DIY Punchenella and a Crafty Card {2 Videos!}

Hey there, Lindsay here posting a little later than usual today. That’s because I wanted to get a video, 2 actually, done for you today. I wanted to make a card for Halloween with my Vintage Pumpkin Stamps from Pink Persimmon because they are having a great sale, 30% off  all of their stamps and a free stamp set (the Specail Delivery stamp set ) with a purchase of $25 or more. You have to use the coupon code: SuperSale2013 to get the savings. They are making room for more stamps and I adore their stuff so I thought I would share! If you shop tell ‘um Lindsay sent ya!

DCF 1.0

A YouTube viewer asked me if I knew where to buy punchenella and I thought I would do one better and show you how to make it!

It’s easy, all you need is paper drywall tape with holes, Lowes has a 2″x100′ roll for $6, and something to color it with like an inkpad or paint. You can even glitter it like I did here:

DCF 1.0

And now for the card. I designed this on the fly with the camera rolling (I feel like it needs a disclaimer LOL!) but you might get a new tip or trick to make it worth your while…

Well, I better get moving, I am running in the parent race for my son’s Cross Country team this afternoon, I don’t know what possessed me to agree to this 1.6 miles of torture, I think when the season started and I was so proud of my son for running every day I thought it would be fun (kinda like how snowshoeing sounds like fun when it is summer and when it is winter you think next summer it will be fun to go camping then when the time comes you come to your senses) so if I am not back tomorrow please send a paramedic into the woods after me to haul my sorry butt out, will ya? 😀 I did start training for the race about 2 months ago but I realized about 3 weeks in that a hate running, really hate running so my new plan is to save my strength for the race. I;ll let you know how that turns out. But if you don’t hear from me remember to send the paramedic, OK? Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

13 thoughts on “DIY Punchenella and a Crafty Card {2 Videos!}

  1. lol! Good luck with the race, we are rooting for you! I like your training philosophy. 😉 Cute card and thank you as always for your wonderful videos. Hugs!


  2. You tickle me to no end!! Good luck and I feel your pain because I would call 911 ahead of time to let them know to come get me!!! I LOVE your videos and as ALWAYS thanks for the DIY!!


  3. Cute card! Oh Lindsay my husband bought a boat on Ebay. When I told him to bid I didn’t think he would keep bidding till he got it. Took it to the ocean in Florida a few weeks ago and it did good. Have fun running and I will be cheering you on. Have a good one.


  4. my goodness, you are the funniest person,ever! hope you’re not lost in the woods…I’m sure you did great and good for you! I’m sure your son was proud! And I think that is one of the cutest stinkin’ cards i’ve seen. LOVE that vintage pumpin guy with his accordian arms…haven’t seen the video yet, i’m still at work.
    lastly, where were you when i was looking all over for punchinella a couple years ago…??? finally bought some on the internet but i’ll be looking into some of this stuff..esp. since i work at a tile & mosaic co.!
    Keep up the good work..we are all grateful for your entertaining videos!


  5. LOVE the card. I’m going to have to go to Pink Persimmon and buy the stamp set. I’m a sucker for vintage or nostalgia.

    Love the home made punchenella too. And the way you added that brick wall w/o masking–awesome. I need some of those applicators–seems easier getting around the ‘innies’ and ‘outies”.

    As for Halloween costumes–when I was a kid mine always came in a box from the Five and Dime. Very few kids made their own back in my day–it was in the late fifties after the war and everything was booming. I always felt a little sorry for the kids, thinking they had to ‘make do’. That they might be being creative never crossed my mind.

    I hope you never lose your mojo–spending virtual time w/ you in the craft room is always a treat.


  6. I remember my friend Annie and I raided our Dad’s necktie closets and made ourselves some wonderful hula skirts one Halloween. I agree … it’s so much more fun to throw together stuff you have and your imagination . Love the Non masking masking tip. I’ll be using that for sure.


  7. Darling card and you make coloring look sooo easy. My favorite of all times costume was a long raincoat buttoned all up with a full face mask (just a solid color with face features) and my brother’s shoes. Not any of our neighbors knew who I was.


  8. I feel like I am obsessed with watching your videos. You are awesome and make things look so easy. Than I get all psyched to try the ideas out and discover things aren’t so easy…lol. Thanks for doing all these cool videos. Good luck on the race.


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