I am so pumped!

howdy friends! I am so excited for today! I just got word last night from Kelly Brooks Bay, Author of The Rainbow Pants that the books arrived for the book release party, phew! Also I can’t wait to see my daughters Girl Scout float in the Old Home Week Parade today and I got my craft fair booth all set up yesterday morning so I will be busy and having fun all day. I’ll share some pictures of everything with you tomorrow;) As I was packaging up some more cards for sale I remembered the watercolor cards I painted in Boston, I thought I would get home and do more to them but decided they were fine as is:

DCF 1.0

Near Tufts there were all of these sparrows around, very tame, swooping in to get dropped bits of bread, here is one:

DCF 1.0

and here are 2 little paintings from my head…

DCF 1.0 DCF 1.0

My watercolor cards usually sell pretty well. Some people buy them to frame, hey they are original paintings, why not? Well, I better get moving, lots to do today! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

16 thoughts on “I am so pumped!

  1. I love these, Lindsay. Watercolours have such delicate and subtle colouring. The nest of eggs is just beautiful… Hope you are having a really lovely day today with all your fun things to do – hope the kids enjoy it! Have a great weekend.



    1. thanks Shoshi! The girls won 1st place for their float and my son was thrilled to run my booth (he made 3 sales!) and earn some cash while I was at the book signing! It was a great day!


  2. I love these little prints of the sparrows! Have fun Lindsay! I’m so bummed I can’t be there- Lucy has instructions on what to get me!!! I’ll miss seeing everything though!!
    Fun times, Lorraine 🙂


    1. the crafter’s workshop[ sells many of them, they go on sale at Joann.com when stamping stuff is on sale sometimes. Id try them first and wait for a sale.


    1. I forwarded this comment to the owner of Lost Coast Designs, he name is Linda, she can help you;) Keep an eye on your email;)


  3. Great news on the book, must be exiting Lindsay
    Have fun today and your watercolour cards -birdie and the nest – are just AWESOME…..


  4. You are a great artist. Your work is so fresh and uninhibited. I LOVE that. I know you will have a great day after all your work and set up. You have unending energy! Bravo!!!!!


  5. Oh my gosh Lindsay those cards are gorgeous and well worth framing. Have fun this weekend. I just came from a craft yard sale in which I broke even, I think. LOL


  6. Lovely water colour painted cards. I have a had a few people tell me that they have framed some of my cards too. It’s a nice feeling isn’t it!


  7. The cards are lovely. I remember them from your Boston posts and love the soft look of them. I’d guess they were the first to sell. I’d have certainly become one of those people who fight over items if I were there. 😉 Great news on the book. I hope the parade was a success, too, and there were no eqpt malfunctions. Looking forward to more pics of the events.


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