Ask a Crafter & a bit of a rant!

Hi friends! I am trying to get into my happy space after opening a bill from my hospital after my “procedure” last month. Wouldn’t you think if an insurance company will only agree to pay half that the hospital is grossly overcharging you? I think so because the level of care I received and the bill did not jive. For that price I should have got a boob-job and not a mammogram! I’m ticked off. I am trying to shake of the negative vibes I am feeling. Grrrrrr. But on a positive note it’s ask a crafter time, I’m solo this week but hopefully I can get together with Kathy and Lorraine next week.

Video! (Sorry that the video is not showing up for email subs, I still do not know how to fix it, please click over to my blog to see the AAC video)

And more of my American healthcare rant, you can stop reading if you like, I don’t mind, really:)

I’m sorry to so cranky, I actually thought of deleting this rant, but nothing makes my blood boil more than the cost of healthcare in this country. Insurance is insanely expensive and they do not cover everything, not even close. We all pay 5x or more for insurance that what other countries pay to provide healthcare per person. Hats off to the UK, I wish they would teach our leaders how it’s done. Let’s get rid of insurance companies and only spend healthcare dollars on people providing healthcare. Get rid of billing departments and insurance companies, think of the money we’d save. Have drug companies compete for business. Prices would drop because the winners would be the sole provider of the drug, implant etc. We can even retrain the people who used to work for insurance companies to be doctors and nurses, we can find them jobs. Best of all everyone will have healthcare and since we are not paying crazy insurance premiums we can afford a little extra taxes. It’s not socialist…OK maybe it is but then so is public school and I’m all for that! Don’t get me started on the price of a college degree that is not worth the paper it is printed on! Sorry to get political on you, actually I do not care for either of the political parties but I always vote! Feel free to leave an AAC question in the comments or a healthcare rant, I am sure I am not the only one frustrated by this. I apologize for going off topic there but I do feel better venting, thanks for listing guys 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

119 thoughts on “Ask a Crafter & a bit of a rant!

    1. They are sneaky buggers, they stopped covering eye exams at the eye doctor we always had without telling us and when I called they said we only cover eye exams at out partners and that was Wal-mart, I feel a little funny getting my eyes checked at the same place I buy cheap socks. I don’t think they told the eye doctor either because they were submitting claims and getting lots of nasty phone calls from their long time patients.


  1. I have had very poor health my life. We moved from the US to Germany because I had gotten so sick I could no longer work (my husband is a German citizen). The year before we left we paid, after insurance, around 30K. The first year we were in Germany it was maybe 1K – this includes an 8 day stay in the hospital which we were charged 10 euro a day, I had a 4 day stay in the US which cost us about 10 times that (per day). Yes our premiums are a lot higher then in the US but overall we are paying sooo much less and, in my opinion, get better treatment. Unless my health takes a major turn for the better we will staying in Germany – 30 days of vacation per year doesn’t hurt either.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I absolutely agree! We are paying close to $12,000 for health insurance premiums with a $10000 medical deductible, $60 co-pay per visit to doctor, $250 copay for hospital visits, $5,000 prescription deductible then 20%-45% per script after we meet the deductible! I feel as if I get raped every time I have to go to the doctor or get a prescription. Total insanity!

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    1. that is crazy! How much do these companies think we can bear? I thnk my lucky stars that I don’t need medicine…


  3. Definitely do not mind the rant. I have been sick lately, but well now, thank the blessed Lord. My hospital was $174,000.00 . There a week. Had a few tests and sat in the bed and got IV drugs. Amazing!!!

    BTW, I love your posts and tutorials.


  4. So glad I live in Canada where we have FREE health care. I’ve had 8 surgeries, including brain surgery, and I’ve never seen a doctor bill in my life. On the flip side, yes, our wait times are a bit longer for non-emergency health problems but that is because everyone has access to exactly the same health care. Sorry for what you have to go through in the States. I have many friends and relatives in the States and I hear about their problems dealing with health organizations all the time. Hope your government gets its act together soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “FREE” meaning prepaid. I had was corrected by fervent supporter of England’s NHS. We have to assign value to it so people understand it is an investment in the future health of the country. What sort of person doesn’t want a healthy population?


      1. Free as in we, the public, do not pay for health care in Canada. The government collects a certain amount from businesses that covers the costs. Each person, regardless of their income, has the same coverage and receives the same treatment as recommended by their doctor. The rich do not get quicker or better treatment than someone poor.


  5. I got obama Healthcare and because when I leftmy job they didn’t tax the loan i hadn’t paid back so that and what I took from my profit sharing when I loved it to pay off hopsitals, ambulances and other things like a new car that i would be safe drving I had to ay back to Obama care because I made too much money. My taxes before OC i owed 3000.00 to federal after 8000.00 so when I get my Medicare the IRS can go screw themselves. I jut might break even for a change/


  6. You are so right…we pay over 800.00 dollars a month and have yet to met any deductible and I have several chronic issues so I am going to the doctor often….I think do you know how many art and craft supplies that money would buy….and I would feel better and more relaxed by having and using them….and education that whole thing is a joke too….good rant!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I did without health care for a number of years before I was finally old enough to get medicare. Luckily I have been pretty healthy all my life and need no prescriptions. It amazes me how the cost of living has gone up so much faster than wages have. Don’t know how the younger folks manage to survive let alone save for their old age.


    1. I don’t think they are saving, they are in debt up to their eyeballs with student loan debt so they can’t buy a house, they are working jobs that are not the high-paying ones they went to school for (unless they work in the medical field) they have credit card debt and can’t buy a house so they are paying rent and getting noting out of that inc=vestment. How are they to get ahead. It is insanity! I know more 30 somethings working at the mall with a bachelors degree that they are still paying off. It is a mess.


