Ask A crafter S3:E27 Dealing with “thumbs down” and the frugal tip that wasn’t…

Hi friends! Tonight the gals and I are tackling the thought-provoking issue of the “thumbs down/dislike” button. OK, not that thought-provoking, we are kinda laughing at how ridiculous it is, you can’t please everyone right? I’m not sure what we will do for next weeks show, we have all been so busy and Lorraine will be out-of-town on crafty business…ohhh, we can say she is away on assignment (I want that assignment!) so you will likely have Kathy and I or just me, or maybe we will take the week off.  We will have to see how the week plays out. Anyway we are here in full force for ya tonight!

Video! (email subscribers can imagine the 3 adorable awesome hosts looking surprisingly like we did last week)

OK, I need to print a retraction (that sound official huh?) I want to take back some advice we gave last week, I think it was last week, everything just runs together when we pretape episodes, but we had a question about using long dies on standard cutting pads. I don’t have any long dies but the gals had cut long dies with their standard pads by cutting the die halfway, flipping it around and cutting the other way with no problem. I did not think to ask if they were thick or thin dies, it did not occur to me but a viewer very politely informed me that she tried this with a long, thin Tim Holtz die and it cracked so I want to urge you not to try this at home AND urge you to use caution when trying any of my frugal (not what the tools were intended for) stunts. This kind viewer did not want the same fate for anyone else and she said it is actually more frugal to get the long platform and plates because you can cut many dies at once and save time. And you will not risk ruining your dies. So, I ask you viewers for advice. If you are cutting long dies with short pads how are you doing it? What kind of dies are you using? Let me know in the comments!

To recap:

  1. The haters gonna hate.
  2. Don’t cut long dies on short pads.
  3. Video thumbnails are still not showing up for email subscribers, boo.

I hope you are having a fabulous evening! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

24 thoughts on “Ask A crafter S3:E27 Dealing with “thumbs down” and the frugal tip that wasn’t…

  1. How many retractions have you had to post for faulty information given? Out of the thousands – well, at least hundreds! – of bits of info you’ve shared over the years, you’re allowed this one, although I am sorry for the woman whose die broke. Perhaps she should take that up with Tim Holtz. (Uh, hey, Tim, you know, other manufacturers’ dies don’t break when practicing this hack from The Frugal Crafter! What do you have to say about THAT?” 🙂 )


    Liked by 2 people

  2. You’ve in a basement and I am ln the garage! The heat and cold take a toll on my supplies. I was truly surprised at how well your denatured alcohol tip worked on my almost New spectrum noir markers. Thank you so much. I enjoy watching you gals and wish you were my neighbors. But alas, California and Maine at a bit too far apart. Just keep on going with the great tips. Thanks.


  3. Dont let the b’s get you down as my great grandmother used to say. Love your videos, thanks for everything, Terry and Lucy:)


  4. Hey Ladies!
    I just thought I would add a comment regarding the vodka question. I am not sure if this is applicable, but you can buy 100 proof vodka. I am a chef and I use it to “candie” flowers with egg whites for pastry decorations because the higher the alcohol content the faster it evaporates.


  5. Hi Lindsey, watched your latest AAC last night, very very good, just what I needed as have been laid low with nasty bug.
    Think you’re Utube videos are the best.
    Not sure if this is the right place for questions for aac, but I have a full set of Derwent Inktense pencils which I love. Have recently bought full tin of the Inktense sticks but they seem very hard, wonder if you had tried them and what for. Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall UK.


  6. Why waste door Vodka and wouldn’t denatured alcohol be much cheaper to use. This is about being frugal afterall. As to dies..I do not have any long dies but sometimes it is better to use the correct tools. Those thin dies are pretty thin and the long cutting pads are there for a support the die. I can see pressure at the wrong point cracking the die. I do not think the manufacturer would replace when it was used in a way it was not intended.


