A Murder of Crows!

Hello Friends! I had some fun this weekend playing with some new stamps. The Murder of Crows set from Lost Coast designs:

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I decorated some manila tags and laminated them to make bookmarks. I colored them with PanPastels but you can use ink and a sponge or regular chalk to get the same effect. Watch the quick video to see how:

Here is the tag from the video, I was able to get the text on the tag by inking up half the stamp, stamping, cleaning the stamp and inking the other half and stamping it on the other side of the bird. An easy trick that comes in handy when trying to fit all the stamps you want on a small tag.

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I think I will use these stamps a lot, I got some old Edgar Allen Poe books that were being thrown away by the library that will be great with these stamps. I can’t wait to play more with them! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!