  8. Rant away! I live in the US now but lived in England for 16 years and worked in the National Health Service for most of that time. It is better for our country to have a healthy population with access to healthcare. And FWIW I worked at a major hospital and government standards were that all people with suspected cancer were seen within 2 weeks of seeing their family doctor who should send the referral in their presence. The suspected breast cancers were often able to get a needle aspiration and histology at that appointment and thus discharged or further tests and care plan arranged. All the medical professionals worked together as part of a multidisciplinary team for the best and most cost effective care of the patient.


    1. Hospitals are so inefficient in the US, they had me come back 3 times, I’m sure to rack up the bill. And we live in a fairly isolated area so one corporation owns everything, the say non-profit but I do not know how they can with a strait face.


  9. I agree! I keep hoping the healthcare issues will improve but have had my own negative experiences with the insurance companies. Hang in there!


  10. Don’t hesitate to go through that bill with a fine tooth comb. My sister had a hysterectomy and when she got the bill her husband went off (he’s an accountant). She never had half the procedures they said she had. She never took a tylenol, yet they were charging her for taking them (at $10 per tablet mind you), and the doctor charges were off the chart. She was charged for seeing a half dozen of them, but only saw 1 doc, 1 anest, and three nurses, that was it. Yet the bill said she saw 8 doctors and 3 anesthesiologists. By the time my brother-in-law audited the bill and screamed, they cut that bill down by $35 grand. So be sure to go through line by line for everything. Then fight over it.


    1. that’s outrageous! My bill was only 3 items. I am calling the insureance company to find out why half the bill was not covered. If I find out the hospital overcharged me there will be H$#& to pay:)


      1. Lindsay, Never pay a bill with out getting the EOB (explanation of benefits) from your ins. Co. First! You get serious financial considerations and adjustments through prearranged agreements the ins. Co. has with drs. Hosts. Etc. I paid 4,000$ for some PT…my insurance co. Told me I only needed to pay $900…….I paid my bill right away… It took almost a year for the provider to pay me back!!!
        Ps I think the reason health care is so costly is because of not Doctor!…but LAWYER….and for sure not Indian Chief!!!


  11. Rant away! The way I see it is we need to have a dialogue in this country if we want it to change!

    I’m fairly young and in decent health but I went without insurance for a while after college. My first job paid crap. It was terrifying. I literally took zero risks. If I can’t afford the premiums, how would I pay off a emergency room bill?!

    My mother spent almost all of her adult, post-divorce life without insurance. She worked in a contract position and wages now days are pitiful for a single mom. When her health took a turn, we couldn’t even afford for her to be diagnosed. She remarried and finally got insurance… Unfortunately, it was only to find out she had about 6 months to live. Her illness could have been treated had she been able to see a doctor without jeopardizing our rent payment or groceries and started treatment.

    I’m always bewildered when people advocate against a universal system. Our system isn’t working for most of us. And people die because of it. My sister was only 14 when my mother passed from a treatable disease. I want people to know that these policies have devastating effects on real people.

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    1. First, I am so sorry for your loss, that is awful the power these heathcare system has in a bad way, you mom concerned that she could not afford the bill did not go in. A universal system would be cheaper for everyone, any extra taxes we would pay would not even come close to your insurance premiums. And companies could pay better wages because they are no longer responsible for providing health insurance. Obamacare is an unsustainable stop-gap law. We need to have a universal system instead of forcing more people into a broken, wasteful system. I wish I could send you, your sister and step dad a big hug, take care.


  12. I totally England,even the unemployed,who don’t pay any contribution,get treated for free! And yes the wait might be a bit longer for non emergency,but all other cases get treated within 10 days!sorry you had to go through that sometimes you feel that you’ve been denied something that is in your right to have.


  13. Lindsay, love your videos, they are a hoot! Your knowledge and information is so appreciated. I’m in CA where everything seems to cost more, but I personally can’t complain about healthcare, we have an HMO and I have to say they have been fantastic. I do hear other nightmare stories about other companies though, and can certainly understand everyone’s frustration and boiling blood pressure over our overall health care system.


  14. Lindsay, you can contact the kill medical center and negotiate the bill down. Down to the point where all they accept is what your insurance pays them. I do the same rant and that rant on Black Friday, if they lower the prices in the stores THAT much for one day, well now it is weeks before and weeks after, think about how much they overcharge you all year long. Fight that bill! You can do it.


  15. here here on the medical care rant… I just since may 2014 i had a mammo (which was not at all covered), sono, MRI (only half covered), biopsy, lumpectomy, 18 weeks of chemo, 6 weeks of radiation and the whole time i was out of work on medical leave and now i have to add physical therapy onto that list for the next few weeks… I can’t begin to explain the amount of medical bills that have piled up, or the number of bill collector calls i get now… It’s so sickening… not to mention i was supposed to still make payments on my medical insurance AND I had co-pays every time i went into that building which was sometimes as much as 3 x a week… so so sickening that in a time when you are supposed to be resting and recovering from cancer treatment, you have to stress over where the money for bills and co-pays is going to come from. Luckily i had a couple of friends loan me money and my boss covered my insurance until i got back to work… still way too much stress… but it shouldn’t be so exorbitant as it is… something to the effect of 15k in under 6 months (the not covered by insurance part of things) – Grr… subjects that really make me angry medical coverage and cancer treatments both are a racket I tell ya!


