Here Fishy-Fishy!

Edit: If you want to read the full story of my day at the fair scroll down to the end of the post!

Hello Friends! What a day! I took my kids to the fair today and we rode so many rides I am still dizzy (it is $12 for all you can ride rides and we have to get our money’s worth you know!) What I don’t like about the fair are the pushy game people and the crappy throw away prizes. What is it about those cheap prizes that make the kids go nuts? Then again I had a black satin Bon Jovi wall hanging and Poison mirror in my room as fair trophies for years as a teenager so I guess they come by it rightly. At lease they don’t still give away goldfish as prizes.


Speaking or goldfish, do you want to see how I painted this one? Watch the video!

And in case you missed the tutorial for the DIY metallic paint here it is again:

I hope you are enjoying your summer as much as I am. Until next time happy crafting!

And now the rest of the story: I often schedule my posts to my blog so I won’t forget on busy summer days  (the 2 days I did not blog this month were busy “I forgot” days) so before I left the house this morning I scheduled this one. I took the kids to the fair, my sister, brother-in-law and mom all went too. Now I LOVE rides, especially the high daredevil rides. We begin on the Freak-Out! and the name did not disappoint, I loved it! We took a few turns on Pharaoh’s Fury and looked longingly at the Fireball (more on that ill-advised ride later) and a few rides I have forgotten all ready, add in a large bowl of french-fries, lemonade and soda and we have a recipe for disaster. There is a part of me that thinks “If my kids can handle these rides so can I” but I have to admit I can’t pile them on like I used to, especially the rides that spin or rotate. That is where we come to the tradgidy of my story. My little nephew wanted to go on the swings and I remeber liking them a lot in my youth and I did not think the mild rotation of the ride would bother me but after that I was not feeling so hot. I decided to save my strengnth so I could ride the fireball before I left. I stayed hydrated and walked around a bit until everyone was tired and ready to go and it was time for the last ride. “What do you think girls, wanna try the Fire Ball I said?” “Yes! wahoo!” they replied. The rest of my party decided that they would rather watch. The ride seats 2 side-by-side facing 2 other riders so usual a group of 4 will sit together. There were only 2 seats together left so I put my girls in them. I saw a vacant seat in another section and asked the family sitting there if I could join them, “Sure!” they said. As soon as I was buckled in I had second thoughts. As soon as the ride started moving I started to doubt my sanity. Halfway through the ride I was just hoping tho God that I would not throw up on the nice people who let me sit with them. Just after the halfway point of the ride the lady across fro me said “It’s almost done, hang in there.” I’m thinking “don’t puke on the nice lady, don’t puke on the nice lady” The ride stopped and I could not get out of there quickly enough. As soon as I saw my mom and sister waiting for the girls I bolted for the most discreet grassy area and proceeded to be reintroduced to my lunch. I was so sick. I came back and saw the family I was sitting with and the lady said “I knew you weren’t feeling good when you shut your eyes” I said “I’m just glad I didn’t vomit on you!” We shared a hearty laugh until I felt the urge to hit the closest garbage can for round 2. I have never thrown up in public in my life. I would have been so embarrassed except for the momentary sweet relief it provided. I’d love to say that was the end but alas I darkened 2 more garbage barrels before I was out of the fair. Moral of the story: Just because you CAN ride all the rids you want for one low price does not mean you should! Have a good night and again, happy crafting!

38 thoughts on “Here Fishy-Fishy!

  1. Poor you! Thank goodness you didn’t throw up on that lady. I can’t wait to try that salt trick – I never saw that before. This painting is so realistic. I am definitely going to try this one! Thanks so much for making art much less intimidating!


  2. Hi my Love Lindsay, hope you are feeling better. Maybe it was the food and not the rides….. Take care! Love ya’ Patricia


  3. Love this blog you inspire me all the time as well as just make me laugh!! Feel better and paint a Maine beach! We go to Lamoine every Aug for 3 weeks. Can’t wait to paint there!!


  4. I applaud you for giving it the old college try!! Now, I know the outcome, pun intended, was not what you would have chosen, but you rode the rides and ate the fair food. Bravo!! Your children will remember that day out of all others and giggle and love you more for the effort!! Even you will look back and giggle, maybe after a little rest 😉 hugs Barb


  5. Oh Lindsay you are a lot braver than I am. Bless your heart, your children will have fun memories of today. I think of my mother and the fun things we did. Did you get the purse I sent you? Have a good night and take care. Patricia Norman


    1. Yes! It is Stunning! I have a little something headed your way too! I love it! My Favorite color too!


  6. Oh Lindsay, I hope you are feeling better! That is the worst feeling and having it happen in public is no fun. I am glad you had an enjoyable time at the fair until then and I hope you recover fully and quickly and continue to have a fun summer with your family!


  7. Oh no! well at least that was exciting. I lost my lunch after a boat ride down the Thames and then an Open top bus ride… promptly got off the bus and introduce the bin to my lunch. I used to be a daredevil on every fast and fun ride. Glad I did it when I could!


  8. I feel for you cause I’ve been there and did that! I was thrill seeking in younger days but when I hit my thirties I couldn’t handle the rides that took me spinning . Now my biggest thrill is when I finish an art project!


