Year of the Rooster (in watercolor)

Hi friends! Since it is year of the rooster and I have had a few requests I decided to paint one and try out a new set of watercolors!


The paints are Schminke Akadamie student grade paint and I am working in my Aquafine sketchbook so this was done with all student grade supplies (yep, use what you have:) Watch the video and paint along if you like!

I added spatters after I was done filming and you can see that in the top photo. I will have a proper review of these paints in a few days. as you may have noticed (probably not, you are busy I am sure) I have cut back to posting about 5 times a week. I am undertaking a massive home declutter inspired by Marie Kondo’s book The life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. So far I have done clothes, books and linens. It is quite a process. If you are unaware of her book, basically you gather all of your possessions by type (all books for instance) put them in a pile on the floor and pick each one up and ask yourself “does this spark joy?” and if yes you keep it and put it back on the shelf and if not you discard it. It’s amazing how any things collect in your house. I am famous for accepting hand me downs of all types, a recommended book, piece of furniture to be refurnished, art supplies, weird funky clothing and accessories, the list goes on. I usually enjoy these things but lately (for the past 6 months or so, maybe more) they have been making me feel anxious and claustrophobic.  It is time to clean out! I am simultaneously looking forward to and dreading the craft room tidy. I don’t enjoy creating as much as when I had less. Also I have all of my teaching supplies mixed in with my personal supplies which I reckon is a big part of the problem. Also there are crafts that just don’t appeal much to me anymore. I have probably made all of the candles I care to make for instance and I have supplies I bought when new to a craft that no longer suit me. I am saving that for last because I want to refine my decision-making process before I start. It is not going to be easy. I think I might film parts of the process because I have found it helpful to see how others tackled certain categories. I am really gung-ho on this project right now and I am wondering if any of you are going through the same no art mojo spring cleaning marathon phase? Let me know in the comments, we can cheer each other on! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

20 thoughts on “Year of the Rooster (in watercolor)

  1. I am exactly the same right now – I haven’t done any crafting in a while because of the mess in my craft room. I know there is stuff in there that I will never use as I am more into my painting now than my card making but I’m worried about getting rid of it all just in case I need it. I have cleared out some stuff but the bulk of it is still to go. I would love to see your progress as I think that will give me my motivation.


  2. I’m in the process of decluttering but I love everything so it’s going to be a challenge. I saw Marie’s book through another channel so that’s how I started. I wish all of us luck. I love the rooster.


  3. I have been de-cluttering my house for two years. Okay, that may sound bad, but I had some medical issues on and off during that time. I made over $400.00 selling art and papercraft stuff at friends’ garage sales. I also donated stuff to a grade school and a local non-profit. My goal was one box or bag a week out of the house. If you do that, at the end of a year that is 52 boxes or bags! Not sure why I still have a house full of stuff! Don’t give up Lindsay; you will be so happy when you are finished!

    PS: I want to come to YOUR garage sale when you finish with your craft room. Maybe you can sell stuff online and ship it in the flat rate boxes.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The Rooster is great! I’ve also been decluttering on and off for a couple of years. I have downsized soooo much, but I want to do a second pass at everything and get rid of even more stuff. It feels so good. I’m so new to watercolors that I don’t have much but I do have scrapbooking items to downsize.


  5. I’m doing the same because we’re planning to move within the year. I have no idea what to do with all of my craft supplies–it took so long to accumulate all of this stuff, but I need to declutter!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I declutter periodically and I still have lots of it! The system you are doing wouldn’t work for me. I need to do spaces instead of like items. Sometimes that means the same thing, and sometimes it doesn’t.

    I wish you every success on this!!!

    I share a youtube account with my husband so I am Jesse B when I comment on your videos. I bought a stamp perfect from a friend. I have stamped out about 95% of my stamps. I then ruthlessly decided keep or go. I will go through another round with my paper, but I have cut that down by about half.

    I am applying the same thought process to the rest of my home. I hope to see videos of your process.

    I am finding that going through everything reignates my passion for some of my items.


  7. I have too much scrap booking and stamping stuff but keep buying! 😏 I also regularly go thru my stuff and reorganize it which helps me know what I have. And I love to just go thru my goodies! I sell stuff at garage sales and donate items too. Now when I purchase a pad of paper, I immediately go thru and pull the papers I don’t love and donate them. I agree, too much stuff can be a burden so I continually look at what I love or what isn’t so great to me anymore.
    YES, I would enjoy seeing your process in your craft room purge.
    Love the gorgeous rooster!


  8. Hi Lindsay, I love your bright colourful rooster, he is just beautiful.
    I read the same book by Marie Kondo last year and it’s really been great. I started off with much enthusiasm for my clothes, the bathroom and places that I can see. This just leaves my giant craft horde where I have found myself unable to say not to offers from others because maybe one day I will use it.
    Having all that clutter was really getting me down (still a work in progress) but her book has helped me to shift my attitude to being much more active about the things I accept into my home space and with a little diligence and time I shall be able to clear back some work spaces.
    Would love to see a process video from you if you find the time to put one together, its so interesting to see how other people do things.


  9. I love your rooster. good luck on the downsizing. Maybe you can use some of your “get rid of’s” for prizes on your website.


  10. De-clutter is allways good for the mind, it gives you more room. Isn’t it possible to make heating in your main craftroom/cellar? Than you are surrounded by your beloved art supplies for inspiration. Even more because it’s your living. I love the colours of your rooster, have a nice de-clutter day 🙂


    1. It is an unfinished basement. I have tried space heaters but they don’t seem to do much, I am still always cold. It will be warmer soon tho:)


  11. LOL. I went through this phase cleaning/organizing/purging in early/mid-January. I made awesome progress and was happy with the results but have lost interest. I still have one and a half rooms so hopefully I can dig deep and get it done before June. It does feel good to “clean out” the junk. I am somewhat of a hoarder who hates to get rid of stuff if there is a possibility of using it one day. I have gotten rid of so much stuff in the past and then ended up having to buy it again down the road so it is difficult for me to purge. On the other hand, it feels good to get rid of clutter and have some big open spaces. Best of Luck with your project!


    1. May The Force be with you Lindsay. I need to get that book as I feel the weight of too much stuff and I need to get motivated to do something about it! Yes, give aways of even your used things would be fabulous. (I just realized you would be enabling those of us needing to purge!!!)


  12. I really hope you do a video of decluttering. I start and work for a day or two then stop. Your energy and determination to declutter would inspire many of us to keep going.


  13. I just found your tutorials and absolutely LOVE them. Your joy of the craft really comes through!
    I’ve been decluttering my house since November, this is the second pass through and I got rid of 15 carloads of stuff to the thrift store and tons of junk to throw away. I feel SOOO much lighter and it’s so much easier to keep the house clean. I would love to see your process of doing the craft room.


  14. I read Marie Kondo’s book but I just can’t get myself to be as methodical and “ruthless” as she is with sorting. But, I have to admit that when things are in order and the clutter is gone, my mind is freer and clearer and that is a good feeling. I am almost finished with my craft room and I really “cleaned house”. I had to admit that my interests have changed and I needed to get rid of what I don’t use or need. I had to get almost everything out of the room for a flooring project so it was a good opportunity to declutter. Nothing gets allowed back into the room until it is sorted. So far I have 2 boxes of stuff for a garage sale and I have more to go. It’s a great feeling. Good luck with your project. You will feel so liberated when it is finished.


  15. I have been working on downsizing my craft stuff and it seems like it is multiplying instead of subtracting. I sell a lot of it in a little booth I have in an antique shop at really low prices. Hoping some newbies can get some use out of it on a budget/


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