Stamp Giveaway! A Journal Page! Fun Techniques Too!

Hi Friends! I have stamps to giveaway today from Art Neko (formally About Art Accents) and all you have to do for a chance to win is leave a comment. The winner will get the 3 stamps (mermaid, ladies and boat)  I used on this page and a $10 gift certificate to Art Neko!

DCF 1.0

This page was fun to make. I was not sure if I was going to make a card or a scrapbook page but I liked the background so much I did not want to cut it down to card size (you can see how I made this background on my Bad Background Paper beads video) so on a journal page it went. Watch this video to see how this page came together:

What do you link of the soda can, yarn and drywall mesh on the page? I think anything is fair game on an art journal layout. The journal I am using is by Canson, the pens are by Micron and the journaling templates were all provided by Oriental Trading Company. I really like the way my letters turned out all wimbly-wobbly by using the template. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and don’t forget to sign up for a chance to win the Art Neko stamps I used. This contest is open to everyone worldwide! I will draw a name at random on Monday, July 21st, 2014.  Also if you happen to shop at Art Neko be sure to use my coupon code Lindsay10% good for 10% off non-sale rubber! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting.

397 thoughts on “Stamp Giveaway! A Journal Page! Fun Techniques Too!

    1. I am always amazed at all the crafts you do and all the amazing things you create :o) This is absolutely beautiful, a work of art!


  1. How cool the background turned out once it was dry, Lindsay. I love the finished journal page. The dry wall mesh worked out just right and I love the sun :). I’ve got my fingers crossed that I may be lucky enough to win the stamps, I’m not usually very lucky lol. I’ll leave a comment on you tube as well but I think you like them here on the blog don’t you. xx


  2. You are so creative and generous! Thanks so much for the chance to win such great products and for, all the help you give us!


  3. Absolutely, positively, perfect! I so like the colors of the water. Makes me want to join the mermaid.


  4. Morning–I enjoy watching you compose your journal pages. Things just
    come together like magic I have learned so much. Keep up the great job.


  5. I love to look at anything done with the sea. Looking at the colors gives me a visual of having fun in the water and sand. I can imagine the cool wind and salty air.


  6. Those are really beautiful colors! I love doing art involving the sea and mermaids! Love ALL your videos. They are fun!


  7. Beautiful page wow ! I love the colors and way you used the gorgeous stamps . You continue to inspire and lift my spirits each day . Thank you so much !
    Big hug from me – April aka Floridamomcrochet


  8. I love mermaid stamps….I think I secretly want to be a mermaids or at least meet one ! ! lol thanks for the giveaway Lindsey!


  9. This is ADORABLE! I love Mermaids and anything to do with beautiful Aqua Marine coloring & gllitter! Thank you for this warm opportunity. Luv & Hugz, Cynthia


  10. kewl thank you for the chance to win I like your videos I learn new tricks from you that help allot
    have an awesome day
    smilz n hugz


  11. Love this – I made a whole series of under sea stuff for my grandsons’ bedroom few years ago – minus the mermaid, this puts me in mind of much of it. I used polymer clay to make a nightlight, several art board panels, lightswitch cover and a very cool octopus mobile. Thanks for keeping the vids coming, and for the giveaways. 🙂


  12. How exciting that someone could win these stamps! And what a wonderful project to demonstrate their use. The colors are so vibrant. That’s what attracts me the most.


  13. Beautiful!!!!! Love this so much. And yes, I agree, you always make it look so easy, but………..not so much for me when I try it. LOL Thank you for sharing.


  14. Love those stamps enough to break down and type with arthritic fingers, lol! Enjoyed your use of soda can and the page turned out awesome!


  15. Lindsay, you are an inspiration! Luv all ur videos and ur enthusiasm inspires me to create all forms of arts and crafts. Thank you.


  16. I’m really enjoying your mixed media videos. I love all your videos but its nice to see your take on the mixed media craze 🙂


  17. You seemed to have a fun time with the page. You made me smile while you were doing it. I have the journal, the micron pens, but no stamps. Would love to try!
    Thanks for all the time you spend encouraging others.


  18. Lindsay, you look like you could be a mermaid on your journal page!! Your enthusiasm and fun attitude are always inspiring! Is drywall mesh sold at Lowe’s?

    When I was in Michael’s earlier this afternoon, I noticed there are a wide variety of new rafia-mesh type rolls.

    You could even add some sea shells to this journal page…sand…

    Thank you for a delightful tutorial!

    Best wishes,



  19. Hi Lindsay 🙂
    Love it! You made your journal page so carefree, happy, just have fun and do what you feel is good time.
    While you were journaling, I was hoping you would not cut yourself on the pop can as you seemed so close to it. The pop can dots look neat.
    Thank you for inspiring me and others to just HAVE FUN!!!
    Take care.


