Beginner Watercolor Hydrangea Tutorial!

Relax and paint this vase of beautiful Hydrangea flowers.


This tutorial is great for beginners or more seasoned painters who want a relaxing way to get out their paints and play! Please paint along with this real-time tutorial!

For this project you will need (Affiliate links used)

  • Watercolors (JoiArt) The set I used contains 24 paints and the small brushes I used in the tutorial.
  • Brushes 1/2″ or #7 flat, #6 round (included in JoiArt watercolor set)
  • Watercolor Paper (6″x9″ Bee)
  • Reference photo

Do you like these beginner watercolor tutorials? If so let me know in the comments below. If you would like more step by step flower tutorials please check out my online class: Watercolor Flower Workshop and learn to paint a variety of flowers in different arrangements!

Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

19 thoughts on “Beginner Watercolor Hydrangea Tutorial!

  1. Yes, I love your beginner watercolor videos. They are very helpful to those of us who would love to take your art classes, but just simply can’t afford to do so. Thank you for all that you do for us, it is very much appreciated. Thanks again.
    Sincerely Becky B from Arkansas

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I love ALL your videos; even the ones I don’t paint I always learn something. Your upbeat presentation is also a big plus. I also like how you explain everything as opposed to videos of someone just painting accompanied by music leaving me to wonder what exactly is happening. You are a positive force in the universe freely sharing your love and skills with those of us who aspire to improve our art.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I really like these beginners watercolor videos you have lately. I have followed along on several. They look no where as good as yours do but I surprise myself by them actually resembling the object I am Trying to paint. It is very exciting to be able to come out with a decent finished project. Sometimes I follow along on small card front sized pieces of watercolor paper and then use them on a card. Some I use 6×6 sized watercolor paper and make little bigger cards. I can’t wait for more of these beginner videos. I end up watching each one several times trying to follow along and I am never bored. Thank you for helping to teach strangers out in Internet land how to develop a new hobby. Maybe one of these days I am
    Going to finally find time to take one of your online classes.


    1. thank you! I appreciate the feedback:) I want to encourage as many people as possible so I am glad you are finding it useful:)


  4. When you swatch out your watercolor paints and pencils do you do it on watercolor paper? Also what other paper do you do your swatches on? Thanks Lindsay for your videos


  5. Love all your tutorials Lindsay. I’m probably an advanced beginner, but I learn alot from watching and trying your beginner videos, too.


  6. Hello Lindsay. Thank you for all your excellent tutorials. In the hydrangea tutorial you did with the watercolour p.a. do is it looked like you also had a palette of war paint, were those tube colours you also used?


  7. Hi Lindsay,
    This is beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing your talent, knowledge & encouraging & kind teaching style. You make art more approachable. I hope to try this soon.

    Liked by 1 person

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