DIY Mint Chocolate Lip Balm!

A couple of years ago I ordered fancy lip balm base from a cosmetic supply company so I could make my own chap-stick  It was a small, very expensive jar of soy based balm. I got the jar of lip balm base and noticed it looked like Crisco vegetable shortening, when I read the ingredients my suspicion was confirmed.  Practically the same exact thing. Fool me once. So the other day I set out to making my own lip balm with ingredients from my cupboard and here is what I made:

DCF 1.0

It works great too and tastes good enough to eat! And it is all natural, so, unless you are allergic to chocolate or soy you are good to go. You just need 3 ingredients: Vegetable shorting, Chocolate chips (or carob) and mint. You also need a glass measuring cup to heat and mix the stuff in and small food safe jars to pour the lip balm into. You can get the jars in quantities of 24 at Papermart. Disclaimer: The tins I used in this video are for demonstration purposes only.

One would think that if I could whip up a batch of lip balm with success than I would be a good cook too. unfortunately that is not the case. I felt kinda bad that my husband came home to a house that smelled of mint and chocolate but there were no yummy goodies to eat.


Ha ha ha ha, actually it was my husband who came up with that “hey girl” line, he posted it on my Facebook wall and I just about died laughing, I had to make a meme of it! That’s actor Benedict Cumberbatch in the photo (AKA Sherlock) by the way, why should Ryan Gosling have all the fun LOL!

That does it for me today. I have a studio full of projects that need to be wrapped up and a knitting class to prepare for. Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

7 thoughts on “DIY Mint Chocolate Lip Balm!

  1. Haha fun stuff. Thanks for sharing. I actually have a question about card making…As a beginner, I am wondering if you make the whole cards at once, or if you make the card fronts only (not even sure that is what they are called) and have several ready to go on a card? For me right now making a card is a big deal and I would like to find a way to cut the time I put into my cards. Thanks for any ideas or suggestions.


    1. Hi Pam, great question, I think I’ll use it on my weekly “Ask a Crafter” vlog but I’ll tell you usually I make them all at once but sometimes I might make a bunch of backgrounds and save them for later;) It depends what mood I am in;)


  2. Haha – Lindsay, what actually got me started on this whole crafting habit (ahem obsession) was I started off by making handmade soap, crazy design melt and pour soap and “natural based cosmetics” like lipbalm – I got into card and tag making because I wanted to package them cutely – now I cant stop myself from papercrafting long enough to even make soap….that is honestly how it all started……Thanks for being okay about me posting a link back to your blog – you are so great that I think everyone should know about your super blog!


  3. Hi Lindsey! Loved this recipe – wondering if it can be made without the chocolate and some other extract from my kitchen, like pure vanilla extract? I know the chocolate chips have ingredients probably necessary for this process.


    1. the vanilla extract is water base and will not mix with the shortening but you can use the vanilla white chocolate candy melts from the craft store and they will mix beautifully!


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