  20. As always, appreciate your generosity in helping us with our art!! Thanks for the chance in the giveaway too.


  21. You are always so creative Lindsay! We love mermaids at our house, so what a great give away! Thanks for sharing and the opportunity!


  22. Absolutely love anything with the sea. The water looks fantastic. Thanks for a chance to win some great stamps.


  23. Dreamy!! So much to see and love on this fabby journal page!!!
    Thanks so much for the chance to win!!
    ❤ J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com


  24. Lindsay, you are truly a treasure, I enjoy ALL of your tutorials, you inspire me artfully. Keep up the good stuff!!


  25. Hi, I hope this is the correct place and way to Comment….

    I absolutely LOVE this journal page!! And I think it’s super cool that you used pieces of a pop can! (I have many pop cans lying around that I’ve been planning to use but the original idea didn’t quite work out so well… and stuff… so I have an idea on how to use them now) =)

    I love the mesh and yarn too… (Cool yarn)… wow wow. I love everything about this page!

    And I LOVE mermaids, always have! And So I am grateful for my chance to win this awesome stamp!!! Thank you!! =)

    (I’m “JandrAthala” on You Tube, by the way). =)


  26. Wow! ur so talented. the end result was beautiful. hope you continue inspiring others like me with what you do


  27. I have a total mermaid fetish and would be beyond thrilled to win this prize! Thanks for the cool tutorial on making this page (although I really want you to get those silicone finger covers because I am scared you are gonna really burn yourself one of these days!), and for the generous giveaway as well!


  28. I love how you make so many of the supplies and items you use. I really liked the cloud page, but once you had finished the journal page I was just as happy with the results.


  29. That’s a very fun page even though you covered up those lovely clouds! We don’t drink pop at all (hate the stuff) but I’m going to get some friends to save me some pop cans so I can play with them. I have some of that specialty yarn too and seldom use it. Thanks for the chance to win the stamps. I think I would use them quite a bit.


  30. AMAZING TALENT!..I also gasped when you covered the clouds!…..But…WOW!….it turned out great…I love anything to do with the Sea and mermaids( I’m a Pisces! )


  31. Found it! So cool – thanks for sharing your brave and beautiful ocean-y mistral-y scrapbook page with us. I am just beginning with my very, very first journal. I am afraid to touch it lol!!!! I”ll start with a beer, maybe.


  32. I love mermaids….sparkly greens & blues…shimmering gold…what’s not to love. What a way to chill on a hot summer day. Thank you for all you do for us. Beautiful.


  33. i love the ocean and the mermaid/fishing gals!….love fishing myself! thank you for doing these wonderful videos and giveaways.

    😀 evie


  34. what a wonderful layout, I have had so much fun watching your videos with all of the oops and oh well, along with the go with the flow attitude, I often reflect back to you when I am creating and have a fallacy, I know when I am creating that everything turns out or will get used eventually. thank you for sharing and giving me such inspiration. I have ordered a number of asian stamps and have not seen these I do hope that I am the lucky winner. thanks again


  35. I love the page…it turned out beautiful. I really like all the texture you created around the stamps. Congrats on your YouTube are an amazing “crafter (artist)” and are very fun to watch…you seriously need your own tv show! Go get’em girl!


  36. The texture of the sun is so beautiful and the whole page just makes me want to have a huge summer adventure! And the soda can is pretty awesome. 🙂


  37. Love this! I kind of have a question though. I’ve seen other people that art journal do this as well, I don’t understand why there’s a background page all prettied up if you just cover the entire thing? I guess that’s more of a statement, but you get what I’m saying. Anyway, I love your page! Love the funky journaling. Always a pleasure, Lindsay. Thank you for the chance to win! ~ Hugs ~ Pat (PatsTreasuresNCrafts on YT)


  38. I really enjoyed this video…everything came together nicely! I’m fairly new to mixed media art/journalling and I have learned a lot from your tutorials. Thanks for your inspiration and thank you for the giveaway!


  39. I just love your wave, almost too pretty to cover up! It does look like a tempest. The little boat looks tosed about. I really like how you added the quote, all caps and the curvy lines. Really looks great!! I would love to win!!! Iris,SavedbyGrace


  40. you have some of the neatest ideas and videos and the most enthusiasm of any crafter I know. I love watching you “create”. I have even passed several of your video posts on to my sister for her to use with her grandkids, whom she is keeping for the summer.


  41. I like the funkiness (is that even a word???) of these stamps. The page reminds me of those old time postcards you can buy on the boardwalk.