    1. Bless your heart, that makes me so mad, you should be recovering the worry of the bills can undo the good of the treatment. We need real reform, not a band aid.


  16. Hi Lindsay rant away! you’re real and human..I live in the UK and after reading your post it made me realise that although we pay for our National Health Service through national insurance and prob tax, I would rather pay this way than having private medical insurance…the system is by no means perfect either. Plus we pay a lot of tax out in various other ways as well so maybe it’s just swings and roundabouts?? Anyway hope you get your Jive back on soon XX


    1. We pay a much higher % of earnings to healthcare, I think UK on average pays 3k per person per year and out premiums are about 12k and not everything is covered.


  17. You are 100% right, L. It’s hard enough to pay for the expertise of health care workers and the equipment and medication for the procedures. Why should we be supporting a for-profit middleman? This changes all the health care decisions from being about what is best health-wise, to what is best profit-wise. People without any education in health care have the last word, telling the doctors what they can and can’t do, telling patients what care they can and can’t have. Put an end to for-profit insurance, and bring the cost of health care back down so people can afford good health.


  18. Totally agree with your healthcare rant and view. Health care costs are so out of control. Every time you walk in anymore you have no idea what will or not be covered.


    1. yes, I wish they would tell you, of course I’d probably never go it, I only go in for my yearly checkup as it is and got the stupid mammogram because my doctor said I should get a baseline before I was 40. A 3k bill to tell me I am fine? Thanks a lot. They should change the saying to “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death,taxes and hospital bills.” LOL!

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      1. I thought a yearly mammogram was supposed to be covered as a preventive measure. Is that only after you’re 40? I needed a stress echocardiogram recently. Insurance paid most of it, but I still owed $1700. Guess I’ll risk the heart attack next time! Also, my insurance decides how my prescriptions should be filled completely ignoring the way my Dr. writes it. They get more copays their way!

        My mom has had a ton of health issues the last several years and the time it takes (3-5 months) to get in to see a specialist is ridiculous. Her internist finally hospitalized her so she could see all the specialists at one time with no wait. Now tell me that’s cost effective! I don’t believe for a second that it would be even longer with a more progressive system. Just another scare tactic that people who want to believe do believe! Conservatives hear the huge number of people who are unhappy with Obamacare and want to believe all of those people think OC goes too far. They don’t understand that 1/2 of those unsatisfied are people who believe it doesn’t go far enough. Too bad congress wouldn’t let Obama do what he originally intended to do and actually help people. Maybe those of us who make enough money to buy our own insurance without subsidies but don’t make enough to easily pay what insurance doesn’t cover would have been helped too. At least my yearly rate increase is only 20% vs. 30-60% now. woo hoo.

        Rant away!


  19. Healthcare cost are definitely insane. I just became a stay-at-home-artist a couple months ago and i’ve really got to figure out what to do about insurance before I end up penalized next tax time. Ugh.

    Anywho….I actually have a craft question for you.

    You inspiried me to try watercolor painting. I bought a watercolor pad, a 36 color artist loft pan paint set and some brushes. I tried out a painting and the colors all look so flat. What techniques should I work on to give my paintings depth?


  20. Amen, sister. Do you know anyone who has benefited from the new health reform? Not me. There has to be a better way!


    1. I now people who have been able to buy insurance but I don’t think they have used it yet, that will be the real test. My coverage has gotten worse and more expensive.


  21. Lindsay, feel free to rant at any time, its good for the soul.
    I hear you and I understand how bad it is, here its even worse. We get “free” health care. Great (South Africa btw) but the free health care is so bad that you are more than likely to die rather than mend.
    My dad died after “free health care” and they let me lie in labor for 72 hours with my daughter when I had full blown pre-eclamsia. We both nearly died.
    So yeah, health care is a world wide issue, there are a few countries that got it right. Mine is not one of them.


  22. Just a quick addition to your first AAC response. I kept some stamps in a box by an attic window which got very hot one summer and some of the rubber ones went crumbly 😦


  23. I agree with you about health care in our country. I’m on disability and as of this year I can’t even afford my medications or my co-pays so I don’t go to the doctors…… Unfortunately things are only getting worse.


    1. oh no, I would think you would be covered if you couldn’t work. Crazy. What ticks me off is that the same drugs cost 4x more here than other countries because they CAN charge it. It really makes me mad because our taxes fun research and they tun around and charge us for the drugs, they get you coming and going. Disgraceful. Take care of yourself my dear;)


  24. Can I just say, I have lived in the UK for all my life, no one in the UK gets free health care, we all pay a monthly contribution ( even the unemployed who have what they call their stamp put on by social services ) So like Canada it is a pre paid service. I also worked a a nurse until I too became ill and had to give up my work. Now I am a huge supporter of our NHS but it is in crisis big time at the moment, if I want to see my GP I have had to wait 6 weeks and I am not alone, the Goverment have put in all these wonderful targets for waiting times but unfortunately there is not enough beds and staff to actually achieve them and of course they never take into account that things don’t always go to plan so a great deal of appointments and ops get cancelled at the last minute. So it is a long way from perfect and a lot of money is wasted but when you need emergency medical help its there for you which is a huge comfort. I am shocked at how much you pay in the US though! Wouldn’t it be great if we could all get together and work out a health care system that would work for everyone then all use it.