    1. I think it was after having kids that throws your balence off, I used to ride all day when I was a teen!


  9. What a story! Are you scrapbooking it??? Just kidding. So glad you held it in until you were off the ride. I bet that other lady was rooting for you too!!I can’t go on rides anymore because of the brain disorders but I can’t say it really bothers me much as I wasn’t every overly fond of them at any time. Unfortunately having your mother throw up in public is at first humiliating and then funny – and they will never, ever let you live it down.

    Nice tutorial by the way!


  10. Lindsay you poor thing! Hope you’re back to your awesome self straight away. Now for my question ~ are we going to be seeing a scrapbook page with a picture of you with your head in a trash bin?! 🙂


    1. I don’t know, it depends if anyone grabbed my phone and snapped a photo of it LOL! I am totally including the story though!


  11. I’m in total awe you did as much as you did! I threw up after going through the kiddie haunted house ride when I was 13. Now I can’t even go on playground swings without getting dizzy.


  12. I used to love rides ,and as kids we were instructed to eat after we finished the knew you were at the fair when you could smell the candy , fried foods and yes throw up in the air…GOOD TIMES!
    The goldfish will be a must try for me,great video!


  13. Oh no!!! I hate to hear that you had such a time with the rides! I think we lose some of our equilibrium as we get older….I know I not only have trouble with some fair rides, but in boats as well! (I never used to get sea sick, but I did several times on the last boat ride I took!) Take care of yourself! 🙂


  14. Hope you feel better soon. I never could ride anything that went backwards even when I was young. Now I am too old and have too many health problems. My heart probably wouldn’t take it. Like you, I used to get anything, except for backwards. I could do loops or what ever as long as it was going forwards. If I happened to get on something that made me sick I would not get over it until I slept all night and got up the next morning.


  15. Fun tutorial….do you have a recipe for DIY “wink of stella”? (clear or gold) I put perfect pearls (pearl) and Windsor Newton iridescent medium and water into a water-pen, but am not sure of the right proportions? Any suggestions? Thanks, Lindsay, for all you share of your wonderful talents.


    1. I just use my DIY metallic paint and a wet brush the add the shimmer, the pens are too pricey for me:) Try it!


  16. Thanks sooo much for a really good laugh here today, and please donm´t misunderstand me, I didn´t laugh because you got sick, but because I really sooo enjoyed the way you told the whole story. I admit, I sat here laughing out loud, while I read it, and just remembered an almost simular situation a few years ago, and I too learned a lesson and have never entered anything likt that ever again ha ha ha.
    When all the laughing is done, thanks for a great tuorial too, it was just as great as always. I hope, both you and your family will have many more great summer days ahead here even not quite as eventurous thoug.


  17. that was such a good laugh! sorry it’s at your expense though lol. I know exactly how you felt, I felt exactly the same during the harry potter ride at Universal earlier this year. I did manage to keep down my lunch but only just! Great story thanks. 😀


  18. Hi Lindsay, I have Labyrinthitise at the moment, Which is like an inner ear infection. You get really dizzy and nauseous. So I am really feeling for you.from Jac


  19. Oh my Lord, Lindsay…I really feel for you. I used to love any of the rides but I suffer from vertigo now and can’t do anything that swirls or twists. I’ve gotten off a few in my time that have made me feel sick, luckily I’ve never actually had to find the nearest bin but know just how you felt. I don’t blame you…I blame the operators urging you to go on as many as you want for one price lol. Glad you’re okay now tho. xx


  20. Hi Lindsay, 🙂
    The goldfish tutorial was great and I am so happy you did it. Many years ago I had a 40 gallon tank with about 10 goldfish and 1 white goldfish. The white one was the bully of the tank and lived to be 20 years old! I plan to try this painting and hopefully it will turn out and it will be a reminder of the many hours of joy my past goldfish gave me and my family. Thanks!!
    Hope you are feeling better.
    Take care.


  21. Oh Lindsay…Just thinking about the rides made me queasy…lol. Been there done that!!! I hope you are feeling better. Loved the tutorial.!! One question…do you have your paper that you are painting on lying flat on the table or do you paint at a slight tilt? Thanks as always for sharing your talent with us!


    1. when I do a video it is flat but I prefer to have it at and angle because it is easier to see;) I will keep it flat when I am doing wet washes then tilt it after it dries for the remainder of the painting.


  22. I learned a long time ago, that you need to do the fair on 2 separate days; one day to eat the wonderful fair food and the next day to do the rides. Of course that would be 30 years ago when my twins were younger. Now I only go to the fair to eat.😸


  23. I hope you are feeling all better, Lindsay. I used to adore all rides, but can’t hack them now. Even the carousel makes me sick. lol Question: When I’m watching your videos on You Tube, if I skip the commercial after the first 5 seconds that are mandatory to watch, do you still earn what you’re supposed to from the commercial?


    1. I don’t think I earn the full amount unless the commercial is watched but if it had played than I earn more than a banner ad or a non-skip commercial. Thanks for asking:)


  24. I was eating dinner when I read your blog. I really….REALLY feel for you. You might want to read about the Epley maneuver. It may help stabilize you. That dizzy feeling can hang around for a long time.
    Ewwweh. I have suffered from ‘positional vertigo’ for years. I can get sick just talking about it.


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