A Gift Fit For a Time Lord!

Howdy folks! I am still enjoying a fun-filled school vacation but I wanted to share something I made last week for a friend whose birthday was yesterday:

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She is a big Doctor Who fan and I have her to thank for my current Doctor Who obsession. I’ll never forget last summer when she said “Hey Lindsay, have you ever watched the show Doctor Who?” Famous. Last. Words.

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Sometimes I wonder if my handmade jewelry is a bit too gaudy for anyone to wear, we all receive the well intended gifts from relatives (too-big novelty Christmas sweater or plastic canvas tissue box cozy) so I figured if my necklace is to big and clunky to wear she can hang it out by her garden to scare away any crows (or the odd Dalek) that might come by! 🙂

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in case you are wondering where I found that rad Dalek rubber stamp, I made it with my Stampmaker! That’s all for today! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

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15 thoughts on “A Gift Fit For a Time Lord!

  1. So inside the card, it says something to the effect of, “Yeah, another cheapskate handmade gift, but happy birthday!” Really?!? No, no one wants a gorgeous personalized (I LOVE the 9th doctor and am quite fond of the 10th) handmade gift from Lindsay. Best. Necklace. Ever. I am wearing it today. Final note: The tag on the bag? Stamped with a TARDIS. She made that stamp, too. You rock, Lindsay Weirich!


  2. I haven’t seen the new Doctor Who, but we used to watch back in the 80s with our kids. I guess I’ll have to check it out – thanks Lindsay!! I don’t think the necklace is too gaudy, I love the steampunkness of it!! Stay calm and see the doctor – great quote!!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Carmen L

    PS I love the chain, where did you get it? I bought a 100 inch chain yesterday at my LSS, but I don’t like how it looks, it looks “cheap”. Yours is lovely!!

    cal8007 at aol dot com


    1. it was in a small packet from the jewelry department at the craft store, it was like 36″ for about $2 I think, I cut it with cutting pliers to the length I need and attach a jump ring;)


  3. I’ve been a fan for more than 30 yrs, can’t believe you just started watching. I hope you go back and watch the classic episodes.


  4. That is one cool present and card, Lindsay! I love the asymmetrical necklace as per your recent tutorial. The Dalek card is brilliant! So glad one of our UK exports has found such favour your side of the Pond lol! I remember as a kid, hiding behind the settee scared out of my wits watching the original Doctor Who!



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