Mummies and Scarecrows and Burlap, Oh My!

Hello folks, I hope you are enjoying a lovely long weekend (Columbus Day in the US)  and if you have a moment to craft today consider making these cute recycled jar decorations:

DCF 1.0

I used burlap ribbon from Papermart to wrap the jars in for a fun country, primitive look. I also used bakers twine, tags, buttons, googlie eyes, yarn and fabric scraps. I use a hot glue gun to put it all together but if you are working with children I suggest thick and tacky glue. Watch this video to see how it is done!

You can write and draw the details on the tag and lid or use stamps, mine are from Art Neko.


I hope I have inspired you to dig through the recycling bin and make some festive decorations this fall. Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

9 thoughts on “Mummies and Scarecrows and Burlap, Oh My!

  1. Went to the Pumpkin Patch Saturday and they were selling mason jars (minus the lid) decorated with a wide strip of burlap overlaid with some ribbon–quite plain– and the price tag? $8!!…uh huh..eight bucks. Your jars are so much cuter and a better deal to boot.


  2. I would love to be able to Pin some of the wonderful projects you demo on this blog. Do you for see using Pinterest in the near future?


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