  42. You always seem to find a new way to create something very unique! Love to watch and gain ideas. Keep them coming!


  43. Linds- you always do such beautiful work! You’re such an inspiration. I’m like Cathy…..I’ve been a longtime craft collector. You inspire me to use my collection and make beautiful things.


  44. Thanks for sharing. I may not always do what you show or like it. But it always gives me zn idea and I just love that. Thanks


  45. Lindsay, I so enjoy your videos. Your up beat attitude and colorful projects are so fun to watch! (and I even bought the postcard stamp from Art Neko)


  46. I always watch your videos to cheer myself up!
    My daughter and I both love them. I splurged last week and got a candle warmer and a box of deli paper. She just handed me a scratch-off card while I was watching you!

    Thanks for sharing your talents!


  47. One of my fave art journal pages I’ve seen so far! Nice job using aot if household items we can find anywhere!


  48. I like how your page turned out. Love the mermaid and I like how the boat is riding the waves. Love the yarn you put on your sun and the soda can bubbles. The dry wall mesh worked out so nice too.


  49. Love how dimentional this is. Mermaids, how I love them. They are real in my dreams, haha. Love the colors.


  50. What fun stamps you used and the journaling rocks.Thanks for sharing and the chance to win the stamps! I love watching your videos!


  51. I love it! The colors you used are so beautiful! I need to start saving pop cans. We rarely drink it but now I’m going to! I love your creativity and the mermaid is awesome.


  52. I’ve gotten hooked on your videos this summer and have enjoyed them immensely. Love the aluminum can idea and the netting! Thanks for all the great ideas! (I learn a lot from you!)


  53. Lindsay, you are just having WAY TOO MUCH FUN with your Journaling book!!! BUT, have to say I am enjoying seeing what you do with it! TFS!!! The boat is WONDERFUL and I would sooooooo enjoy winning it! Thanks for the chance.


  54. OOPS, forgot to answer your question…will be saving any soda cans I get to give your technique a try….thanks for sharing that too!


  55. What a fun page. I watched the previous video & couldn’t wait to see what you were going to create with the background. I like the journaling stencils too. May have to break down & get them.
    Thanks for your beautiful, happy creativity.
    So Cal Barb


  56. Lindsay, be careful, you’ll burn your hands off!! I like Art Neko a lot, actually! I ordered from them the last time you mentioned them and got my 10% off plus they sent me a $10 gift certificate! Thanks for all your enabling, and the chance to win the stamps!


  57. You are great fun to watch and I hope you’re not drinking a lot of soda so you can stay healthy and be on this planet for a nice long time!


  58. is there anything you can’t turn into an awesome page with??? I love how you have used all kinds of things to make this page just really pop. The mermaid is awesome, who would thought a place in the mountains of NC would have a mermaid festival, but I love that I live where it happens. Any excuse to have more mermaids in my life is fun.


  59. I have to admit, when you grabbed the die cut and yarn I was skeptical, I thought “Oh, this is going to be awful.” I was pleasantly surprised. I love the bubbles from the soda can. We don’t drink soda so I will have to beg some cans from my extended family.:)


  60. Aaahhhh…makes me long for the beach and sunshine and beautiful ocean that I love SO much!! Thank you for the video!!🌞🏄🐳🐠


  61. Oh yippee! I love giveaways. I have always wanted to learn how to watercolor and you have taught me. Don’t know if you’ll read this but I feel like I should be paying you for all your teachings. I am so happy to be painting, even if it’s not that good yet. Need to buy some better paints. lol


  62. OMG this made me think of a Will Ferrel quote I just LOVE – it’s on Pinterest!!

    “Little old ladies in wheelchairs with blankets over their legs aren’t fooling me…retired mermaids!” – Will Ferrel

    I think it’s tru!


  63. Beautiful page, I love the background and your painted drywall tape tip! I saw in the comments that you might do video on that, I hope so!


  64. Journaling is fredoom of expression… It allows us to create vision or allows us to dump and reflect. Love it.


  65. Love, living the wave theme!! Also, what a super idea to re-use the ‘not for public display’ watercolored attempts–a freeing-of-yourself moment; only now, you end up with stunning beads! Wish we could spend a weekend crafting together. Please, enter me in the stamp-goodie give-away. Thanks for sharing your glorious talents!


  66. ((O))

    {0} wwwwwwww
    oo wwwwwwww
    \ / wwwwwww

    This probably won't come out right once I press send but It is supposed to be a representation of your picture! The top is the sun, then sun rays (") then the mermaid on the left and the 'w's are the sea! I was working with the materials to hand too haha!


  67. Hi Lindsay, another awesome journal page. I love those ArtNeko stamps. One of these days, I’ll get some. Thanks for the giveaway. Love ya’


  68. beautiful artwork and great recycling. it is always nice to see your work. Thanks for another opportunity.


