Farmer’s Markets & Upcoming Projects:)

Hello friend! Anyone else having a busy summer? I have already seen my friends counting down the days til school begins on Facebook so I am thinking yes. 🙂 I’ve been having a fantastic summer, the weather has been really nice after a long cold winter and spring so I want to be outside all the time! I had a chance to participate in an outdoor farmer’s market last weekend. Want to know how I did? Watch the video:

So…if no farmers attend a farmer’s Market is it still a farmer’s market? It kinda reminds me of the scrapbooking crop I went to a few months ago and nobody else showed up LOL! Speaking of scrapbooking I will be doing a week of scrapbook tutorials next month (August 4th-9th…maybe the 3rd-10th depending on how many tutorials I make LOL!) so if there is anything you would like me to cover let me know as I am filming the tutorials over the next few days. I am finding that keeping it simple is hard, I have too many doo-dads that would be just the perfect touch LOL! I hope people find the scrapbook tutorials encouraging and helpful and not overwhelming. We will see. I mean I don’t want to bore someone with just the basics, I want to share techniques and ideas too. I am going to try to start the pages off simple and build up and if someone does not want to see the fru-fru they can bail out on the video when they think it is done. What do you think? Leave your scrapbook wishes in the comments below and I will take them into consideration when I film the tutorials. Speaking of videos, did you know I put a new video tutorial up almost every day? If you want to see what you are missing check out my YouTube channel (and subscribe so you don’t miss any tutorials!) Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

Ask a Crafter 36! Cowboys & Chicken Butts

Hello friends! It’s Wednesday and time for another fun filled episode of ask a crafter! I got some really great questions this week. Did your question get answered? Watch and see!

I loved the colored pencil fix, what a money saver! If you have a question for next weeks show just leave it in the comments section! So, today I had the day free for project planning, I had high hopes but only managed to push paint around. I decided that I might be able to get some computer work done since my “muse” was on an inspiration vacation and YouTube has a new feature where you can put a 3 second “branding” video up that will show before all of your videos. The video is supposed to represent your channel. This is what I came up with…

…yes, that pretty much sums up my channel, don’tcha think? Well that’s it for me tonight. I’m hoping tomorrow is a more creative day. If not I might have to sink to doing housework-perish the thought! 😀 Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

Ask a Crafter 35! Chicken bathing and color theory LOL!

Howdy friends! Another week, another Ask a  Crafter! Lorraine is in the craft room with me today and I have to give her credit, she did not zone out when I mentioned the words “color theory”, then again after today’s episode I am the last person to scold someone about staying on track. Without further ado, here is this weeks AAC:

I just wanted to reiterate that if you asked a question last week and it was not answered please look for a reply to your comment either on the YouTube watch page or the blog post, whereever you left it. I do answer all of the questions, just not all on the show. If you have a question for next weeks show, such as “how do you give a chicken a bath?” just leave it in the comments! Thanks so much for watching and til next time happy crafting!

Ask a Crafter 31!

Phew, what a busy day! I got my oil changed, grocery shopped, taught a knitting class and in my spare time filled digital stamp orders from my fabulous blog readers! I had a chance to chat with many of you via email today, it was so nice to “meet” many of you, thank you! Yesterday Kathy and I filmed ask a crafter and it was such a nice day that we walked after taping. We had another gorgeous day today so at least we know the weather was not an April Fools Day joke LOL! Without further ado here is the latest episode.

Here are the links I mentioned in the video:

The Cotman Watercolor travel Palette, I thought it was $30 but it is only $24, oops! I’ve had mine for about 15 ears and I simply refill it with tube colors when the half-pans of color ran out, it is a great palette and it comes with a collapsible brush. I bring a container of water with me for painting on location. The Kool-Aid or Tang plastic containers of drink mix are perfect because you can fill it with water and the measuring cap is a great rinse pot, you can use both sides for dirty and clean water too! If this makes no sense I am sorry 😛 Sorry and tired LOL!

Here is a link to the video demonstrating how to paint on fabric with Inktense pencils and fabric medium, it is really fun and if you make art quilts you will really like this!

Sorry to keep it so short tonight, I was reading on the couch before posting this and I dozed off! I though oh no! It is Wednesday I have to blog Ask a Crafter LOL! If you have a question for next week please leave a comment and til next time happy crafting!

Ask a Crafter 26: Stamping, Mixed-Media and More!

