and went into my attic where they proceeded to chew $2,000 worth of electrical wire. Lucky I had no fire from it.. They love my pecan trees, but I did stop feeding them!


  8. Hello Lindsay
    The book marks look great, funny about your squirrels.
    Out here in New South Wales (Australia) it is so dry – we are in the grip of a terrible drought, and people are finding possums are eating anything that is green. The local town is on level six water restrictions – domestic purposes only. So it was a pleasure to see such lovely shades of green in the trees behind your stall.
    Barbara Young
    Sent from my iPad


  9. I really did love your book marks. But Was there baby squirrels in that nest? Poor baby’s.

    Lisa… your fan.


  10. Totally loved the whole story! Validate your decision to do the right thing! Bookmarks are wonderful & your booth was fabulous. Especially not done one in 16 years ? 16 years? Most unbelievable. ? Must have read something wrong ? 2002. ?


  11. You are a good egg, Lindsay! I am always disappointed when an event closes up much earlier than planned. Those bookmarks are stunning. I can imagine that with a little pimping, they might sell like hotcakes 😉 I don’t know the cost factor involved, but I can imagine them laminated, with a riveted hole punch, and corded tassle hanging off — looking quite smashing. Thanks so much for the awesome deal on your two new courses. I purchased both! Watching the sketching one currently. As I am self-taught, I am picking up some additional helpful hints and techniques. It will take some of the guessing out of the process. Cheers!


  12. I agree that vendors should stay until the end. It would be so annoying as a patron to go and find out there were few vendors. Thanks for the idea of bookmarks. They are so pretty. Looking forward to your Meeden review.


  13. I totally agree with you about the hours. Way back when, I had the same problem for an exhibition, vendors would leave as soon as the organizers would tell them “Nobody is coming, might as well close” even if it was like 3 hours before the time’s up. When I took over the exhibition, it was mandatory and written into the contract that vendors had to stay till the end. Yes, people will come, even if it’s quiet for a few hours and I don’t think it’s fair to customers when it has been advertised from 9 to 5 and vendors are gone.

    Have a great day and enjoy the hot weather we are having. By the way, I love Bangor, I used to spend my summer in your neighbourhood when I was in my early teens.

    Take care


  14. Your booth is very inviting. The sort of space that draws you in and keeps your there because there is so much to see. I love buying from local crafters. I agree that vendors should stay until the end of an event. After all you have paid for the space already. Even if business is slow you can get some work done.

    Good thing the squirrel damage was minimal. They get into everything. We once found a chipmunk nest in my husband’s glove compartment. What a mess.


  15. Looks like a fun booth. Wish I’d have been there to enjoy watching you do it and look at everything. Sorry about the squirrels mess. Hope it didn’t do any damage.


  16. I think it is rude for vendors to leave before the event is over. I’ve done a number of craft fairs/events and always stay until the end. There have been times I have my best sales at the end of the event (often because I’m one of the few vendors left so maybe I shouldn’t complain too much). I just think if you have committed to stay until a certain time, then you should honor that. You never know when a customer might come.


  17. My daughter has a vehicle made in Japan and the wiring is made with soy products. The squirrels chewed up her wiring not once, but twice. She has to cover her engine every night to keep them out. They do love soy, I guess.


  18. Your bookmarks are stunning and, oh my, those squirrels! You are such an inspiration to me, especially with your work ethic and how you choose to do art when you are in waiting situations, rather than what I usually do, which is to play a game or check my FB. I agree that vendors should stay for the full time advertised. I recently signed up for a craft fair and that is the stipulation to the vendors. No ducking out early. I will bring some art supplies along to fill in the time.


  19. Wow loved your booth very pretty wish i could have been there! My husband had a squirrel in his car once took it to work with him, but he did’t know it! It must have forgotten how to get out of the car cuz it ripped up the interior! He wasn’t mad either but he had to get new car!! LOL Poor little guy, the Squirrel!!


  20. Love your day at the Library. Reminds me, after I had my open heart surgery back in 2011, the local packrats had eaten/damaged the motor of my car that been sitting out for a while. Expensive? YUP! bought another used car. Cannot believe how hard it is for me to continue my Flower Painting class…adult son and daughter have more crisises than when all three children were infants. No ladies, cannot just turn my back, both have disabilities and I made the STRONG decision to mainstream them rather than special institutions. Hubby requested this AM for a picture to frame to hang in his office. OH more pressure. I know practice, practice, and practice. Loving following Lindsay posts.


  21. Every craft fair I have ever been in requires the vendors to stay until the posted end of the show. They also tell you that no packing up can be started until the show has ended. You sign an agreement which has these rules.
    Hope you sold lots of stuff! Happy belated birthday.


  22. Your squirrel story reminded me of a squirrel encounter I had last week. My grandson and I made a 6 hour journey to tour a campus in Nebraska. I was tagging along, admiring the beautiful trees when I thought I saw a small black kitten; when I realized it was a black squirrel and the guide us our eyes weren’t fooling us! Nebraska has black squirrels!


  23. Gorgeous work! The colors are so vibrant! As for the squirrels, they are sneaky little buggers aren’t they??


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