A Marker Mingle & WOYWW!

**Hey, you can still sign up for the stamp giveaway on yesterday’s post!***

Howdy folks! I’m still sick (in case anyone cares) so today I listened to audiobooks and indexed my markers. I figured it rated slightly higher than lying on the couch and watching TV. I’d been on the fence as to whether or not I wanted to put all of my different brands of markers together in one rack. So, today in a decongestant and caffeine stupor I did just that:

Now, play nice markers! Oh, yeah, it is Wednesday (almost for me anyway) so here is another pic for What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday. I’m surprised my box of tissues didn’t show up in the picture as I have been such a snot factory (I can sure paint a picture with the words) the last few days. Did I mention Vegetarians aren’t supposed to get colds? No. I think it’s an outrage…oh well. I also put my waterbased brush markers together. I mostly just use these for multi color stamping so they don’t need to be in any particular order. In fact I like seeing the odd color combos that happen in the disorganized heap. Ya know, I don’t remember buying this many markers…I think they breed in there LOL!

So here’s the deal. Copic does a wonderful job of representing to color of the marker ink on the marker cap. Prismacolor has labels on the ends but the colors are way off and Promarkers have no color on the caps. So I grabbed a small circle punch and some sticker paper and made my own perfect color reference labels for the ends of the caps!


See how in the video. Let me just remind you that I have a cold, hence the voice. On the upside I am a bit mellower in this vid. Small  favors.

I realize that I really did not need to make a video but I am a better talker than typer so I could share more this way. Heck, if you don’t like it you don’t have to watch right? Hmmm, I think I am a bit cranky, I apologize, I’ll get a good night of sleep and hopefully be done with this cold foolishness in the morning. Til next time happy crafting!

60 thoughts on “A Marker Mingle & WOYWW!

  1. Cool! And way to go being productive even when your not feeling terrific! Wishing that the fairies would come take care of my crafting space for me…. Guess I may as well go and at least try to get started.


  2. Love your idea of marking your pens…fortunately, I have Copics Alchohol so they are marked and nicely stored in the Copics black case in their little baskets by color family…so I can see all of the colors at a glance and take out a basket at a time to use – surprising how well this works for me. Your storage space is amazing and I’m sure the envy of everyone…LOL!
    Hope you are on the road to recovery!
    Prayers and Paper Hugs,


  3. Great range of markers. If I start making cards do I have to buy all those? Oh oh! Great idea with the hole punch. Hope you are feeling better soon. I too am veggie but I always get colds! Thanks for visiting.
    Famfa (12)


  4. i am recovering from a cold too and i had a bad cough yesterday. i drank a LOT of water yesterday and took some grapeseed extract (GSE – this works for me!) and today I am almost well, no need for my giant tissue box anymore! i love, love, love your markers! great idea of how to store them.


  5. Love the cement block idea for markers. I have one desk drawer that they are all thrown in. Luckily its a big drawer and that’s all that’s in it. This is a much better idea.


  6. That’s a good idea for putting the colours on each marker! Hope you are feeling better real soon! Happy WOYWW anyway,
    RosA # 27


  7. You totally have a fifty shades of gray thing going on there in the 7th row of your copic style marker storage bin! lol I haven’t got my WOYWW post up yet so I can’t leave you my number but I am the only Deeyll on there so…;)

    As a bonus, I have a tip: salt makes your snot go back where it belongs!
    (Technically what sodium does it make your cells take the moisture back into them where it belongs leaving you uncongested all over and with the proper sodium balance in your cells but anyways…)

    Since you don’t eat chicken noodle soup you’ll have to get your salt/sodium some other way…we usually just pour a little table salt in our hand and lick it up and enjoy the unstuffiness, (which happens about 5 minutes or so later). Repeat procedure when stuffiness returns(usually takes a few hours) until you are well, which is when your body will maintain the proper sodium balance for you. I’ve used this for years, especially when my son was younger as he hated taking decongestion syrups/meds and I hated giving them to him. I would just put a little salt in his hand and he would lick it up and a few minutes later, usually, he would be all cleared up and able to sleep and breath easily. Hope this helps you, too! 🙂


  8. Oh no hope you are feeling better soon – I only have promarkers (which too have bred really fast – no idea how??) and distress markers but I label all mine too – there is something about sitting and labelling isnt there – very relaxing! Thanks for sharing – Sunshine Girl no. 57


  9. great looking stash of markers. I just ordered a bunch of the Spectrum Noir markers from Crafters Companion so I can start coloring too. The markers from Stampin Up and Tim Holtz really don’t lend themselves to coloring like the alcohol inks do. Have a great week. Vickie #71


  10. Perfect sort of job to do while you’re bunged up and feeling rubbish – at least you aren’t left feeling you’ve wasted a day too. Hate that. The pens look great; it would work for me to have the different makes in the same storage…let us know if it works for you or drives you mad!


  11. Of course we care how you feel. Get better soon. I have a problem too with too many markers and I think they DO breed!!!


