A lovely rainy Tuesday…

…I’m serious, the kids slept in so I had time to layout a bunch of cut fruit before they woke up so they could make fruit kabobs for breakfast (And I got a cup of “quiet coffee” yay!) When I picked up the girls from school we went to the natural food store to get eggs so we could dye Easter eggs tonight (they are currently boiling) and then we went to the library. While they were at school today I got a chance to make a card using the sketch from the 2sketches4you blog:

Stamp: Lindsay's Stamp Stuff, Paper: MME, Die Cuts: Cricut, Punch: Fiskars
Stamp: Lindsay's Stamp Stuff, Paper: MME, Die Cuts: Cricut, Punch: Fiskars

Using sketches is really growing on me, I think when I realized that you don’t have follow the sketch exactly I started to really enjoy it. I like this sketch blog because it is fun to see how others interpret the same sketch. I used the leftover My Minds Eye paper that I used on the layout “on my mind” last week and a new digi-stamp I designed for the card.  BTW I am having a call for design team members, click on the tab at the top of the page for details. Oh and get this, the stitching (except for the bit on the edge of the lace to hold it to the card) is fake! I threaded slivers of white cardstock through some of the buttons then glued them on the card and the sewing on the white paisley paper was done with my Cutterbee piercing bugs on a foam mat then I drew over the holes with a red pen. Easy and quick! To color I used Prismacolor pencils and a Prismacolor colorless marker, then I used a pom-pom to add light blue to the background.

Well, the egg timer is about to go off and I want to give the eggs a chance to cool before my oldest gets home so we can dye them! I’ve had a box of egg dye on the kitchen counter tormenting the kids for weeks, they can’t stand the antisapation! Speaking of eggs I have a fun freebie for you tomorrow…staytuned! Also, Tonight (in the states) ABC is running the Charlie Brown Easter Special at 8pm or 7pm depending where you live. Til tomorrow happy crafting!

10 thoughts on “A lovely rainy Tuesday…

  1. Wow, super pretty! I LOVE the stamped image and your coloring is wonderful. The general color scheme is just so pretty.


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