    1. agreed! And yes, noting is free, we pay property tax to pay for schools and income tax for the national government to waste on whatever tickles their fancy at the moment but healthcare premiums for a healthy family are 10-20k a year USD and they every time you see the doctor you have to pay part of the bill and you will see more bills if they do any lab work. So we prepay insurance AND get hit on the back end. And now they complain that they are shot staffed because of all the newly insured people, hello, you guys have more customers, you are making more money, everyone is paying, get with it hospitals/insurance companies! Let’s spend out healthcare $$ on people who actually provide healthcare. I still think your system in the UK is better (and out appointments get cancelled and rescheduled last minute too) Thank you for sharing your experience from across the pond:)


  25. Totally agree! Our health care policies stink….we owe so much to hospitals and have always…for over 50 years, had insurance. I agree how much more do they want? Maybe one day! I wanted single payer..


    1. It is the only sustainable choice. If the government is going to force everyone to BUY insurance anyway let’s make it affordable for everyone and nix the biggest $$$ wasters.


  26. I apprecdiate someone that speaks their truth. The only American’s that I believe would disagree with you, would be politicians. And how sad is that. We the people have to do as you do and stand up for what we believe. We have become a complacant society. I don’t know any other way to fix it, except to vote out and vote fresh in and see where the cards fall. We were heard in the 60’s to stop the Vietnam war because college students started the sit ins. It had a ripple effect across the country and the war ended. That is the only time that I have seen in history that the people were actually heard.
    Thanks for being real!


    1. You are welcome, this can not go on like this, people have to declare bankruptcy over this stuff. Fortunately I had the money to pay my bill as wasteful as it was but many struggle to put food on the table and pay their insurance premiums. Someone needs to speak up. Plus both sides are paid/pressured buy big insurance, big pharma and others. We can’t trust they have out interests at heart.


  27. I love your rant! I, personally, don’t believe they will ever be allowed to find a cure for cancer, diabetes, etc. the drug companies make too much profit off those diseases to ever permit a real cure to be found. One shot after chemo costs more than $2500. Ridiculous!


    1. That should be a crime, it’s extortion really. It kills me that drug research is funded by taxpayers then they turn around and charge us more then people in other countries for the drugs. What we need is young people to vote for universal health care. We need canadated that are not in the pocket of the insurance companies too!


  28. I worked for Blue Cross of California for 9 years. Here’s a news flash, but you probably already know this.
    1. Go through your itemized bill from the providers of service and make sure you are getting billed for ONLY what services you received. (Once, I went to get my dislocated jaw reset and was billed for a pregnancy test that I never had.)
    2. Make sure you get that amount taken off your bill. It will take a lot of phone calls on your part. If you have to contact the head guy/gal, do so.
    3. Keep pushing to get the bill reduced.
    4. Don’t give up.
    Because of the government involvement in health care, they have us by the short hairs.
    Also get your state AND Washington government officials involved. Complain loudly to them! And put your saga on all social media outlets and news outlets.
    Things need to get changed. And if enough people complain, change will happen.
    The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


  29. Our leaders do know how to do it but the 1%ers who actually control the lobbies and our government are not interested in our health and only need the strongest to fill the lower echelon roles in the feudal system that capitalism gone amok creates.


  30. President OBama and all of Congress are under a totally DIFFERENT Healthcare system. What does that tell you?


  31. I am with you on healthcare issue! Medicare is worse and 2/3 trillion cuts on the way!! :/ feeling discouraged facing the “golden years!”
    But you make us happy, Lindsay!! Thank God!


  32. I think you will find more us with you than not Lindsey. My husband had a nasal polyp removal and they charged $84,000 – yes, not 8,400, but $84,000. The Insurance did reduce the bill, but we are paying through the nose. It’s not just co-pay anymore, you have co-pays, co-insurance, deductibles, and whatever other charges they can come up with to avoid paying for care. It’s really horrible and I’m a healthcare professional!


    1. you are LITERALLY paying through the nose! I have several girlfriends who are nurses and their insurance is so high, copays and stuff, i think they make stuff up to pad the bill.


      1. A retired orthopedic surgeon I know says the hospitals and doctors charge exorbitant fees knowing that the insurance companies will only reimburse them for a portion of that. That way the doctors and hospitals get what they feel they are due. Take out all third parties and leave healthcare between the doctor and the patient!


  33. Oh Lindsay, you need to move up north to Canada as I think they have the same kind of health care we have here in the UK don’t they? I had my mammogram done for free, I get all my meds free and my dental care. I also get help with my optician fees because I get sickness benefit. Perhaps the could learn from the way our system works. We pay so much from our wages which gives us free medical care, so surely it would work your side of the pond as well. x


    1. I’m sure it would but the politicians are corrupt and in the pocket of big Pharma and Big Insurance, we need leaders with backbones to stand up for the people.


  34. Feel free to rant all you want; your posts are excellent and well worth the reading of your rants. I live in Canada and I realize how fortunate we are here; it’s not perfect, and waiting lists for surgeries, etc are sometimes unbelievable, but we are all able to get basic health care without putting us in debt forever. (I enjoy your rants, as well as your posts!)

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  35. Hi Lindsey I’m here in the UK and although we moan about our NHS I give thanks for it every day. My son’s had a lot of health problems recently and he has been getting v.good care. I do hope things work out for you. I love your videos and your chat with the other two ladies. Good luck and God bless x Pat


  36. Health insurance drives up costs. I saw the hospital bill for my birth in 1951. It was $54. I would hate to think how much an uncomplicated delivery would be today! With insurance people don’t have a real handle on what is being charged because they don’t get the bill until after the service. So prices and costs will continue to rise until it collapses because no one can pay.


    1. I am so thankful I had Aetna when I had my twins because I can’t even imagine what that would have cost me with blue cross. I know my sister paid about 60k for her single non complicated birth. Crazy.