Happy Wednesday folks! We are now up to 26 episodes of Ask a Crafter, can you believe it? and I am still getting new question every week, you guys think up some good ones too! So, without further ado let’s see what was on viewers minds this week:

Ha! And I got my pumpkin scones! And they were delish, thank you Kathy! If you have a question for us just leave a comment and we will either type an answer or read it on the next show! If you haven’t checked out the Frugal Crafter Community on Facebook yet please do and share what you have been working on, we have some wonderful friends over there, it has been 2 days since I opened it and we already have over 700 members (it makes me feel kinda famous LOL!) Before I forget I mentioned a couple links in the video:

Clear bags for cards at Papermart

The DIY marker spritzer instructions submitted by Lindz Brewer is in the comments section of last weeks AAC post.

Thanks so much for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

Oh, please tell me how I can do it better…NOT!

***Edit: I wrote this post last night at the end of a very aggravating day, bear that in mind as you get to the end, note to self, don’t publish in irritation LOL!***

Hello friends,  here is the new and… ahem… improved Ask a Crafter.

I got a bit overwhelmed by the comments of last weeks webcam AAC (to be fair I asked people what they thought rather than say “take it or leave it”) so I decided that if everyone wants the “good camera”  then the show would be 20 minutes and I just would not answer all the questions on air, I did respond to everyone though.  As I explained in this video I am not willing to tie up my family’s computer equipment for a day to render and upload one long video.  I was happy to use a webcam and stream it live to Youtube and answer everyone’s questions and let it go as long as it may but most people couldn’t bear the loss of video quality. The third option is that I save myself the hassle and don’t do it at all.  So watch it, don’t watch it but please, don’t tell me how I could do it better. I’m done asking opinions and advice (although it keeps coming), and I am adopting the “take it or leave it” approach, it is the same philosophy I have with cooking in fact and it certainly curbs the whining, well, my whining anyway LOL! I’ll see you next time and as always happy crafting!

Finally! Ask a Crafter 20!

Well, we are a day late but hopefully not a dollar short! My friend Kathy co-hosted Ask a Crafter with me this week and we gabbed so much that we ran the battery down! That has never happened with this camera before, we winded up with over 2 hours of video, that was a lot of questions! I highly recommend checking out the comments on AAC20 part 1 and AAC20 part 2 to get in on the conversation and read the awesome add-on tips from YOU the viewers. Yeah, interactive craft conversations!

Part two picks up where part 1 left off with Tina’s question “Can you recommend a less expensive glitter pen that is similar to Copic Spica?”

Wow, that was a lot of video! Here are the links I promised, I’m such a good girl!

Refreshing felt pens/watercolor markers:
Portfolio Oil pastel tutorial:
Watercolor Marker Tutorials:
paper bead tutorials:
Wire Wrapped lapmpwork beads:

That’s it from me today, You can leave any questions you have for next week in the comments section of either of the videos and we will answer it next week! Be sure to tune in tomorrow because I have stamps to giveaway! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

Ask a Crafter 19! I’m flying solo!

Hello friends. Well, Lorraine flew south this week so despite our best attempts (thwarted by Mother Nature) I had to host this episode alone. I did get to all the questions though! If you have a question for next weeks episode please leave it in the comments section of the Ask a Crafter 19 video. I am trying to streamline things in my busy bloggy life and that way I won’tr miss any (I hope!). Without further ado, here is this weeks Ask a Crafter!

I hope you enjoyed it and til next time happy crafting!

Ask a Crafter 15! You guys are great!

Hello friends. It is a beautiful sunny (but chilly) day up here in Maine.  I am trying to decide if i want to go out and get some Christmas shopping done or stay home in my jammies and crochet some gifts instead. Hmmmmm, decisions, decisions…. Well, yesterday Lorraine came over for another fun episode of Ask a Crafter, she was on the ball as usual but, not me, I didn’t even have the coffee pot on, we drank water, yes it is an decaffeinated episode! I have to send out big thanks to all of our viewers who take the time to ask questions and reply to other crafters with advise on products that have worked for them. It is this community of knowledge that makes crafting in the internet age so wonderful. With that said here is the latest episode of Ask a Crafter:

If you want to join the conversation you can go to the you tube watch page of Ask a Crafter 14 and respond to any of the questions that I answered today or leave a question for next week here on this blog post or on the watch page of this weeks episode on YouTube. Sharing is caring! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!