  69. Love these stamps. I will have to check out. The website. I don’t have anything from this company yet.


  70. Hi Lindsay!! I always look forward to watching your Youtube video’s! I
    was so impressed with how you used so many different mediums and it all came together Beautifully!!
    Thank you for inspiring me to try it also! Love it !!!


  71. Love your art journals. I don’t how you you come up. With the inspiration to put them together. If I tried it, it would probably be boring as heck.


  72. Hi Lindsey,
    I just love watching your videos it was so nice to watch you make the backgroung and then use it. 🙂 It came out so pretty makes me want to be by the water. Keep up the great job.


  73. OMG!! You have become such an inspiration to me and that journal page was AWESOME!!! I watch your videos everyday and have actually tried to watch them all ( still workin on that)!

    I am tickled that you’re doing a giveaway and want to thank you for a chance to win. Win or not you have become on of my favorite YouTube teachers!



  74. How fun Lindsay! Thank you for hostessing another great giveaway! Looking forward to your next happy crafting!


  75. You are like a really good friend, always there for us crafters/artists to inspire, encourage and teach us to try new things. I love that you post so often it reminds me to craft daily AND I may even get back to making videos again. If I win the stamps, they will be my first real ones. I did attempt to make hot glue ones. 🙂


  76. I just got my first mermaid stamp today, before I saw your video. I didn’t know what to do with it, but now I do! I love your tutorials, and the fact that they are free for us. I’ve learned so much from you. Thank you bunches!!


    1. Dearest Lindsay, I just have to say that you are by far the most Artistic person I have ever watched! I also loved the pun about the knitting needle and the yarn! Since today is my birthday I am really hoping that I’ll be picked but even if I don’t I’m still your biggest fan! Tessa ~ ~ ~
      Ps.I watched the hand made bead tut, earlier and you make it look so very easy! Thanks for being such a great teacher!


  77. Hi, this was such a fun and cool page. Thanks for the chance to win some cool stuff from Oriental Trading. Love your video’s and the stamps are pretty cool!
    Hugs and Happiness


  78. I love all your videos; I am so inspired. and learn so much. You are such a ball of energy and so much fun. Thanks for all the information that you so generously share.


  79. This is awesome Lindsey. I love your videos. Thank you for all your inspiration. You are such a talented artist.


  80. I love using free contributions on my art, too! I try to control myself, but it is difficult.

    I must tell you that I made a test page using my different glues so I can see which one will work best for the glue resist page project, and two stayed tacky so I decided to put glitter on them right before I came upstairs to take care of my cats.. You probably know where this is going, don’t you? New vial of glitter from my very first purchase of ANY glitter, and while trying to get the top open to be able to use the sprinkler on top, up in the air it went, and red glitter EVERYWHERE!!

    From your sparkliest fan tonight!


  81. Love this video. Your easy fun loving style is so great. I love mermaids and am always trying to find convincing wave-like backgrounds. Good one!


  82. I absolutely LOVE watching your videos! You are so talented and so crafty! I love following the tutorials! Keep up the awesome work and keep punching out those videos! Love watching girly! 🙂


  83. I love your videos. You always come up with the most frugal way to make things. I like this art page, so much happening. I always tend to limit my art journal to less things as possible.


  84. Love the background and how you used it. I like the use of the can and mesh, I think it is being creative when you use things in unexpected ways. Also it is recycling, which is always good.


  85. You are total awesome sauce!! Love this project! THe mermaid is gorgeous alone!! Your process is amazing..thank you for sharing your craft with us all! Keep them coming..can’t get enough!! HUGs


  86. Hi Lindsey!
    This is Rasheenaturallynlove Nelson from YouTube. Great job as usual. I have a sister who is going through a divorce. She use to enjoy drawing and I told her about your channel. How inspirational your mixed art journal and overall attitude is. Please keep it coming. I would love to win the stamps and $10 gift card.


  87. I love that you used a soda can in the page! I came across a monster can that I thought was so beautiful, it was baby blue with white lace embossing, and I couldn’t throw it away, now I have an idea of what to use it for. Thank you for all the inspiration you bring to the world.


  88. You inspire me Lindsay! I took up card making just a couple months ago and stumbled on to your youtube channel. I am 55 years old, and finally quieting my awful 7th grade art teacher, who said I am not “artistic”. Thanks to you, I am painting again! Been a long time, but better late than never 🙂


  89. I love it and your other work. I’ve heard you say on videos that you don’t want to bore watchers with 20 minutes of this or that, and I always think ‘no, longer!’ hehe. I’m never bored watching you create, thanks for inspiring me to start my own art journal. 🙂


  90. What a great video. Love your enthusiasm! Inspires me to get my journal out and do some work. Karen from Ponder, TX


  91. Love this page Lindsey! You used so many types of things. It was very interesting and entertaining to see what you did. Lovely!


