Why I’m Quitting Friday Live Streams


Hi friends!  I have been wrestling with this decision for about a year. I have continually been feeling like I have missed the mark on providing good live videos, or maybe the videos are the same as they have always been but people are tired of it. The more time I spend preparing for them the worse they seem to perform (views) and I am just plain burned out. I really thought the low views were a fluke and if I stayed to a consistent time the viewers would come back when they had time but after a year of grinding with no improvement I need to face the facts.

The friday tutorials have been stressing me out. How stupid does that sound? This is art, it is supposed to be relaxing and lessen worry, not add to it. I really have a hard time letting go, or quitting, anything that I start but I have realized if I want to try new and exciting things I have to l give something up. I have spent 3 days preparing for some of the live streams thinking that I want to make sure that there is no wasted time in the stream so it will be as valuable as a prerecorded edited video and I don’t waste viewers time by looking for stuff when I am live. Also to answer questions on the fly I need to know what I am teaching by heart, otherwise I will get distracted and have the dreaded “dead air.” Hmmm, I am probably missing the whole carefree point of live streaming LOL!

It reminds me of this apple orchard we used to take the kids to. It was owned by a little old couple and I think they had all but retired from farming but opened it up to apple picking each year. It was small and near to our house and the apples were inexpensive and easy to pick because the branches were low.  We went there year after year and I started to notice that the trees were not bearing much fruit and every year it got worse. That is how I have been feeling. Successful farmers rotate their crops to keep from depleting the soil. I feel depleted. I need to try new things just like a farmer needs to plant new crops. I want to jump on an idea when I have it and not just write it down in a notebook so I can go back to it when I have a free moment because the energy is never the same. My best and most successful videos are ones where I was so excited to share in idea or technique I discovered that I just couldn’t wait to share it with the world! I need to get that spark back. I need the flexibility in my schedule so I can jump on an idea when I have it. I find when I was worried about “what am I going to paint Friday?” it would preoccupy my mind, make me restless and squash my creativity. I actually have felt more relaxed and creative just since making the decision to take a break from these streams.

I have always been nervous about posting a schedule because I didn’t want anyone to expect something and be disappointed. However I do have a basic framework to my channel which as enough flexibility for me to jump on those fun art ideas. On Tuesday and Thursday I usually post a papercraft project. On Wednesday I have a watercolor tutorial that is real-time and beginners can follow along. Saturdays are usually reviews but can be something else. Sundays are Sketchbook Sunday where I show what I am working on in my sketchbook to stretch my abilities and grow and this is always a narrated time-lapse and can be drawing, painting or mixed media. Anything can happen on the other days, or maybe nothing. I miss playing with other mediums (pastel, I’m looking at you!) and making other crafts like jewelry, clothing and altered stuff. To be honest, I am tired of listening to YouTube “experts” who say you need to focus your channel on one thing and keep people on the platform as long as possible. I think it is better to share such awesome ideas that people want to turn off the computer and create! If that sounds good to you please stick around. We are going to have some fun! Till next time happy crafting!


127 thoughts on “Why I’m Quitting Friday Live Streams

  1. Lindsay, I’m glad you’re following your heart and simplifying a little. I hope that not having the live stream hanging over your head all of the time will help you get back the zest for arting and crafting give you. I really do appreciate all of your work. You’ve done a lot for me personally and for many others as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Change is good and if what you’re doing isn’t working for then the change is overdue. I love your videos regardless of what they are about. Your passion shines thru in everything you do. I appreciate the work and art you create and can’t wait to see what you come up with next. Hugs from Florida!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Awesome,usually i watched the lives on replay because a that time imdoing house chores, i think it would be great if you do more mixed media stuff, im trust you 100% on your recomendations and i need someone to review supplies the honest way. Thank you and i hope to see you soon.


  4. L–I have wondered many times how you can keep going and featuring projects the way you do. Please take the time you need and do not feel pressured to be there every day. You could repeat a post and that would be fine. We just love you and your fresh unique approach to things we would otherwise miss in life. Take your power, my friend.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I’m so sorry to hear that. I think you are great and I have learned so much from you, but I completely understand. Maybe in the future you could do monthly live streams-I hope so. Whenever anyone asks “who or what is a good YouTube channel for a beginner or any level artist to learn from?” I always recommend you. Thank you so much for all that you do. Many artists will offer help, but they want to put a price on it. So I know that you are appreciated very much by many. Thank you again and I will continue to subscribe to your channel and have fun while I’m learning 😊


  6. Good for you. As a faithful sub I support your decision. I would love to see more of the fruit of your creative “spark” from impromptu ideas. Schedule schmedule. Just my humble opinion but the best YT content is unplanned and unscripted.


