Slacker Housewife Card

Here is another card that would be suitable for mother’s day (or anytime you want to give a fellow mom a laugh 😉 I used this weeks sketch from 2sketches4you, a Crafty Secrets stamp and an Erma Bombeck quote for this card. The best part is it only took a couple of minutes to make!


This is printed on the inside of the card. Font: Cityscape
This is printed on the inside of the card. Font: Cityscape

Whenever I want to make a funny card for a girlfriend I look for a quote by Erma Bombeck, she was a great American humorist right up there with Mark Twain IMHO, If you have never read anything of hers check out “At Wit’s End” You will laugh so hard you might pee your pants! She is that funny and never mean, that is hard to do!

Well, I’m off to do a little birthday shopping for my hubby, Happy Cinco de Mayo (Hey, an excuse to make Margaritas, what’s wrong with that?) and till tomorrow Happy Crafting!

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