  92. I love the page and the quote! Plus painting the drywall mesh is a great idea I’ll have try it. I love your videos. Any tips for an aspiring art teacher?


  93. I really love how you can creatively teach someone to use anything and turn it into art !! You are so creative, and you inspire me to do more than I thought I was capable of doing !! Thanks Lindsay !!!


  94. So I have to say I thought the clouds pages was so beautiful and I was like why is she covering this but then after I saw it was so great so okay you covered it so you going to the just do clouds again another page lol
    Made my day after such a crazy day at work


  95. Again, you amaze me. I do love this. When you were gluing down the wool on the sun i was so waiting for you to burn yourself, only because i would. *ouch, ouch, ouch* HAHA!! Thankyou again for the awesome inspiration!!


  96. I had no idea Oriental Trading carried mixed medium products. Thanks for the tip, the great vid and awesome chance to win!


  97. Oh gosh I am so glad I found you, I was brought up a frugal Mainer and I just can’t throw anything away! You are my favorite artist and I love our style. I just need to have more fun in my journal like you do.!


  98. Great page. For your Canadian viewers – USA soda cans are much thinner than the Canadian cans. Canadians, be careful not to ruin your punches trying to punch through our cans. I had a friend collect a few and bring them home from her vacation to the USA.


  99. Love how the page came together,love the mermaid stamp! The page does remind you of the Tempest. I would love to see a video on how to colour the drywall tape!! Doesn’t summer just inspire you!!
    Thanks for all your easy “you can do it to” inspiration !!!


  100. Raised very strict and rigid and even in my 60’s fight for the freedom you teach. Love the color and textures and can hear the sirens singing to the sailors as you work, hahaha Keep up the encouraging lessons and thank you for the fun of these giveaways


  101. I really liked the yarn in the sun. Your so creative. The background made the most beautiful beads. I can’t wait to see how you use them.


  102. Love how your background page turned out once it was dry! I haven’t tried art journaling yet, to busy with other things, but I make tons of cards and don’t have a mermaid stamp! So maybe I’ll get lucky and win your give away. My dry wall tape looks like sequin waste and makes a great stencil!
    Thanks for all the inspiration and laughs,


  103. I would like to let you know I watch you tutorials every day. I haven’t made anything yet I just started 2 months ago getting supplies. I must say I have quite a bit. From card stock to washi tape to brails. I have been buying copic markers Derwent spectrum so on etc. Also water color paints acrylic paints brushes etc. Don’t want to bore you. I wanted to clean out my spare room too so I can get a little organized first. I know you mentioned you are from Maine. I live about 2 to 3 hours from you . Live in Fall River, MA. New England. 1 mile from the border of Rhode Island. Hope you have a great night. I will be looking forward on seeing some more great videso. Thanks


  104. Great summer idea for a journal page. Thanks for the intro to Art Neko. They have a wonderful selection of stamps and offer great customer service.


  105. You are so inspiring to me….I just bought some mixed media paper and stencils…..building my collection slowly…..hopefully I can create art half as good as yours…..:)


  106. Love love love that journal page. That sun is awesome and the mermaid is cute. Thank you for the giveaway. Diana


  107. Hi Lindsay! I actually loved your clouds, but your art journal page turned out pretty cool. The drywall mesh and punched can circles I wouldn’t have noticed them for what they really were unless you told me which is fun. Inspires me to look at items I throw away in a different light. Yay for recycle art! Hope I win the stamps and $10 credit. As always, I really look forward to your videos, so keep on keeping on! 🙂


  108. That was a really fun journal page. Thanks for sharing supplies sometimes it is really hard for people to get started and I appreciate that you do this for people, your the best.


  109. Thank You for the wonderful artwork and sharing so much of you! Oh and the chance to win some cool stamps.


  110. WOW … it is beautiful and I loved the items used ….. truly multimedia work. As always, so inspirational too.


  111. Hi! You really know all aspects of art. I look forward to watching you and learning from your next art piece. Thank you 🙂


  112. Hello Lindsay,
    I saw you create your waves background and fell in love with it.
    The mermaid and ship are perfect on it. I also had fun watching you make the can circles. I agree- The last I heard aluminum sharpens kitchen shears, so I think it will sharpen die cuts. Now I am going to try that on some dull ones I have and see if it works.
    Thanks for your enthusiasm and for sharing your knowledge!


  113. Loved this journaling page. It was a little bit of everything. By the way, to sharpen your punches, aluminum foil is better because you don’t have to go through as much thickness.