  7. I really like your blog. I love your enthusiasm. I have a lot of interests as well but I think what I need to do is to finish one project and let that take me where it leads me. Especially remembering that art is about the process and to do that you shouldn’t be stressed.


  8. I watch all your videos, don’t mind what they’re about. they spark creativity, be sure to spark your creativity and joy, also


  9. You’re an inspiration to all of us, but you need to be stress free and relaxed to be your best self! No worries about the change…change can be good! Keep on creating -we will be here, anxious to hear your new ideas(when the spark hits you!) and ready to learn!


  10. Hi! I really enjoy your videos. I think you are a great teacher, and I generally watch your videos no matter what your topic is that particular day. I watch when I am crafting or just to relax, so having something live is not critical for me. I really appreciate your work!!


  11. I am fairly new to the whole YouTube world but you were my first one I subscribed to. I totally understand what your heart is saying and support YOU! I painted avidly many years ago and even had a shop. The business of it killed my love of art. I sold EVERYTHING and did not even keep ANY of my supplies. It’s taken me over 20 years to desire to create again. GOD didn’t intend His present He put within me to be killed. Go with your heart Lindsay! I love your channel and I will grow in creativity with you!


  12. I love your long watercolor tutorials and watch several a week (I choose a playlist of yours), each and every week. I also tune in each Friday morning for the live stream, although I don’t chat. I thank you for all you do and it has brought my much joy. I understand letting go of something that you feel is not working. I will continue to watch what you produce.


  13. I am sad, but I sure do understand……….I will watch you whatever you put out there, but it is silly for you to stress. Life is too short for that. Teach what you want and when you want, but still do videos. I don’t care if they are live or not because I can not always watch them at the time and watch later :)…Thank you for all you do.


  14. I never seem to catch the live stream live. Always watched it later, and just marveled at the amount of time that would go into it. I mean the live thing is one piece, but then to edit, and get it out there. I appreciate what you do, I just got finished watching the Cairn one, and it was great, so, I think, as you say, “you do you”. The service you provide is wonderful, and I think those of us follow you will continue to do so. I follow you on Facebook, IG and Twitter, and get your blog emails – I won’t miss a tutorial 🙂 Might I suggest that you open a certain period of time, on any future tutorials, where people can post questions. Maybe like “Please post any questions before 10 a.m. on xxx day, when I will answer questions”, then be done with it. If someone has a question, they can ask after the next tutorial. Keep up the great work, and know that I enjoy spending time with you whenever I get a chance.


    1. Thank you, That’s a very kind suggestion but luckily if someone asked a question on a youtube or blog comment I see it newest to oldest so I don’t have to check every video so I pop in often and try to get to all the questions at least:) I am so glad it is arranged that way, I’d never be able to check 2000+ videos and 3000+ blog posts LOL:) I also like it because if someone finds a 8 year old video I can still help them:)


      1. This will not let me “Like” your comment, to acknowledge, but, please know that I like and acknowledge your comment 🙂


  15. I hear your frustration and frustration puts a damper on the creative juices. We love your work and you actually teach your art. You are exciting to watch. Bring us new and awesome adventures in art. Introduce us to a wide variety of mediums. We need the challenge because you will be broadening our creative experiences

    Liked by 2 people

  16. You are so generous with your talents and if you want to change up your “broadcasts” certainly feel free to do so. I am not jumping ship>


  17. I personally dont have time to follow many/long livestreams, even when they are with my favorite YouTube channels, like you 🙂 I also find the live streams to be filled with too many trolls or “big” personalities that seem to want to dominate the stream besides the actual owner. And even when you have an awesome helper like your niece Sarah or others, those other folks often try to bully or manipulate them, which just isn’t fun for you all I’m sure. I’m glad you are following your heart, you owe all of us fans nothing, your kindness and unlimited videos are a huge gift to us! Make it work for you dear lady, we will be along for the ride cheering you on. 💜💚💙

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Lindsay, I am relatively new to your work but having found you when Googling something I keep returning. I am most interested in watercolor and your reviews and I search your site to find things I am interested in. What amazes me most about you is how prolific your offerings have been. Do what you need to to stay fresh and excited. Your enthusiasm is as big a draw as your expertise.


