Back from France! What a fabulous time!

Hi friends! We got back from France Tuesday night and I have to admit I am still a bit tired! I managed to do a 3-hour kayak paddle with a friend yesterday though and that felt amazing! We even saw some geese and ducks but sadly my photos didn’t come out great so you will just have to trust me on that LOL! I am so glad I planned a few days of downtime after the retreat to catch up without much pressure because I am still jet-lagged. If you want to hear about the trip and other random stuff, check out this week’s Sat Chat!

I can’t believe I missed the opportunity to say “faux-rito” at the end. Clearly, my brain isn’t back up to speed yet. Haha! I haven’t had the chance to edit any of my photos or videos from the trip but I will put some in a slide show below if you want to sit back with a cup of tea, coffee, or as they do in France, wine and enjoy some of the raw photos as you listen to the chat. I will be using these as references for some upcoming tutorials too!

Stuff I mentioned:

I hope you are having a lovely weekend! I am still taking it easy. I think we are going to see the new Planet of the Apes movie tonight. I hope it’s good! I also wanted to let you know I will be talking to tole pattern designer Sheila Landry on the podcast tomorrow so I hope you tune in for a relaxed friendly chat! Until then, happy crafting!