Basic Color Mixing & Brush Use in today’s Video (learn to paint a sunset!)

Hi friends! Sorry I did not have  a post for you yesterday, I was completely wiped out after a day at the Made in Maine Expo. I shared some pics during the day on the Facebook page if you are curious. I was a great show and a lot of fun. I have to say that I am a bit sore from lugging product up and down stairs (cutting boards are heavy!) But all-in-all it was a good time, and I left with less than I brought. I will have a recap later this week and tips for selling at a higher-end craft fair in case you were considering it! Tonight I am going to do something many of you have requested. I am going to go back to basics and we are going to mix 3 colors to make all the colors we need for a painting, we will talk a bit about color theory and I will also show you my two most used kinds of brushes and show you why I like them so you can pick the best brushes for the job. Watch the video for all the tips! Before you ask: I am working in my Canson Mixed Media Journal and the plastic palette is the Jones palette and I have had it for 15 years but it is still available at many retailers (Jerry’s Artarama has it for about $20) the brushes I am using are by Royal & Langnickle, I like the Majestic and the Aqualon lines and you can find them at many retailers.

OK, on to the video!

I hope you try this one even if you don’t think you can paint. You can even use children’s watercolors (Prang is really good actually and you can grab those anywhere!) The most important thing is that you try. You will learn so much about color mixing just by experimenting with the paint. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

11 thoughts on “Basic Color Mixing & Brush Use in today’s Video (learn to paint a sunset!)

  1. I did it! I never thought I would paint with watercolors, but, thanks to you and all your helpful information, I took the plunge! I will be trying your other videos as well. Thank you so much.


  2. Love this video and the painting Lindsay. You actually make me feel like I can do this, so I’m gonna try. Thanks for all your wonderful tutorials and tips……..Linda E.


  3. As always you have such a way with making things look like it is reachable. I also am trying my hand at the water color painting. Thank you for all that you do for us.


  4. Love your watercolor videos and learn something from each one. I may even watch some videos a couple of times. You make it look like anyone can do it. I believe that if you really want to do something, you can. So, I keep watching and learning. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.


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