  37. Omg, thank goodness i live in the uk, i am stunned by the amount of money people are paying, we pay a few pounds a week, depening obviously on the amount you earn, and it covers you for anything, there is a delay in routine operations normally 12 weeks, anything major or important is done then. But we still have people paying for bupa, which jumps the nhs (national health service) they get quicker service, and better food lol. But have the same doctors we have. I would of thought , a lot of people abroad are going around ill as they cant afford it, how awful xx come on lindsay you can do it.😊 Hugs from me x


    1. It kills me that the president took time to be interviews by YouTube celebrities but nobody really touched on healthcare, they needed to pick someone who is over 40 and intelligent about real issues instead of just having a publicity stunt. BTW, we pay a couple HUNDRED bucks a week out of our paycheck for healthcare which does not cover much and it’s the law or pay a fine at tax time. So you can see how universal care would cost out country less, we need to follow your country’s lead on this one!


  38. We Canadians, no matter our income status have healthcare . Yes we have higher taxes, but no one suffers or goes without. Some may call it a socialist Government, but we are a country taking care of everyone.
    Therefore we are not stressed and burdened by hospital over charging and high insurance costs. Health benefits should be a right not a privilege.


  39. Well first I am a male, but in general we are all insured in the Netherlands even the fugitives. And because the reason that everyone is insured is the premium lower. Further more because we have so much fugitives who do not pay anything. We have all an own risk. I pay an amount of 180 € each month and a standard own risk of 350 € each year. Some medical interventions or special expencive medicines are out of the question for instance when a patient have less than 50% change to survive a surgery, for an allready deatly patient. The danger is than to large. And when a medicine is so expencive and for instance more than 20.000 € for a pill? And you need such a pill every day. There is an average amount per day for a patient as standard. All other things must asked for. For instance your investigation here at your boobs to the mammary glands an amount of 650 €, this amount excist out the use of the operation chamber an amount for the assistance of a nurse and the specialist who did the search, did you wanted a full anaesthetsia you have also to pay this specialist (a mammographic is done by an operator and must be seen by a doctor it is a little bit cheaper, but the overhead of a hospital with their instruments is high), when you have payed in the Netherlands your monthly premium amounts and allready the own risk. you have to pay nothing further. The own risk is for every thing which must be payed to until you have reached out the full amound of 350 € own risk. So when you goes in January to the dentist and you have to pay a hole in your tooth for an amount of 70 € plus the visit of 40 €, than is the first amount 110 € for your own acount. And one thing the inssurance companies made even a profit. And even I did get 60 € back for that reason.


  40. was a “mammo” the only thing you had done? The reason I ask is that I thought a “federal mandate” was put into place that they are to be covered 100%. Now, I’m on Medicare and have “other” insurance. The last mammos I’ve had have been covered. I’m over 65 so now I don’t have them. I would “protest” with the insurance company. Had to do that with my “bone density scan” when I lived in Georgia. I WON!!!!! So don’t ever give up. FIGHT…FIGHT…FIGHT… BTW, my sister and I are hooked on your videos. Love them.


  41. That’s so sad. Over here in the UK the NHS has a bad reputation, but as a young girl with multiple illnesses it literally is a lifesaver for me. You would expect a decent service for the amount they charge you guys in the US.


    1. Forgot to mention over here it’s £8 for each prescription or you can pay £10 a month for all of them


  42. No problem here with your rant. You are 1,000% correct in how poor our healthcare system is and it is necessary for people to join together on social media and start a movement to fix the system. Don’t count on the politicians, they haven’t got a clue because they have a different healthcare system.


  43. I totally agree with you, Lindsay! However I think we need to start taking matters in our own hands, like Priscilla stated the politicians will do nothing for us, they are so out of touch with reality. Maybe we need to start peaceful organized protests!


  44. Î’m with you and i understand.i live in Québec city and i think is not bether of you. The heathcare système is différent but it’s not best off you.i stand for examen échographie mamaire along Monthey more tien year now…i prie god for nothing in examen…and i dont have a doctor because my mine are in retraite now…i think agree for you and Thank for your les son the English when give me with your les son and blog …god bless you…sort for my English .
    Anniel Québec city


  45. Girl friend in hosp <4 hours and the bill was….300K I almost died. That is not a mistrype that is three hundred thousand dollars. The device that was implanted was 28,000. – to stop seizures. I am appalled.


  46. There have never been a more bunch of immature political hacks elected as in this century. They are a cartoon of silly characters in an insane comedy. They are servants of greed and evil. The real problem lies with us as we believe their lies and keep electing them. We are skirting around the real problem which is immature men and not real proven ethical leaders.


  47. I hear you loud and clear! My 19 yo daughter has a brain tumor, it is not quite big enough to operate yet, but she still needs regular treatment. She aged out of Medicaid almost a year ago, and is not qualified for the adult Medicaid program because she doesn’t have breast cancer or dependent children. She doesn’t qualify for the Obamacare health care because she makes no money. She had to medically withdraw from college because of the adverse effects on her health. Yet she is fighting to get on disability, but they don’t want to allow that either. She is basically thrown into a black hole and forgotten about by all programs, because the government wants to force the states to adopt the new guidelines, but many states (our included) refuse to be told to adopt the guidelines, so they take the penalty fine instead. Here she sits- unable to have her necessary tests and treatment, with her medications ringing in at nearly $1500.00 a month, not able to do anything about it, and being told “sorry” doesn’t fix it. She is 19! It is not like she is an 80 year old and has lived her life- yet no one wants to see the problem with the system. It makes me want to scream obscenities!


