Sat Chat a day late and other good things!

Hi friends! It’s November, can you believe it? I just posted the new monthly prompt in Critique Club and last night I wrapped up my monthly figure drawing challenge. I will do a flip through of my drawings in a day or two. I was going to film it and post it today but honestly I needed a day off. If you want a peek at my finished drawings you can see them on Instagram. I have some tips to share if you are contemplating a month long art challenge so stay tuned for that video! For today though, I have yesterday’s Sat Chat (I am so on the ball…)

I have been posting daily videos over on YouTube so if you were curious about my sewing area organization or what’s in my tall stamping cart you can find those videos there. I will post them here eventually too)

Other Things

  • There is still room in my virtual Art of Carolina’s Classes. Registration ends 3 days before the class date so be sure to sign up before then if you want a spot.
  • I am in the middle of testing a bunch of products for review, the one stand out is the Parkoo acrylic paint pens (affiliate link) *I am mentioning this now because Amazon typically jacks up prices after my reviews go live and also there is a 20% off coupon today:)

That’s it friends! Take care of yourselves, take care of each other and til next time happy crafting!