  114. What a great journal page! Love how you layered and layered!! I love mermaids and the sea…and your piece at the top came out gorgeous!
    Have fun at the farmers market! I hope to try one out too! “)


  115. Thank you so much for sharing this video, I’ve not yet done a summer or sea journal page and think I would love to try this one out. Great idea using the can as an element. Take care x


  116. Love your page….love your videos…can’t wait to check YouTube every day to see what you’ve created. THANKS.


  117. Love this journal reminds me of mixed media art…you crack me up..I find myself giggling thru-out your video. I especially like the way you layered all that netting behind the one pic! Hope I win the stamps!! Look forward to your next video!! Blessings to you!!


  118. Yes anything goes, and that is what makes journaling so much fun. I’m glad you chose to keep your painting intact. It’s too gorgeous to cut into. I like everything about your journal page, and I especially like how you colored the boat. Thanks for giving us the chance to win some neat stuff!


  119. Wow, I have been following you for awhile now and you are so inspiring! Everyone in my family is sooooo artistic and well, me, not so much. I do try though and this looks like so much fun. If I can just gather up my courage to try this technique. I just love the way you seem to be able to blend all kinds of different materials in your pages. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful talent and personality!


  120. Thank you Lindsay for your videos. You are so much fun and so free! I started watching you while I was in bed sick for two weeks this past winter and now I can’t wait for each new video. You have inspired me to get out my craft supplies and start painting, stamping and creating again! Yay!


  121. I love the way it turned out. Thank you for all the time and imagination you put in to making GREAT videos to share with us all teaching and showing how you create your amazing art.


  122. Fantastic pages. Love the quote and I don’t think it is nerdy at all to enjoy Shakespeare in the Park! I love it! I lived in NYC for 7 years and was able to go a couple times and loved it! Thanks for a chance to win too! Big hugs, Kristina


  123. I love love love mermaids and would be so so so happy to win the sttamps you used on this page!! Thank you for all the wondering things you do for your fellow crafters!! Hope your having a wonderful summer!!!


  124. As usual Lindsay, you continue to inspire me. I look forward to your tutorials every day. It’s become one of the activities I do regularly! You’re the best!!!


  125. Love your videos and all your neat tips and tricks! I haven’t tried art journaling yet but I think I’m going to soon… it seems like a really cool way to try things out!


  126. Hi Lindsay, I know you might think this is scary but I like the way your mind works…lol. You do things and use things I would never have thought of. Thanks for helping me think outside the box. Loved the page. Keep up the great work!!!


  127. Love the journal page, you have inspired me to start my own art journal and I am loving it! Thanks for the opportunity to win. Love watching the videos. They are so diverse!…Bobbie


  128. Awesome journal page. I love mermaids and I love your videos, I only watch your stuff now. I learn something new each one!!! You are the greatest teacher.


  129. Beautiful page as usual! Thanks for the opportunity to win these stamps, I would love to add them to my tiny collection! Thanks for all the work you do and everything you share with us art lovers.


  130. Really cool journal page! All the added extras really inspire me! The mermaids are so cool. I have two girls and reminded me of them! Happy crafting and thanks for the encouragement and inspiration!


  131. Love the journal page! Watching your videos always makes my day lighter! Thanks also for demonstrating all the cool products. I might not otherwise purchase some of the products out there. You make crafting look so easy!!!



  132. The video was good. I kept saying,” you’re going to cut your hand” until you put that soda can down. Glad you didn’t. Thanks for the videos. Happy crafting.


  133. I love all of your talent. The sun is awesome. I found some dry wall mesh in my storage room and can’t wait to use it. It is already green so I haven’t tried to paint it yet. Thanks for all your ideas


  134. really cool journal page. love the drywall mesh, and the stamps and the… lets just say all the techniques!!


  135. I am somewhat of a newbie to your videos & blog but I must say that I am impressed… Thx for all your advice and allowing us all to be a part of your day! Love the laugh and the smile! You’re a hoot! LOL


  136. Another great job. I look forward to your daily videos. I so enjoy what you do. YOU have really gotten me interested in water color.
    Have a blessed week.


  137. Lindsay, thanks so much for this wonderful video. You add joy to my day. You make me want to go see the mermaid parade in Coney Island (also very colorful, as you can imagine). I would love to win some stamps–either way, I am grateful to be your online student.


  138. What a cute page! I love the quote, too… so much so that I actually used this quote when I did my version of your other mermaid journal page. I really like the products you show/use from Oriental Trading, but when I checked them out online, sadly, their shipping to Hawaii was exorbitant. Maybe YOU could influence their shipping rates to Hawaii. 😉 **wink, wink**


  139. I love watching your videos. I love your Maine accent. I live in Florida so I have a southern accent! I really liked the way you added texture to your page by using the yarn, mesh and tole. It turned out great!!


