Fast or Slow, you choose with today’s painting tutorial!

Hi Friends! Sorry I forgot to post yesterday, I just realized it but hey, as a special treat I have 2 videos for you tonight. I had several people mention that they would like a speed painting so I decided to release this tutorial as a speed paint with a voice over and  a real-time live narrated one too. You can pick the one that is best for you!


Here is the quick video:

Here is the long video:

Thanks for everyone who told me that the plant in the tutorial is an Angel Wing Begonia. Hopefully it will root in water and we can plant it! Thanks so much for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!


30 thoughts on “Fast or Slow, you choose with today’s painting tutorial!

    1. The videos are not showing up in email anymore and I am not sure why, you need to go to my blog or youtube to watch. I wish there was a way to fix this. I wish wordpress would stop changing things. They play fine from the blog though.


  1. Hi Lindsay 🙂
    Beautiful painting!
    Begonias are easy to root. Now that spring is in the air, they should root within 2-3 weeks, I would think.
    The two videos are a great idea.
    Enjoy your evening.


  2. awesome… I watched the speed one at the regular speed and the regular one 2x… LOL,

    I must say, the 2x one is still my fav. I speak very fast so watching your videos at 2x the speed is normal for me…
    My kids pointed that out to me… LOL


  3. Just lovely Lindsay! I watched your quickie tonight but tomorrow will have more time to do the slow one which prefer for your tutorials. I love Inktense and have the pencils but, this video makes me want to get the this set too. Thanks for your many talents, I watch almost all of your videos.


  4. Hi Lindsay, If you were to choose one or the other (inktense pencils or inktense blocks) which one would you choose. Please explain both.
    Thank you! Great videos!


    1. I think it depends on the person, If I could only keep one set I would keep the pencils because they are so useful and more durable, that said I alos like drawing freely with the wide stick too. Consider how large you typically work, card size-go for the pencils, 11″x14″ or larger-go for the blocks. They are about the same price and I think there is the sam amount of product in each set (The leads in the pencil are thinner but 3x longer so I think it is about the same.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks so much that was really helpful. I am experimenting in mixed media in a large size mixed media art journal and on a variety of surfaces so the blocks might be better for me since I already have an adequate set of watercolor pencils. I know you have mentioned on several occasions that you are planning a medium video. PLEASE hurry! Also, can please mention when and how modge podge can be used instead of gel medium. This is confusing to us all. Thanks again! Happy Spring…it looks like it will be in the 50’s this weekend up here in Maine. Waaahooo!


  5. Great tutorial! Brightened my night. I loved the 2 versions, watched them both. And thanks Lindsay for attendig my request of inktense blocks tutorial! I want more, this is soooooo good!!!!!! we had a plant like that when I was a little girl, I still found it so exotic, you really captured the essence of the begonia in this painting, simply perfect! I send my warm regards from sunny Brasila especially for you! 🙂 [?]

    Lidia Marina Hurovich Neiva

    *Lidia Marina Hurovich Neiva*

    * **Tel: 55-61-8204-4299*


  6. Hi Lindsay, I just watched the longer painting video and enjoyed it so much. I hope you will continue to share your talent and knowledge with people like myself who aren’t able to get out and take classes. Thank you.


  7. What a great video!!! Love the long one!!! Love that you Forgot the stems!!! Lol. That is so me! My grandma used to grow these begonias all the time! When ever I see them I think f her! It’s a must do painting!! Thank you!


  8. I watched both since you went to the work of doing both. However your full length are far superior, we get to listen to your thought process & all the jewels you drop along the way. For people who want the speed version they can just fast forward themselves cause obviously they are just watching for ideas, the rest of us are learning all along the way😃


  9. Just gorgeous, I am going to watch the long one through a couple of more times and then try it myself. And, I want to say it’s all your fault that I went to the Dick Blick website and bought a set of Inktense pencils (I have to have someone to blame, right?). Now, I own three sets of standard watercolor pencils, including Derwent, that may never again see the light of day.


  10. Loved the long version always so informative.. I have been watching your you tube for a year now and finally signed up here trying to make more time to play and learn Thank you ever so much for all the time you put into sharing your great talent


  11. Lindsay,
    I do not think you can root this plant in water.
    1. You have to cut off a couple of leaves.
    2. With a sharp knife make a couple of slits in the leaves.
    3. Lay the leaves flat on the dirt. You do not want the leaves to
    move around. I cut small pieces of wire and fold them in half
    so they look like the curved portion of a paper clip. Put a couple
    of these down over the leaves so they do not move.
    4. Keep the soil moist. The new plants will grow where the slits are.
    I have done this in the past so I know it works.
    Chris B.


  12. I love this post. You never let me down Lindsay! Thank you for the inspitration! Here in Greece we call that plant: Royal begonia! It’s my favorite plant! Thank you once again!


  13. I like your videos as your personality shines through, however, I don’t usually watch the long ones or skip ahead as I lose interest part way through. I don’t think voice over is the way to go for you as it’s not as genuine, but if you tried to keep them under 10 minutes it would be awesome. If I am trying one of your techniques, I just pause the video and try it, then continue playing it. That’s the beauty of technology!


  14. I love your painting. Great tutorial. Your plant looks super healthy. Are you sure it was leggy? They are hanging plants so are supposed to fall over and hang.


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