  12. Hi, I did the same with my Promarkers, but I just bought a pack of little round stickers to do it with. It annoyed me that I couldn’t see what colour was what when they were stood up. Have a great Wednesday, Hugs Shaz #96 xx


  13. Impressive marker collection and even more impressive that you sorted them out whilst feeling so grim. Following on from Deeyll’s comment and recommendations to reduce the snot I believe it is a good idea to cut out milk and other dairy products – they increase the mucus production apparently – and drink plenty of blackcurrant juice, which is reputed to help cut the snot production. Hope this helps and I wish you a speedy recovery and a better week, oh, and a happy WOYWW. Elizabeth x #40


  14. I just wish I had that many markers to have fun with – you have so much choice – well done on your collection! Hope you feel better soon -images that your words conjure up – yuck!!! Enjoy WOYWW from the comfort of the sofa! Karen T 100 x


  15. Love your storage solutions!

    Here’s a tip for you that works for me every time I feel a cold coming on. Echinacea tea and “I’m germ-free, virus-free, happy & healthy as can be”…affirm it before you fall asleep and when you wake up in the morning. It never fails me and it rhymes! I can’t remember the last time I had a cold.

    Feel better…


  16. A mind numbingly boring job to do but perfect for when you have a cold, probably the only time you’ll be happy to do something like that. Hope you feel better soon.

    Brenda 3


  17. Hi Lindsay Great idea. Your head is not totally clogged, Lots of good advise for cold management, Netti pots with the saline solution work well. Feeling normal is something I celebrate after recovering, but I’ll celebrate it today and wish you the same:) Hugs and smiles Carole


  18. Oh I am so sorry you aren’t feeling well. I too have a major congestion that has led to an ear infection and must breakdown today and get antibiotics. So I suspect I will be making snot masterpieces with you soon. Ha ha.. I love seeing all your markers in both storages. I love seeing a bunch of Copics.

    You are a mighty productive sick person. I feel like a pitty party on my couch but I am working today despite my ear hurting. Thank you so much for visiting my site.

    Belinda (17)


  19. That is a beyond brilliant idea! We should all, at least once, make a WOYWW video with a tip–loved seeing the video of your wonderful work area! That many markers is a huge investment–so it’s worth the time to make it work it better for you! Thanks for visiting me too! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #11


  20. Lindsay hugs to you. I have stuffed up ears. It’s stuffed up day I guess. 😦

    I love Staples sticker paper. I use it for a lot of my sticker creations. I swear that is the best sticker paper for the Cameo. I love Prisma’s too. I am tempted to put all my markers together.

    When I was a strict vegan I constantly got colds, ROFL! I have a hyper metabolism so I wasn’t getting any nutrients from my food. My doctor made me start eating meat. It sucks but I only eat it a few times a month for my requirement. Take that doctor, lol. It’s one of the reasons I got colds because I have a fast metabolism. Lucky me. :/ Your right vegans are not supposed to get colds. 🙂

    I have a friend who is a strict vegan too and she never gets sick.

    Rose hips tea works wonders for colds. Hope you feel better soon.


  21. You and I are on a similar wave length today. My post is also about pens/markers….and I see that you are a marker ho! lol My storage isn’t as nice, but it works for me! Hope you feel better soon! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina 🙂


  22. I get really happy when I come up with or find a solution to a problem keeping my things organized. That tip on making your own dots for the markers is cool! I see your binders all labeled by whats in them too and thats also fantastic! I need to purchase a new label maker…thoughts just going out of control now! -Tamika currently #124 subject to change to #123 when double entries are fixed?


  23. At least you were still productive. The markers look so pretty organized by color and using the cinder block to hold markers is genius. I hope you feel better soon! dani #132


  24. What a fantastic idea. And to come up with it when you are sick. What a trooper. Thanks for sharing and I hope you get to feeling better soon.


  25. I love how you added the colors on the outside of your markers.
    Great idea!
    I hope you feel better soon. I have been fighting a cold off and on all this week!
    Mary Jo #115


  26. They look so purdy all lined up! I got me a cold too, such a stinker! I labelled my Promarkers up like that too by using sticky dots – hubs lived off that for a while! (she colours her colouring pens!! How anal IS she??)


  27. Happy WOYWW. Hope you are feeling a bit better now. I hate having a cold. Thankfully, I don’t have many now – something to do with not mixing with many people (living on a farm means that I can go for days not seeing anyone apart from my husband, postman and our staff), and also taking so many tablets for my other health problems. I got new pens and storage for them, and spent hours organising them into a reasonably tidy state. Very satisfying. Ali x #87


  28. Wow….such a productive and organized Sicky you are! You must be an Energizer Bunny when you are completely well….haha!

    I love the use of the cinder block for organization, too…genius, methinks 😀


  29. Lindsay, hope you are feeling better soon! By the way, how did you get that clear transparent marker rack? Like your idea for the colored endcaps on your markers — I took tiny blank address labels, colored them in with the marker and wrapped them around the caps.


  30. By the way, I drink two teas mixed together when I’m sick — 1 menthol teabag by Traditional Medicinals & 1 mint = any brand of peppermint. I also used stevia to sweeten a bit and clears out the head in no time!


  31. Haha, I like that – ‘cool tip’ geddit? And I’m not even ill. No it wasn’t even funny, sorry – I am running low on sleep & food…. I love getting everything in order; it just happens so rarely and never stays that way!


  32. Oh my, I wish I could be as tidy and organised as you! 😆 Hope your cold is clearing up now.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog. Have no fear, the coloured image will certainly be making an appearance on my blog at some point. 🙂

    Ali #13


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