Mixed Media Fun! Tips for wrinkled Pages & Painting Cherry Blossoms in your Art Journal!

Hello friends! I am really enjoying my art journal! Today I am going to show you how I made this two page spread and it only took 20 minutes!

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Many of you have written and asked how to keep your journal pages flat especially when covering a page with paper and collage. The first part of the video is on that and I will show you my favorite paste for flat pages and I think all crafters should have a jar of it on hand. I’ll show you what it is and how to use it!

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The second half of the video will be painting cherry blossoms with india ink. It is a free and easy approach. You can use watercolors if you do not have ink, even children’s watercolor paints will be fine.

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Now, on to the video!

I decided to add a few marks to define the blossoms with a black Micron Pen after I looked at it a bit. typically I don’t use black in my paintings but it really enhances the feel of the quote I think. I want to thank Oriental Trading for giving me the Dr PH Martins India Ink, Canson XL Mixed Media Journal and Micron Pens I used today. Thanks so much for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

22 thoughts on “Mixed Media Fun! Tips for wrinkled Pages & Painting Cherry Blossoms in your Art Journal!

    1. You are either a nigh owl or an early bird! I uploaded it Friday and scheduled it to post today so I did not overwhelm my subbies with too much Lindsay. LOL!


      1. lol, i am a night owl heart and soul! but i also stay up for days at a time and it messes up my days and nights 😀 you could post a hundred a day and i would watch them all, lol! i only have a couple hundred left to go and i would have watched all your vids! keep em coming 🙂 and happy Mother’s day to you. hope its a great day for you!


      2. hah fooled me! i thought maybe you had a rough night, so glad that was not the case. neat that it can be scheduled to go out at a certain time without you having to be awake! and yes, i am a serious night owl! 🙂


  1. Hi Lindsey! Nice tutorial (as always). How did
    You like the results of the Yes paste on vellum?
    Did I dry clear? Would you use this again
    Or try a different product?


  2. Lindsey, You make painting look so easy, I love watching. Will you be going to Springfield convention this year? I would love to meet you and I am sure others that follow would like to also. I loved the videos you did last year, I took photos and notes to try and remember. Stephanie


  3. I really enjoyed your tutorial. I would like to be more “free” with my art. I tend to try to be perfect, but that’s a problem when I’m not much of an artist to begin with, lol. Happy Mother’s Day Lindsay!


  4. I forgot to mention in my comment that I remember Ames. I live in Fredonia, New York which is about 50 miles South of Buffalo.


    1. they are out of stock, I did a google search and was able to locate it on the OTC site but searching within the site nothing came up. I bought them years ago but they had always had them. Iall ask my contact i the are restocking them:)


  5. Lindsay,
    You talked about the inks you used for this project, but I didn’t catch all of what you said. Are they printer inks? I thought you mentioned inkjet ink. If so, have you ever tried using the ink from printer cartridges? I have at least 6 that were never used…the printer died. Any ideas?
    Love your stuff!!


    1. I used bombay india inks but you can try printer ink, No idea how you get it out of the cartridge though. Drill a hole maybe?


  6. A year late seeing this one, but I loved another one you did with the inks, so I watched this one too. I have ordered some of the these inks. Can’t wait to try them out. Just love watching your videos. Informative and entertaining!!!


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