Machine Sewing For Dummies!

Let me clarify, I include myself in the “dummy” category here! 😀 I had a lady contact me because her mom had bought her a sewing machine at a yard sale and she desperately wanted to use it but did not have a clue what to do. I have been in that situation myself (a couple of times, I never met a free sewing machine I didn’t like LOL!) so I decided to make a video tutorial explaining all of the basic features every non computerized sewing machine has, what the knobs, buttons, dials and levers do and help you get your machine out of the closet and working beautifully. After the video I will list off some tips and tricks for you and if you have any questions be sure to leave a comment and I will get back to you (and please, if you are an experienced sewer and you read a comment that you know the answer to please go head and reply, we can all share out knowledge here!) On to the video!

So, you think you can sew?

Here is what you should do when you pull that machine out of the box, especially if it has not been used in a  while! You will want your manual handy but if you do not have one search the make and model # on the internet, if you cannot find the exact one try similar models from the same manufacturer until you see one that looks like yours. Sewing machines really are not that different…that is until you get to fancy computerized ones, I know NOTHING about those!

  1. Clean it! Use a small soft paintbrush to sweep out any dust and fuzzies that have collected in your machine, especially in the bobbin area and in the door you can open above the needle when the light bulb lives.
  2. Oil it. Your machine might have little holes for you to drop oil in, otherwise put a drop or two of oil on every moving part you can find.
  3. Thread your machine, wind a bobbin if you need to, practice sewing on a scrap of material   Relax and get comfy with your machine!

No machine? No problem.

Maybe you want to get an affordable machine, before you head out to Target to buy that Brother on sale for $89 look through your phone book to see if you have a sewing machine dealer or repair shop in town because often they take trade-ins or fix up old, way better than the plastic junk they sell at department stores, machines and they will sell them for a song. Even better you have a relationship with someone who can fix you machine or adjust things for you later. The department store machines will not last, I got one once and did a lot of sewing on it and a year later it died. Same thing happened to my neighbor about 3 years after she bought hers. I think these machines are designed to last long enough to sew some curtains and maybe a few maternity clothes before they crap-out. By then many people lose interest in sewing but if you are reading my blog I think you are a more hard-core crafter who will want to buy something that lasts for less money, am I right?

Well, that was a long post for me! I hope this helps you get that old sewing machine out of storage and in good working order, let this be the weekend of sewing revival. And yes, your husbands can thank me for getting you fired up about yet another craft that will over take your dining room table. Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!