Lovely in Lilac & WOYWW

Howdy folks! I played with some of the clay embellishments I molded the other day.  Click here for the homemade clay recipe. This butterfly plaque I stamped yesterday was dry but it had warped so I flipped it upside down on my silicone mat and heated it with a heat gun them pressed a stamp block on it while it was still hot and let it cool with the block on top to flatten it out. Then I dry brushed some acrylic paint on the front before adhering it to my card. I think I will have to play more with my stamps on the clay because I really like the look!


I picked up this flower and simply sponged some purple ink on it, I like that look too!


I started listing to the audiobook The Help and really got in to it, I like to tidy up my work area when I am don for the day but apparently I lost track of time and started another card, whoops! Please don’t mind the mess now 🙂 Happy What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday!

Before I go I want to share a picture of one of my new chicks sleeping in my hand, can you stand the cuteness?!?

thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

22 thoughts on “Lovely in Lilac & WOYWW

  1. Hi Lindsay. Love the chick pic – just posted it on Pinterest on my Wall and gave credit to The Frugal Crafter as the originator.


  2. Yup she right 4 a crafters Ur nails r extraordinary. They also look like the cookies from Dollhouse Bake Shop blog where she made earth cookies, fire, earth, wind and fire. I hope everyone gets a chance to see this site. the fire cookies look kinda like your nails. Try ck-ing out that blog, actually a Paper-Doll was made of her w/kitchen clothes et all too. She also has some real cute Earthday Cup-cakes.


  3. Oh, I forgot to day that I think Sculpey is great for using molds, as well as “bead guts”, which is the inside of beads. You use the Sculpy for the inside of the bead, and cover the outside with Premo, Fimo or Kato clay.
    It’s a good use for Sculpy scraps, as well as for mold-making, as the blogger already mentioned. I just wouldn’t use it for anything that would get wear and tear.


  4. Love the project! Beautiful and elegant. I love the nails. Are you making your own crackle for your nails? I am waiting patiently for my supplies to come in so I can start making custom colors. Love the precious chick the most. Complete cutie pie and worth the Daily Squee.


    1. My nails are stamped with a tiger stripe stamps. I have the Salon Express kit with the scraper, applicator and 5 disks then I bought a big set of 25 plates from amazone, it is made by Shane and cost $13 for over 100 designs!


  5. I love listening to audio books too! I can digitally check them out from our library system online. Plus, I like shows on BBC Radio4 drama. I think I get more done when listening to a book or drama!


    1. I check mine out from out library digitally too! I just love being read to. I’ll check out the BBC radio 4 too, is that a podcast? Do you have any reccomendations of really good ones to listen to?


  6. I adore your project, I love all the different elements that you have used on it, it is gorgeous as is that cute little chick, how adorable 🙂

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Hugs, Karen #75


  7. The clay project turned out great! love the effect! like the looks of the other card you’ve started on. And your chick is just soooooooo cute! x April #87


  8. Oh look at that, how gorgeous! And the chickee of course!! Like the clay butterfly, great result. I frequently listen to plays and books and it really does carry you away…so much so that I ALWAYS forget to tidy up!!


  9. Oh my how cute is that chick! Love you creations, using clay looks fab and works a treat! Take care, hope you enjoy this week’s WOYWW, have been snooping in shifts but I’m getting there! Zo xx 77


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