  140. Hi there 😉 I just found you by watching you tube videos I love your work I’m. Very interested in the art mix media world I like listening and watching you and your techniques I have learned a few things so far I will continue to watch your videos and share you with my other art friends 😉 the ladies and I were talking about making mermaids in a cigar box and some mermaids crowns the live sunshine video totally inspired me !! Thanks your awesome


  141. Found one of your videos right after the first of the year, have been watching them ever since! I’m not artistic but You have inspired me to try using water colors and doing an art journal. My journal is not as beautiful as your’s but I love when you say ‘it’s okay, it’s my journal’ when things don’t go as you plan. I say that a lot! 🙂


  142. Hi Lindsay, I found my way over to your blog 🙂 I have been watching (lurking) your youtube channel for a couple of years now, but this time I need to comment on how great your AJ page turned out! I am going searching to see if I can find the clouds stencil and give this a shot myself. God Bless oriental Trading for helping you help us be creative crafters!


  143. You have such great vision of how things can look together. The sun is fabulous and I really like how you used the soda can. Thanks for inspiring and giving us a chance to win in your giveaway.


  144. I just recently found your YouTube videos and can’t get enough! You’re my kinda crafter. I retire to live on Kauai and I want to get back into my painting and crafting. I love mermaids and I love the ocean so I decided I would give it a shot and try to win this contest. Come see me sometime in Kauai


  145. Lindsay, I love this project. You have gotten me to come out of my shell and start creating and I have learned so much about myself as a result. Plus I enjoy your company, you make me smile.


  146. Lindsay i absolutly love your art! I watch your videos all the time and am always waiting for a new one to watch. You inspire me to be arty and crafty too!! And i just wanted to thankyou because i have so much trouble being motivated to start painting or drawing 🙂


  147. I enjoy all your videos but I think the ones where you show your mistakes are my favorits. It shows its OK to goof up and that chances are something great can come of and if not it’s only paper. It is amazing to me all the things I am getting ready to try. Thanks for the nerve to do so.


  148. I was following links about homemade gelli plates and ended up at your youtube site-great instructions and fun video! I have been trying to avoid the cost of a “real” plate so I am ecstatic to find the homemade version. Thanks! Love the stamps too-enter me in the drawing please :0)


  149. Love your artsy journaling, watch all your videos, you are so informative, you are so talented. What a great idea using the can, and the wool. Thanks for sharing your talent.


  150. That mermaid stamp is to die for! I love all your works and subscribe. Thank you for the chance to win.


  151. Hi ya! I love all your videos! You give so much information and inspiration. You are so good at what you do. Keep up the good work/fun!! And a fun giveaway


  152. Hi Lindsay,
    at first I thought the sun would be way to large for the picture but after you glued the yarn down it just looks great.
    And what a clever idea to let the boat look like it gets raised by the wave! I have to start looking for hidden pictures in my backgrounds, too.
    Thank you for information about sharpening the punches by punching aluminum cans – that’s really useful. AND you get nice little embellishments.
    Love, Tina


  153. Thank you for giving us a chance to win these stamps. Love to watch your videos. They always make me wanna draw or doodle or just explore my own artistic ability.


  154. Love the page, especially the background, really quick and easy way to create a great background, and each one really different. Also just love the mermaid stamp. I check in each day to see new vids and watch them all. If I have lost my mojo , I can normally find it after watching you. I have started painting again because of you. Thank you. Just love watching you, you make my day complete!!!


  155. I admire your intrepid methods of combining different textures on your journal pages. I watch your videos every day to get inspired and learn how to use all this stuff I have on my crafting table I have never used before!


  156. I love how you combined all of the random elements to create a beautiful new whole! I’m a beginner and it seems impossible to me to let go in my art journal.


  157. I love your courage in putting odd things together to make such a beautiful new whole! I’m a beginner and hope to be as “brave” as you sometime soon!!!!


  158. Love your tutorials and I absolutely love the mermaid stamps…I am simply crazy about creatures of fantasy 🙂 Stunning work as always. I love the make your own mesh that you did…anything to add more texture to a peice is always great.


  159. I love all of the textures and the way the background fits the sailboat so perfectly. I especially love the mermaid. I want that same set of templates so I will be ordering that soon. I also place an order at Art Neco Stamps but I totally forgot to mention that I was sent by you. Sorry 😦 Thanks so much for all of the helpful information and the entertainment and smiles you always provide. 🙂


  160. I love this art journal page, it’s very beautiful.
    Your videos inspire me every day, as does your great attitude. Thank you so much for what you bring to us, I greatly appreciate it.