  19. Lindsey
    Thank you for sharing your honest perspectives about one component of your numerous offerings. Take care of yourself first and foremost. Then follow your heart to carry out the plan. All of your videos are top notch. And I learn much from them and motivated by your enthusiasm. Change is good. .. getting into a rut can destroy ones soul. AB


  20. Lindsay, good for you for following your instincts! You’re not quitting, you’re refocusing. I must admit that I’m one of those people who stopped following your live streams. I have conceded recently that I am not an artist – I’m a crafter. Painting is beyond my capabilities – which is okay; as I enjoy so much the myriad of other craftiness at which I have become adept. Your other project videos DO, indeed, spark my creativity. I look forward to watching whatever videos whenever you provide them. Enjoy the holidays, Lindsay.


  21. SCREW THE YOU TUBE EXPERTS! You know your audience (and we love you girlie!), you need to be making art you enjoy and that gives you happiness. Being stressed about it….no one wants that! We love laughing, goofy, joyful you! We support 200% the decisions you make and are so grateful to have your channel which honestly just make me feel good…makes me happy to watch you being happy as you create. Thank you for all the efforts you make in sharing your gifts with us. Your channel is at the top of my favorites list because you are awesome!

    On Fri, Dec 7, 2018 at 4:30 PM The Frugal Crafter Blog wrote:

    > thefrugalcrafter posted: ” Hi friends! I have been wrestling with this > decision for about a year. I have continually been feeling like I have > missed the mark on providing good live videos, or maybe the videos are the > same as they have always been but people are tired of it” >


  22. I totally support your decision. I always enjoyed your live broadcasts but seldom had the time to follow them “live” so I watched the replays, sometimes in sections. I really enjoy your tutorials that aren’t interrupted by questions and focus on the painting at hand. Thank you for all your hard work and for sharing your enthusiasm and talent with us throughout the week.


  23. I am happy with whatever makes you happy Lindsay! You have give me so much joy with all your videos. If live streams make you stressed and unhappy then of course stop them. I love all your videos, be they real time, speed up with voice over or live. As long as you’re posting videos I’ll be watching them. 🙂


  24. Honey, you just do whatever craft you have a passion for. Do not let the pressure from within this world still the joy or the “why” you started with.

    Perhaps you need some time alone with God. Let God be the peace you are so needing.

    Either way,I am still your fan, but, I am a friend.

    God bless you richly and abundantly.

    Have a wonderful day ahead!.


    Karen M Roth
    aka Masquerading Crafter


  25. Takes guts to realize what you do best and I am glad you are doing what you love. I love getting your blog and it should “fun” not work. Keep designing and sharing.


  26. Hi Lindsay, I too say follow your heart. I’m not one to watch anything live as I prefer to watch on my own schedule when I’m relaxed. I’ve wanted to say this for a long time, but I never got around to it. I struggle with depression. I’m fine at the moment but went through a rough period earlier in the year. In the evenings I’d settle in bed and watch your videos. It was the highlight of my dreary days. Your cheerful, positive attitude and jokes and laughing at yourself really perked me up. It was a very comforting routine for me to laugh along with you and watch you create pretty things. Note to self: we are not adding card making to our already full hobby schedule! Take care. 🙂


  27. I hate to say I have never watched one of your live streams. They come at a really bad time for me (just before work lunch) and they are so long. Watercolor is not my thing so it just never seemed worth it to watch the replay. I share because I love your videos – I love them rambly and all. Sometimes you do a project that doesn’t excite me and I just listen to you talk while I work. You inspire me and get me excited.
    Remember when I said watercolor is not my thing – I did my first portrait watercolor. I’ve never attempted it before but you inspired me to try. I made 8 tiny little watercolor portraits for ATCs that I mixed media’d to make them less focused on the watercolor. I had faith I could do it because I watch you.


  28. I always watched your live streams later so I will miss them. BUT, I understand how you must be so busy and no point in feeling pressured in this life if you don’t have to! I still look forward to your watercolor tutorials Lindsay and will watch them whenever you have them posted! Meanwhile, thank you for giving us all that you do.