  48. lol , ya got to vent sometimes. Well, we cant afford obamacare, 5 grand each is to steep for us, we make under 28,000 a year, so theres no freebies, I am insulin diabetic, my doctor keeps insulin in the back fridge for me, to pick up monthly. A country who treats their vets like crap, isnt going to help us any. Yes, I would do peaceful protests for alot of things, I live in Virginia so Im pretty close to DC. which isnt a good thing. You should call the billing dept. they might have overcharged and put the wrong code in. it happens alot.


  49. my daughters boyfriend had to have hernia surgery..he had insurance checked with them to make sure it was covered, dr was covered etc. I meet them to go to was 2 hrs longer than expected, he had issues in recovery. My daughter is a nurse and was insisted they keep him overnight. but no they sent him home later. after being approved by insurance company he got a bill from the hospital for $7k.. and the ins co pd $70 .the insurance company failed to tell him they would cover the surgery in full IF he had stayed overnight 😦 no recourse for him other than pay the hospital or have his credit ruined..apparently this info is in very small print in a manual


  50. Seriously… they only half covered a mammogram?! You’d think that would be something they’d cover just because catching things early will save them a ton of money.

    Insurance and health care are really screwed up in the US. For my family we pay so much on the insurance, that we can’t afford the copays. So my husband and I go without some of the health care we need so that we can afford to get the kids all that they need. And we can’t drop the insurance because we can’t afford my husband’s medication without it. For a long time I had no insurance to reduce the cost, and I could negotiate prices with doctors – but now that I’d have to pay a fee for NOT having insurance I can’t afford do that anymore. :\ Insurance is great for people that have a health problem that cost more than the insurance, but it totally screws over healthy people trying to stay healthy!


  51. Lindsay, Rant,Rant,Rant!! I’m right there with you!! In my opinion, NOTHING will change until we as taxpayers/insurance payers/citizens stand up for what is right! I’ve been in healthcare for 30 years and have taught Medical Assisting and Medical Office Specialists for the last 10 years. One of my lessons has always been one simple phrase to tell your MD that you work for; “I’m just the messenger”..The meaning behind that is that at some time they would have to contact an insurance company to get pre-approval for a medication or a procedure, and they will get a rejection from, (these are my EXACT words to my students) Some Pencil Pushing Geek That Doesn’t Know Blank From Shinolah Trying To Tell Your Doctor How To Treat His/Her Patient! Then they will have to relate this information to the MD and to the patient! I’ve been rather lucky to have good insurance coverage for the most part of my life and was VERY lucky to have wonderful healthcare 5 years ago when I had to have open heart surgery. It’s rather upsetting though, that the hospitals can charge $ 689,486 (yes that was my total JUST for the hospital) agree for the insurance to pay $460,000 and bill me $680 (Thank God!) and just write off the balance….Would they do that for an uninsured patient? I think Not! Well there goes my rant! On a more cheerful note, I look forward to my Wednesday mornings with my coffee and earbuds for Ask A Crafter!! Keep up the GREAT work!! Take Care!!


  52. Be sure and contact the service provider and ask for a detailed bill. They are not sent routinely; they must be requested. Then check every line searching for items which are not applicable to you.

    Next make sure the diagnostic codes are correct because they determine the charger for the procedure. You can look online and find a list of the standardized medical codes and compare them to the codes on your bill.

    Also, contact your insurance provider and ask why an item was not covered.

    I’ve experienced wrong codes which resulted in over charges; and being billed for procedures as well as medications I did not have. When I addressed the issues my bill was corrected. This has happened more than once.

    BTW–back in the late 60’s early 70’s my hospital bills for the birth of my children were less than $200. Minimum wage was $1.00 per hour. Wages have not kept pace with costs to live.


  53. Hey Lindsay,,I’m so agree with you on the this it’s crazy!!!! And to top it off now if you don’t have at tax time their talking money from us!!! Really!! Get with it D.C..anyways I have been making my handmade cards for about two years now and everyone tells me how beautiful they are,But!!!! No one is paying for them I give away 95% of them don’t get me wrong I don’t mind but I would love to make some money to buy more stuff needed LOL help what am I doing wrong????


  54. Oh Lindsay, what a wormhole! First of all, we need a Prez and Congress with BALLS to just implement price ceilings on every single fee, service, procedure and product in our healthcare industry/profession. Make the list public and enlist our citizenry to enforce it through social media and citizen whistleblowing for any provider charging more. Make it an offense as criminal as when employers don’t deposit ss and wh taxes from paychecks. They get shut down asap. This is the ONLY way to get affordable accessible care – so that you can afford it without insurance. Stephen Brill (who created CourtTV) has a new book out showing how Obamacare (ACA) does NOT solve it because it does NOTHING to address the skyrocketing costs. Every single person I know who got Obamacare insurance can now either not afford the premiums or cannot afford the out of pocket expenses because of what it does not cover. And those of us with that “coveted” employer insurance find that hardly anything is covered anymore. We can’t just do what Canada or England or Germany does — apples and oranges, we are very different than their populations (for one thing, MUCH bigger). So the price controls are the only effective way. Price controls have never been declared unconstitutional, either. Went to an urgent care on out of town vacay last month for food poisoning. They took my temp and bp, gave me a diahrrea shot and lectured me about smoking….got a bill in mail for $1700.00 !!!!!! Insurance paid $1000, I gotta pay $700 for what, a shot??? Ridiculous!!!!! xoxo


  55. Looks like this sparked quite a response. lol don’t get me started on healthcare. We cover our company and it’s because of the government out healthcare costs have quadrupled. I about had a nervous breakdown at the first of the year. Maybe if I just went crazy I could get over it. haha


  56. Wait until you all retire, receive Medicare, pay for secondary insurance through the nose, and STILL owe for doctor visits, hospial bill, tests, etc. Can ya hear me screamin’? As for voting, I do, I have such a difficult time choosing, that I’d really rather not vote. Leaving on a positive note, love your blog.


