Make a Statement {Necklace!}

Happy Saturday folks! First I want to apologize to all of my papercrafters out there since my current jewelry obsession has taken over my blog (as it does whenever I am preparing for a craft fair) but I have some stamping to do today so I am planning on posting a card tomorrow. You see I imagine all of my readers are just waiting with bated breath to read my posts HA HA 😀 ! I had a burst of creativity yesterday morning after coming across a tray full of glass pebbles I had altered months ago (while looking for jewelry price tags) and I was inspired to make this:

DCF 1.0

It’s a statement necklace and it is super fun! basically you cut a “bib” from felt and you glue anything you like to it such as flowers, buttons, gems, anything! I used silk flowers and the flat backed glass marbles I had altered. Then I added some raveled rose ribbon and added ribbon crimps (see how to video here) a bit of chain and a toggle clasp to the back.

DCF 1.0

Quick, Easy and Fun and one more item for my craft fair table. I can see myself making more of these. They are eye-catching and a fun accessory! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

9 thoughts on “Make a Statement {Necklace!}

  1. Thanks for your comments on my cards, I love the Inktense pencils…I have 2 sets! I wanted more after having only the set of 12! I love them!
    Yup I made all those flowers a while ago and thought they would come in handy…they did!


  2. Ohhh! Lindsay, this is gorgeous and so unique…I LOVE it! Thanks for sharing!

    Hey, I wanted to let you know that I received about a dozen emails for you this morning. They are emails of blog posts (since I am a subscriber) but what is weird is that they are from back in 2008 and 2009 like the faux bandana technique and the “shrink plastic” is not just for kids Mermaid earring that you made. There were several more. It is not a big deal to me but thought you should know in case someone has hacked your account or if other people mention it.


    1. LOL! Val, that is funny, it happened because I was cleaning up my blog dashboard, I had several projects that I had to remove because they were going to be published and I forgot to put them back up after the magazines came out. I published them all again and they were filed under the dates I originally published them but they also send out a new post email to my subscribers, sorry for the “Lindsay Overload” this morning ha ha!


  3. A beautiful jewellery necklace and a truly unique design. I love the large bold design of this piece of handmade jewellery and the combination of the materials you have used to create this piece are eclectic but they work really well together.


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