  29. I’m not going anywhere. Your plan sounds perfect… get rid of the super stress stuff, and spend your creative energy on things that make you happy. Your enthusiasm and excitement are so engaging.



  30. Lindsay, I totally understand. When your joy becomes work, it”s time to refresh.. We eagerly await your return with the excitement we have come to know from you. Relax, take in all the new experiences you can find and, most of all BE HAPPY!

    Thanks for ALL you’ve give us and God bless.



  31. I totally understand.   I have enjoyed your Fri.  Live streams and learned many things.   It’s not good bye,  just a little rest time for you and your family.   Tell Sarah we will miss her.   Happy holidays to tooty and yours. 

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android


  32. I’m rarely able to watch live. Have to do it when hubby isn’t watching cowboys on TV and he watches a lot of cowboy shows! Because of arthritis in my wrists I pretty much only make greeting cards as my craft. (I make hundreds per year.) I used to do a lot of knitting, cross stitch, quilting, etc. You’ve taught me some easy painting techniques to add to cards. I’ve Pinned quite a few of your tutorials. I love how when you make a small mistake or figured out how to do something better the next time around, you own it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve followed somebody else’s video and my project didn’t turn out at all like the video! Thanks for all you’ve shared; and I look forward to your next creative demo, whenever that is.


  33. Your life streams are fabulous but hard to watch live as all of us have so many things to do during the day. I truly believe most people watch them whenever they have free time. All of your videos are fantastic and so inspiring and seeing new things like jewelry making, pastels or anything would be so amazing. Good for you for following your heart and giving yourself some space from the same old routine that’s draining your energy. Hope you and your family have wonderful holidays 🙂


  34. I’m very proud of you!! I love your live streams, and everything else you do for all of us. GIRL..(I’m from Georgia)..YOU NEED A BREAK!!!. You are so dedicated to all of us..but you have to be exhausted!!! I love all that you do, but please don’t worry. Look at all the new ideas you have. I’m excited for you and for us. Sometimes, you have to stop something..to begin something new. I’m proud of you!! Take a breath, I know that was a hard post to write. With a smile and paintbrush in my hand. Kaal Huggins


  35. Good on you Lindsay. There is no point at all doing the live streams if you are stressed and not enjoying it. This will reflect on the show and worse still not be good for your health which is far more important than us lot out here. Good luck with whatever you decide to do (non-live wise) and I will always look forward to your tutorials (card-making, mixed-media, jewelry making, watercolor or whatever). They always inspire me and I love listening to you. You are so upbeat and you lift my spirits. Your teachings are easy to follow and flow with ease and you make me feel I can do anything (although my efforts never turn out as good as yours!!). Good Luck Lindsay and Good Health!


  36. whatever you want, however and whenever!!!! love you for all the joy and effort you put into helping each and everyone of us! thank you so much!


  37. Completely understand and have appreciated the lessons and demos I’ve tuned into. But sometimes you have to “fill the well” before you can draw from it, and this might be your time. Plus, who needs stress? Thanks for being so generous with your process, insights, and talents. Oh yeah, and your enthusiasm! I look forward to continuing to follow what you do. Have a wonderful holiday season with your family!


  38. You were the first artist I watched when I started watercolor. Your techniques are still with me today, 3 years later. I will miss you, but know you will still post things I want to see from time to time. Watercolor is the only medium that I do right now, so the other stuff just does not work for me. But, I will check in from time to time to see what is new. I will miss your videos.


  39. I almost panicked thinking you were quitting altogether..whew! Do what you need to do. Your brain is wonderful thing you share with us and I thank you for anything you post. I reference your posts frequently, new and old. I make cards and have started watercoloring because of you.i am thankful for you!

    Liked by 1 person

  40. Good for you Lindsay!!! Yay!!!! One thing I’ve always loved loved loved about The Frugal Crafter is the variety of crafting you do. I love the painting too but it was the variety of crafts that really got me hooked on your channel years ago. I miss seeing you all excited about a variety of things. Even when you do something like jewelry or crochet that is not in my wheelhouse I still enjoy watching and it inspires me! And it makes me want to try new things. I also love to see you making products in a frugal way or showing how to extend what you have to save money. Go shake it up Girl! I’m with you and can’t wait to see what comes next.


