Cooking up a birthday wish…

Hello fellow crafters! I hope you are having a lovely weekend. Ours looks to be low-key, no birthday parties or ball games, we can just relax. What a great time to get ahead on cardmaking. Here is a birthday card I made with one of the flowers done with the homemade clay I shared earlier this week and some cute stamps that came free with a magazine I bought last week.


I was really surprised when I saw the April issue of Cardmaking & Papercraft (A UK magazine) at my local JoAnn Fabrics. I expected it to cost $20 but it was 10.99, then it was on sale for 10% off and on top of that I had a 20% off total purchase so I got the magazine and a large set of stamps for $8! It is an adorable set and I’m sure you will see me use it many times! I will have to keep my eye out for that mag to see if they offer free stamps with it again! I used my ProMarkers to color the image.

That’s all for today, til next time happy crafting!

5 thoughts on “Cooking up a birthday wish…

  1. What a lovely card..I live in the UK but missed that copy of the magazine !..must keep my eyes open for back issues…thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas.


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