Santas A Plenty!

Happy Christmas everyone! Well, we had a great Christmas, last night we had my Husband’s family over for dinner and to exchange gifts and this morning we had our tree then brought gifts to my folks house and had a great day with my side of the family…oh, and did I mention we had NO POWER?!? The weekend’s ice storm knocked out electricity in most of the state. Luckily we have a wood stove and lots of candles and a pizza parlor nearby cuz that’s what we served for Christmas Eve dinner, that and some liquid refreshments so no one minded the lack of lights or the unbathed hosts and guests. I felt like I was in “Little House on the Prairie”. Ahh, the good old days! Ha ha! The kids were really super, their biggest worry was that people would not come over if the lights were out but, heck, we are Mainers! A power outage is not an inconvenience, it’s a challenge!  I bet some of you got some art supplies for Christmas or maybe now that the dinner’s been cooked, presents opened ( and power back on) you might have some time to play with your neglected supplies so I have 2 tutorials for you tonight, one is how to draw Santa with pastel pencils…

…and the other is how to paint him with watercolors. Hey, make these on cards and you will have a few Christmas cards ready for next year, sweet!

Merry Christmas to you and yours! Til next time happy crafting!

12 thoughts on “Santas A Plenty!

  1. your celebrations sound awesome! What a delight. well, other than no showers! LOL. Happy for you, hope your new year is blessed, too!


  2. I didn’t expect you to be posting, I was sure you would be without electricity for a few day. Glad it came on so you will be warm and have lights and water. Love the videos!


  3. Just to wish you a very merry Christmas!
    Everyone here really liked the Christmas tags and cards I made following your tutorials and suggestions so thank you very much for helping me out with such a big hit.I hope you have some good ideas for NEXT Christmas because expectations are running high with my folks….I seem to have an artistic reputation to uphold now!
    I also loved your soap tutorial by the way.I have never made soaps but think this will be a great future handmade gift idea to try out.
    Merry Christmas and all best wishes for a happy and creative 2014 xx


  4. Sorry you were hit by the power outage. Thousands in and around the Toronto, Ontario area are still without power too. The ice storm just barely missed us. Nice that the pizza place had power!!

    Love your drawing and painting. I just bought some water colour paints in the fall and I am determined to paint some Christmas cards for next year…but I’ll keep making them just in case it doesn’t work out.


  5. Love your tutorials Lindsay “Quick”. Question/Request for you. For Christmas, I received some panpastels. If you own any, would you be kind enough to do a drawing with them please. Thank you.


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