  41. Lindsay, *you* are the “one thing” focus of your channel. Your creative spark and enthusiasm are the unifying elements of your channel regardless of the particular project or skill you are teaching. You cross various genres of art and craft as well as lifestyle commentary in your brand that all have value. Do what brings you joy! Your blog and videos have become more polished over time, but there is really nothing that can replace a classic Frugal Crafter tutorial from years ago: full of joy and excitement, lots of coffee, and knowledge. Those videos are still fresh and timeless regardless of technique or medium. Not every video or stream will appeal to every person in your wide audience so the most important element is you doing you as someone else commented. Keep true to that please and continue bringing a wide ranging audience eager to see what you are doing next.


  42. I usually way the replays in the evening. As long as you’re not going anywhere! I’ve learned s o much nd have the courage to try new things.


  43. Good evening. I think you have made the right decision for you, and in life you must come first.
    I will miss your Friday painting as I have learned a lot from you. I will still check you tube to see what you have posted, and I wish you well.
    Thank you.
    Mary C


  44. Sweet Lindsay, I admire your decision & understand it fully. When something doesn’t feel right it’s time to act on it & I think you’re on the right path. You already feel relief with your decision & that’s proof you’re headed in the right direction. Personally, I think you give so much of yourself as it is that you’re “overdue” for a break. You are one busy gal. Congrats on listening to your heart. I will be sticking around & supporting your decision no matter when you want to do. I so appreciate all that you share. We are incredibly lucky you’ve done so much for so long. You need to find that JOY again. Merry Christmas Lindsay, all best wishes. Look forward to upcoming videos…you’re the BEST !
    Regards, Karen


  45. I’m with you whatever you decide. I love your tutorials. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and talent. I wasn’t able to participate in live videos but I did enjoy watching them later and will continue to enjoy all of your posts.


  46. Do what excites you, it comes through on the video. You’re my very first blog, and still my go-to place for inspiration and fun. There are videos I’ve bookmarked from years ago (remember make your own stencil with hot glue or the melted wax dragonfly? ) How to fix pan pastels when they break has been so useful I cannot tell you, and anything with watercolor powders (color burst, etc) is gold.

    Get back that Woodstock vibe, and just go with the flow!


  47. I will be happy to watch whatever you are creating, whenever you are able to do it. I love any kind of crafting, and I want you to be happy doing it as well.


  48. I can’t imagine doing all that you do!!! I Love, Love you’re videos. It doesn’t matter if it’s painting, cardmaking or something else, you make it look easy enough anyone could attempt it and do well. Sometimes we just need to re-evaluate what makes us happy. I’m sure it was hard to let go but you have lots of people that are still learning from you and appreciate you sharing “Like Me”. New adventures, here we come.
    Always looking forward to the next video 💕


  49. Dear Lindsay, I’ve enjoyed your Live Fridays but I always had to watch them either later in the day or on the weekends. I live in California and I could never get myself going in time to watch you at 9:30 am PST. I will miss your Friday live sessions but I am sure you will eventually provide other recorded videos. I enjoy all of the crafting videos even though I am primarily a watercolorist. I find all your videos informative, instructive, and fun! Thank you for being so honest about your endeavors and trials and tribulations when it comes to being creative. You are inspirational to me and since I found you on YouTube I feel my own art-ability has improved. Thank you and hang in there, as a teacher you have a lot to share with us all!


  50. Thank you Lindsay, I want you to know I very much enjoy your streams but always have to watch them in the evening or the next day or two because of my work schedule.
    Whatever you choose to do, I’m behind your decision and will continue gleaning painterly knowledge as you give it!
    You rock!!


  51. You do what is best for you. I enjoyed you live stream but could not always watch them live. You artist talent is amazing. Many many years ago I did more crafting but over time got away from it. Then about ten years ago I got into watercolor. Love it. Had a great teacher that really made it fun. You have a very similar personality. This reply could go on forever but the bottom line I just want you to continue with watercolor and mixed medium when you have the desire.


  52. The reason I gave up live stream, they were just too dang long. the questions and comments from your viewers very distracting. I like short, to the point, show me the art products you’re using and fly. I have always admired your work. Time to rethink and grow.


  53. I don’t care for any live stream videos as they are full of unnecessary chatter and the fun of watching you create is lessened. I have watched/followed you for years and look forward to whatever you offer. You are great!