  57. Well Lindsay, as a 70 yr old that has lost her insurance and forced to take a plan that not only has tripled our cost, I am battling an insurance that refuses a med that CANNOT be a generic for my ailment!! They are forcing MY WELL EDUCATED AND EXPERIENCED DOCTOR and his NURSE, to fill out a form that has to have documentation to back up what HE AND I ALREADY KNOW, I CANNOT USE THE GENERIC!!! Raised my blood pressure and scared to death a service guy that was here to fix something in our house as I gave an uneducated fella my thoughts on his company, the white house and how things have gone to the DOGS since HE TOOK OFFICE, and I am a minority!!!! Everywhere we go or whomever we talk to, be it stranger, friend or relative, WE ARE ALL GOING THROUGH THE SAME THING! So rant all you want, and remember, since you are younger, as well as most of your fans, it will be up to you all to make changes for the better, so share you opinions, and talk to everyone you can because I have noticed, SOCIAL MEDIA CAN CHANGE THE FACE OF THIS NATION FOR THE GOOD!!! As for your videos, I need them in whatever format to relieve the above, as I am SURE ALL OF YOUR OTHER FANS WILL AGREE! RIGHT FOLKS!!



    1. My mom was paying out of pocket (even after 2 letters from her doctor to the insurance companies) for her brand name blood pressure med too despite her full medicare and tricare (military/government) coverage long before the new healthcare laws took effect. This is an insurance outrage not a political one. Getting rid of insurance companies and putting medicine where it belongs between the doctor and the patient is the only thing that will help this particular problem.


  58. Lindsay, why are Americans so against SOCIALized medicine and yet feel so entitled to their SOCIAL security? Just wondering……


  59. My insurance covers mammograms but the catch is that you have to go to your doctor for a premammogram checkup and you have to pay for that yourself. I have a $5,000 deductible, which means I’ll pay for most things out of pocket.


  60. I guess Americans need to look at who they voted for. Health care is so critical, and so expensive. In Canada too, those who don’t bother to vote cause us all to pay the price. I won’t get started on my rants! I’ll just say “I hear you.”


  61. I am one of the lucky ones, my hubby was retired AF. When I turned 65 I had to start paying for Medicare, but I don’t have to have a second insurance and for the most part all my meds are paid for.


  62. Re: which card stock to use for cards. I have a lot of the Gina K. Designs Pure Luxury 120 lb paper (white and ivory) that is great for single layer cards except when it’s time to fold them. They tend to crack and get fuzzy along the fold. Others must have this problem too as she mentioned it in a video once and said to make sure and score them firmly. So then I scored the heck out of them and still had the problem. I’ve found there’s a happy medium with how hard you press but no way to really gauge this happy medium (i.e. it’s a bit of a crap shoot as to whether mine crack or not). Their 100lb paper works great though. I’m planning on switching to another kind when mine’s all gone. Thanks for the tip about Recollections. I’ll try them next.


  63. I didn’t read all the posts but it sure looks like a lot of us agree with you and I’ve found out that Medicare is worse even with supplemental ins. No one is listening to the public. I believe all government officials should be forced to the same insurance most of us have. I totally agree with you.


  64. I will rant along with you. My former employer switch all retirees from Blue Cross to Aetna. I got a bill for an emergency room visit a year later saying they don’t cover the medicare deductible.. I am paying them boatloads and also paying medicare. I agree we really need to do something about medical costs in this country. They are out of control as well as the insurance.


  65. Oh dear, Lindsay! I’m so sorry you had a bad experience with your health insurance in addition to the stress you’d already endured. Unfortunately, It’s a common problem in this country. As Obamacare has kicked in the cost of healthcare for the working class continues to rise and offer less service for a higher cost. We noticed it a lot this year. I had to have a hip replacement and that really cost a lot! And it wasn’t something that was optional for me. If I wanted to be able to walk I HAD to have it. I’ve also noticed that our cost for prescriptions has literally skyrocketed. Meds that cost me $30.00 last year now cost $500.00 to $600.00!!!!! It is unbelievable. I’m not really sure if mirroring the system in the UK is the answer though. I know a woman who recently had the same hip surgery I had and she had no choice of surgeon, she had to wait a year to have it and when she went to the hospital she had to stay in a ward. Even though my surgery cost a lot more I did get to choose my surgeon even though he practices in another state, I chose my surgical date and it was scheduled within two weeks and I had the option of a private room. Chances are if we had their system here you and I would still be waiting for several months or more to have our procedures and we wouldn’t get to choose our doctor! For me that would have been a disaster as the surgeons in my immediate area are not that great! Still, something needs to be done. It is my personal opinion that Obamacare has only made things worse for the middle class. It has been great for the poorest among us and those on welfare and the richest among us will a,ways be able to get good care so long as things do not become over regulated but the working class and those who pay the most taxes are getting crunched in the middle. America is the greatest nation in the world. We have the resources needed to fix our healthcare system once and for all. Why we don’t do that is more is a political puzzle than a lack of resources or ability. Until then, we regular folks will just have to endure–and try not to get sick! So take your vitamins and get your exercise, Girlfriend. And may you have a beautiful and worry free day. Happy Crafting! Charlotte

    Sent from my iPad



  66. Ask a crafter question. I receive all these greeting cards in the mail. Some used some new. Their very pretty but what can I do with them????


