Garden Bench Makeover! {It’s a great time to be outside!}

Hi friends! The weather had been beautiful this week. I spent a lot of time puttering in the yard today (so much time that I did not get down to the studio to shoot the card making tutorials I planned) but I still have a project to share tonight. A few weeks ago I made this project for Home & Garden for Mere Mortals. I had a shabby looking garden bench that needed some attention after spending the winter outside with 2 feet of snow on it. I was so sick of winter at that time that I went with some pretty bright colors but I like it. Feel free to change up the colors to suit your needs.


I also chose those bold colors so you can see what the crackle medium did to the finish. It is a much subtler effect if you use colors that are similar to one another. I hope you have a fantastic weekend! Tell me, what projects do you have planned this weekend? Happy crafting!

9 thoughts on “Garden Bench Makeover! {It’s a great time to be outside!}

  1. Hi Lindsay, first off your bench turned out so cute!
    I also want to ask you if you could possibly explain whats going on with youtube. Most of the youtubers I subscribe to, and your videos included, read (above the comment section) that comments have been disabled. Certainly you haven’t disabled people from leaving you comments on youtube!
    My husband and daughters are seeing that same message when they check out videos to those they subscribe to on youtube.
    Thank you, and if you know why this is happening on youtube maybe you could make a video explaining it…obviously I’m not the only one who is experiencing this.


      1. Thank you, I appreciate your checking on this. If I can’t leave comments you can’t get comments…I know I’m not the only one whose seeing the that message about comments being disabled. My daughters are adults living on their own so my husband and I don’t share any of our devices or network with them. And today I called a few friends to ask them to check if they could leave comments. Same situation for all of us…we can leave comments on some videos but not the majority of them. No matter which person’s videos we’ve subscribed to. It’s so weird, we all said the same thing – that this problem started for us a week ago. But none of us said anything about it to anyone thinking our computers were temporarily being naughty and they’d magically start acting nice to us again. Lol
        I hope I’m not imposing on you, I understand how busy you are. Again, I appreciate your efforts!


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