Let’s Talk Layers: Using watercolor pencils and wax colored pencils together

Hi friends! I find that a lot of the time my students are displeased with their colored pencils work it is because they haven’t gone far enough with it yet. We think because all the paper is covered we are done but that is not often true. Not only do you need to cover the expanse of your paper but you need to build up areas as well. Think of it like a topographical map. the areas of your painting that are the focal points will have layers like a mountain range on a map would. Sometimes you want to add more pencils but you have filled the paper’s tooth and it won’t stick so what do you do then? In today’s video I will show you ways to build up layers and create a finished looking artwork. I will share tips of what to do when the pencil won’t stick and tricks for those final details.

You can find a fully narrated real-time tutorial of this painting in Critique Club. Below is the time-lapse.

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In other news I bought a new tea kettle. Thank you for your help in deciding:) Happy crafting!