  67. Great info video. Thinking back, you have never been too fast a talker for me. However, I am used to listening to several dialects in German, and that takes concentration… Coffee, coffee, coffee – I love coffee! But my coffee intake is limited to max three small cups per day. How I envy you all!! Our weather is slowly warming up, and I find myself having a hard time coming out of hibernation. :-0. Your fast paced videos help me perk up. So! Go now and worry about something else – okay? Much love XOXs. pqh


  68. Well! you are a big bunch of thinkers! More power to you all!! I had to go back and see exactly what was going on with our favorite crafter Lindsay!

    I quit having mammograms years ago. I just decided that I’m not going to bullied into the hospital, to help pay for a stinkin’ machine that cannot read my breast tissue, and have to come back for a sonogram instead.

    That is a double medical charge… and funny thing, the hospital laughed all the way to the bank! Just tell the OBGYN he needs to prescribe a sonogram. Period over and out!

    As for Obamacare – that is another huge scam. I could write a book aka tome in that regard. It is a very ugly way to spread the wealth around.. That is communism with a big red bow wrapped around it and is being force fed to Constitutionalist to swallow. And who suffers the most – the average middle class of American. While the illegals are being flown in now, to avoid such a hard trip from Central America on foot and by bus. Who is paying for the airline tickets? And never fear! They will have health insurance – probably better than You and me, and it will FREE to them, and a chunk of our change will pay for that too.

    Our annual medical insurance premium here in Germany is $14,532 for the two of us, and that is a single payer policy. Very expensive, and the government will not accept our Medicare coverage. Medicare will pay only for hospital bills that result from an accident, and it is therefore mandated by the German government that we have private insurance.

    Obama is a Marxist socialist jihadist, and he was put in office for a specific reason. Namely, to bring America to its knees and institute communism along with a horrible police state to maintain the status quo. It is the biggest, nastiest move started years ago and has come almost to fruition.

    If you want to understand all this mess listen to Rick Wiles on TruNews dot com and Doug Hagmann on the HagmannandHagmann dot com program for the real truth. Jade Helm is the next horror coming down the pike. Buckle your seat belts for this one.

    May God himself take care of Obama, and may Christians and Jews all across the nation wake up to the truckload of feathers, which will shortly hit the fan. May we all understand that the hour is getting late, and that we should all be on our knees, asking forgiveness for America’s lapse in her faithfulness. Otherwise, we will be hauled off into slavery like our brothers and sisters in the Jewish faith as they suffered under Babylonian captivity. America has become the daughter of Babylon, and if you will read 2K25 you will see the story unraveled. You remember Daniel in the lion’s den and his friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? It was all part of the exile, and it is coming to a town near you if we don’t turn our tearful faces toward heaven and pray like we’ve never prayed before. May God bless you and keep you. May his light shine upon you. May his grace and peace, which is there for the asking, be upon you! P Horn


  69. When hubby was working we had okay health care insurance. Not the Cadillac service everyone things we had, but it worked. Then his job was sent overseas, his company went bankrupt and they set up an account (to qualify for a bailout) that put us on catastrophic only. a four hour stay in the ER and 13 thousand later, (insurance paid nothing) and I lost any respect for the whole bunch. I called an ambulance since I had no clue what was going on. 900 bucks. For advanced life support? While hubby sat up and chit chatted with the driver? The ambulance company then declared bankruptcy. I am sorry I paid them. I pay for my meds since going thru the rigmarole of insurance was insane. They made us pay 20% but if I said no insurance it was 4 bucks instead of 12 or 20. Hubby is on medicare now. Don’t get me started with them. One drug was 5.60 in December and 46.00 in January. Generic. I have stopped going to the doctor and having tests etc done except once a year to get renewals.,I have fibromyalgia and had life threatening stomach ulcers I need meds for. I give up. Really.


  70. Hi
    Rant away if everybody joined in maybe your leaders would have to act. I live in Scotland and require 3 different prescriptions daily I don’t have to pay at all. Politicians actually kept an election promise. Of course there are still problems with the system but if we keep on at them they will hear and understand us. Keep working on that Bill.
    Your a great inspiration to me to keep trying new mediums. Sometimes it’s frustrating that I can’t find the same or similar products that you are using so I don’t know if I’m getting it right, I keep trying.xxks


  71. After reading the comments, I am disgusted and saddened by what some people have gone through. I call it Health Care Rape and I don’t see it changing any time soon. I am fortunate to have a Kaiser Permanente Advantage plan and I have not had any huge problems so far. My complaint is that they manage the care down to a micron and use super glue to stick to their protocol.

    Now for the Inka Gold. My understanding from a bit of research is that the older jars have the mold problem because of the kind of seal they used on the lid. The new jars (with a new label and less product in it for the same price) are not supposed to have that issue. Time will tell. All of mine molded, dried and cracked. I cleaned the tops with bleach, but had difficulty using it because it was so dry. My local art/craft store gave me this tip and it works great. Chop up the dried hunks into smaller pieces right in the jar, add water a little at a time and mixed well to get it to a creamy workable consistency. Always store it with a baby wipe on the top to keep it moist and help keep the bacteria out. I am so ever grateful for this tip so I hope it can help others having the same problem


  72. This is for our crafty friends … I doubt there is time for my question to make it to Ask A Crafter because I want to complete it soon.

    I purchased a lovely weaving in Mexico. It can be a rug, blanket, or wall hanging.

    I want to hang it as a focal point on a wall. What do you recommend I use for hanging it that will not damage it?

    Thanks all!


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