Unleash Your Inner DIVA! {Make Disco-Diva Earrings!)

Happy Friday folks! TGIF! You can whip up these earrings in minutes and you will be ready for whatever fabulous adventure you have planned this weekend, even if it is just a trip to the grocery store (you might as well look pretty while you are picking out produce!) Watch this 4 minute video to see how!

My daughters want to make some of these this weekend, they are so fun and sparkly. The 10 yard roll of jewel ribbon is about $8 at Papermart. they also have glass rhinestone ribbon but I think that might be heavy for earrings. I can see many uses for this jewel ribbon from more jewelry to Halloween costume ideas (I have a feeling every girl is going to want to be a flapper this year!) and it is cheap enough to buy a couple of colors! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!