  161. Love watching all your videos and always anxious to see what new and unique way you come up with to add to your art. You are so creative. You are my first stop every morning. Thanks for sharing.


  162. It would have never occurred to me to use a tin can as an embellishment! The drywall mesh is brilliant too. This is one of the many reasons why we love you, Lindsay. You are always giving us the best, thrifty ideas!


  163. I think you’re amazingly creative and you put a lot of character into everything that you make. you help motivate us. Keep

    up the bubbly personality you have we love youthank you you’re wonderful.☆★☆★☆★☆★☆♡♥♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡


  164. love this art journal page. im new to art journaling and I love watching your videos to get ideas and neat ways of using different things to create art.


  165. I have been learning SO MUCH since finding you on youtube!! Thank you so much for all the time you take to share with the world your beautiful personality and creative talent!! I look forward to your videos everyday. Thank you!!


  166. This is so pretty! I love the colors used! I need to start a art journal, so very inspires by you Lindsay!


  167. Thank you Lindsey, looking at your work is making me want to do watercolor again, and I also love your cheefulness. ❤


  168. CREATIVELY ENTERTAININGLY UPLIFTING !!! That’s what you are girl. I just moved to a very remote island community and have incorporated ocean scenes into my art work. Last week I did a mixed media piece that incorporated a mermaids tale I had made with p/clay. I placed the tale at the top as though she were swimming out of the picture. As you can understand supplies are hard to get but I found the backing of some glass tiles that is somewhat like drywall tape and used as an interesting background, plus some funny yarn much like you used (mine was blues and greens) to look like seaweed. I used a lot of metalics as well. It was as though we were thinking alike when I watched your video with the ocean scene.

    I love your videos and all the tips you give. Please don’t ever stop. I would love to win your stamps as I have a few ocean scene stamps that I press into p/clay to make tiles for a mosaic and would love to do an ocean scene this way.


  169. Thanks so much for sharing these ideas!! Your so creative all the time. It is so fun to see your energy and all the craziness..:) Makes me so happy! Keep it up!


  170. It’s always fun to see how these kinds of project turn out. I was laughing, finding myself not really seeing where you were going which is exactly what my hubby goes through when we is watching me. He likes to know the details, but honestly I can’t even tell him those until I’m done, so now he just scratches his head and walks away until a project is done now instead of trying to get me to explain out my creative path. Heck I don’t even know where I’m going sometimes. =D


  171. I love this journal page! You use so many different items and put them all together in such a wonderful way. I must start thinking outside the box a bit more in my journal.
    Best part for me was the yarn on the sun, the tin can cutouts and the dry wall tape you did the vid on (am going to try get some of that from my local hardware store tomorrow to make my own!)
    Beautiful stamps too! I wish Art Neko thought I was as awesome as you are xD. Ty so much for the giveaway, and for making it international, as I live in Spain and these things aren’t very readily available.
    Hugs xoxo


  172. I love the way different mediums, textures, and tools create a masterpiece! There’s always a place to use something that didn’t come out exactly the way you wanted it to!


  173. I just love watching your videos, it always seem like you are having so much fun it makes me smile. Thanks for your wonderfu attitude.


  174. First off thank you for all the wonderful videos you post I have learned so much from you!! Second I love the sun and when you were cutting the can I was laughing so hard you bring so much joy to your videos. Thanks for the chance to win the stamps, I am new to stamping and I’m building my collection slowly!! Have a great night!!! Xo Jennifer


  175. Wild & wooly woman you remind me of myself! Kinda scattered; house that’s beyond “damage control”!!! Identify with that spirit of wanting to ignore the “minutia of daily living” !! – to squander away hours & days playing in & getting lost in the bliss of color & pattern & being swept away…


  176. I just came across your work yesterday and have enjoyed everything that I have seen so far and can’t get enough. I look forward to seeing much more. Love your techniques.


  177. Hi Lindsay,
    This is such a marvellous view – To see your image growing from your fingers/hands is so amazing. I know we are not allowed to compare with each other but this is just what I like to be able to do. The way you are making art is so fantastic. I am grateful to find you and watching your videos all I can. I would love to buy the stamps as well but I am afraid that I have to pay 5.8 times the amount (I live in Denmark and our currency is DKK) beside I have to pay Toll as well, I really wish to be that lucky to win this giveaway .. Thank you so much dear Lindsay Weirich.

    Kind regards Mariane


  178. you are amazingly creative…such an inspiration. wish i had a fraction of your energy!! love watching you work. thanks for chance to win some supplies!!


  179. thought you might be interested in this paper Nick has come o ut with-your youtube got me into the templates!!! blessings, Angela


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