Plein Air Beach Painting (only a little sand in my palette …)

Hi friends! I am still getting back into the swing of things this week. I woke up to a funny thing today, turns out Samantha Bee used a 2-second clip of my “Should we ban Glitter?” video from a couple years ago in her TV show this week! Here is a clip of that segment on Youtube if you want to see it! It’s only like 2 seconds but I feel kinda famous LOL! I think it’s kinda cool and I’m glad she didn’t make fun of my video because she is a comedian and I can be a bit kooky. But back on topic, I wanted to share the sketches I did on vacation last week. I think this one is my favorite:

They had some areas cordoned off to protect nesting birds so I got to see piping plovers firsthand. It was cool! You can see the rest of my sketches and a demo of a watercolor sunrise in today’s video!

Here is the photo of the sunrise we painted. It was cool to use my own sunrise photo!

Sketchbooks I used:

Here are some photos of the sketches. I share photos of art and sketches on Instagram so follow me there if you like that sort of thing:)

I hope you get the chance to do some outdoor painting this summer. Happy crafting!

7 thoughts on “Plein Air Beach Painting (only a little sand in my palette …)

  1. Wow, so very pretty!! Iā€™m trying to get back to painting little watercolor scenes every morning – I did that for two years, following you every morning and doing one of your lessons šŸ™‚ Then my Mom got sick and I needed joint replacements; my whole life got turned upside-down (the Demogorgon got me! šŸ˜„) I havenā€™t painted like that in quite a while. (I am doing a little rock village out of big river rocks, so Iā€™m not totally out of that creativity spark!) But seeing your pretty scenes today have inspired me already! I keep a little WC set in a bag next to my chair all the time, so I can pick it up to play anytime.


  2. Those are lovely paintings. I especially like the one with the Plover.

    My Portable Painter arrived a couple of weeks ago now, and I haven’t filled it…I tried sticking my old Cotman travel set in in it and it fits, but the little cups don’t attach. What was I thinking?! I think I’m making the palette too precious to fill! I need to get over that!!

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