  7. I love the three of you….you are out there sharing your knowledge….I wouldn’t worry too much about the down thumb viewers!! You can’t please everyone and it would only be a problem if you had more down thumb viewers than others!!
    I purchased a long plate for those dies. I paid a lot for my machine and I am not rich, by any means! So, I just purchased a long plate.
    Keep up the good work!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I am always in a better mood after I watch you three crazy ladies. You have good advice and the fun you are having together is contagious. Thumbs up all the way. And in the words of Taylor Swift ‘just shake it off’ about the haters. It probably is Martha Stewart’s employees. j/k


  9. I don’t have the extended platform. But, I only need a partial cut. I, however, only run my die so far then just return it back to the starting point. I am glad that you shared that someone had cracked theirs. I would rather go the expense of purchasing an extended platform for my Cuttlebug than risk ruining anything. You are looking out for our best interests. Thank you.


  10. I haven’t tried it with the thin dies yet, but I have used the long sizzix die with the short cutting plates… very carefully I just flipped it. I ended up buying the long plates (with a coupon of course) at the end. I do a lot of cutting so for me, it was worth not to have the headache. If you bound to use long dies more than once, I’d suggest you get the long plates…
    I think manufacturers and Tim himself are very clear that you should always use the appropriate and sizzix approved plates. They don’t want people lining up and complaining… that said, I like to be frugal so I am all for tricks and tips…
    As for thumbs down… if I can’t say anything nice, I keep quiet. I can’t imagine you saying something offensive or down right mean. You are doing great… so please keep it up!


  11. So true! Haters gonna hate no matter what! If I don’t like a video or blog post I just refrain from commenting. In this day and age of the typed comments it is so hard to gauge what is the real intent of a negative comment. Are they being mean or are they just trying to understand a different way of doing something (ie)? I have been on the end of a misunderstanding by someone who I had left a comment for. I was trying to say how excited I was about something in a joking way and they thought I was being negative towards them. I was heartbroken that they misunderstood my intent and apologized to them publicly and in a private email. They then apologized to me that they had so badly mistaken my actual intent. It was a mess and left a lot of hurt feelings. I am still feeling burned by the whole mess and if I am trying to joke like that I CLEARLY state my actual intent!
    Love your videos and tips and techniques! Keep them coming please!


  12. Thank you so much for a great video! Loved it! Can you pls tell me about the Cricut?
    I am drowning in frustration every time I use it! The intricate cuts are not falling out! I almost have to re-cut everything with the scissors! Its a nightmare! I use the med to low speed and highest pressure – still nothing! The blade is new. Does it supposed to work like this or its my user’s error? Much appreciation for your help! love u, guys! Masha


  13. Lindsay – My friend and I truly enjoy everything you do, especially your watercolor videos. My trouble is recently I have no thumbs to click! Would you be aware of something I may be doing wrong which might cause this? I’m getting distraught because I can’t give you a THUMBS UP!!


  14. Shananagins Rule!!! You guys crack me up!! A good laugh is worth a million bucks!!! Long videos are good!….actually the short voice over ones give me the feeling that you are rushing through, talking almost as fast as my daughter!!!! (Kids!) and not even wanting to take the time to teach me!!!……and I know that’s not truly your way!
    You all are great!!! I love that you take the time to do this!! Thank you soooooo much!!!


    1. I’ll tell you, if I have to voice over it is because there are a lot of steps or I messed up royally during the video or because I want to complete the project before I instruct because it is new to me and I need the hindsight of seeing the prospers through to completion. I will reflect on your comment;) I think maybe my radio and TV background (where I was a DJ and wrote and produced/voiced commercials) makes be sound a little “commercial” when I have a real mic in front of me LOL!

      Liked by 1 person

  15. the ‘trey frugalistas’, the ‘frugal sages’, rule!! love to hear you girls laugh! 😀 i laughed out loud so many times, you guys really crack me up!! ❤ you all to bits! thank you all! 🙂


  16. I love your tutorials…especially the watercolor ones…but…I simply can’t get the hang of it. I have been both an acrylic and oil painter for years…but I simply CAN’T watercolor and I just don’t know why. Can you give me any tips on how to lose up without losing control? I know I tend to be a very controlled painter, but I have seen controlled watercolors that are very pretty, but I can’t seem to maintain control of it unless I stamp the image or ink it and to me that defeats the beauty of the watercolor. HELP PLEASE!


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