  54. Keep doing what you enjoy. I have to admit I don’t watch like I used to but getting back into the crafting mode again. I love your energy , do what makes you happy


  55. I seldom watch your videos these days because they’re way too long and mostly all the same. I miss the days of Ask a Crafter (where’s Kathy and Lorraine) and varied crafts and ideas. I wish you would go back to what you did before all the changes. I’m still subscribed to your channel, but when I see what you’re doing, I don’t usually watch.


  56. Dear Lindsay. I watch your videos when I can and I completely enjoy and learn from them. One thing I have noticed in my new love of art is that the spirit has to strike you. I don’t always have time to watch live streams or YouTube’s, but I keep them so I can watch them when I can. I have many youtubers that I watch but yours is the only one I hit with the bell. Please don’t feel stressed out. Do it when you can. You’re joyful, easy to understand and very inspirational. If I knew you were stressed out I wouldn’t enjoy it as much. Post when you can, when you get inspired. Thank you for what you’ve done. I’ve learned so much. Enjoy your family and your holidays.


  57. Lindsay, I only found you on YouTube about 6 months ago and the live stream in the last 2-3 months…so I will miss that. Even though I don’t join live chat I so enjoy watching and listening. I rewatch every video and have learned so much. Totally new to watercolor I’m trying to soak in everything I can. I also have other art interests and I do understand the desire for variety. I will watch whatever you upload and I agree with another post that speaks to your enthusiasm and love of all things creative!

    I’m happy to know you’ll still be there. So will I :-). Do what you love. It’s what all of us should do. I’ll be watching and rewatching!!

    Have a very Merry Holiday Season doing what inspires you and being with those you love!

    Carolyne S


  58. I’ve always been amazed and impressed at your live streams and videos. Take whatever time you need, refresh yourself , enjoy life!


  59. Lindsay, I enjoy enjoy everything you do. I love that you are such a fun artist. You do what you have to and I will always support you😍


  60. Thank you for all of your wonderful instruction and spirit….I will follow you, wherever you may go…. 🎶. 🤗😘.


  61. I’m thrilled. Mind you, I’m thrilled for purely selfish reasons. I hate live streams. They last way too long and all the cp”chatting” drives me bananas. I have only watched one of your streams and I immediately noticed you had someone else with you and you did not do a lot of chatting yourself. I really enjoyed yours. It that green paint that you never used to like. But everyone is jumping on this live stream thing and so many run 2 hours or so. I have dropped a few channels cuz the seem to be exclusively live now. I’m sorry for you that it has become so stressful. You are the funnest(did I really use that non word?) of everyone and you always give sound advice to us old chicks that are trying to find our inner child without buying the entire inventory at michaels. No matter what you about this issue, you’re stuck with me as one of your gajillion fans. Do what makes you happy though. You’ve got a family. Your kids won’t be around forever. They may wind up across the country or out of the country. Don’t waste your time on live streams that don’t make you happy and suck up your time

    Lord I do drone on


  62. I have often wondered how you do all you do! I love it all, but haven’t always been available to watch it all myself (and all I have to do is show up!) Follow your heart. Do what you love and enjoy. We will be here because we know it will all be good!


  63. Hi Lindsay, you are an inspiration and a joy to watch. You give so much of yourself freely and it is greatly appreciated. Follow your heart and I am sure we will all be excited to see where it takes you. Merry Christmas. xx


  64. I’m a multicrafter and I was so happy to find your channel, even though I’m more yarn/textile focused and less into cardmaking. I adore watercolour though! I watch your Friday lives on the TV while I am crocheting, I find that if I try to paint along with anyone I start trying to duplicate, rather than be inspired by, the teacher’s work, and that’s less fun. I enjoy your sketchbook Sunday most, I think. And the insights you share working through your projects for your portraiture course. I thought “here’s someone addicted to learning, just like me!” Kind of like how learning how to learn, as an artist, is the skill behind the skills you teach. Formal lessons, while you are very good at providing them, don’t seem to float your boat quite the same way as your “look, here’s a thing I thought I’d try!”


  65. Just want you to know that I totally appreciate everything you do, but weeks can go by before I can catch up, and never live streams. Best wishes to you. You are a great teacher and I know I am grateful for all you do!


  66. I always enjoy checking in to see what you’re doing—all your videos. Thank you for sharing open-heartedly. I look forward to seeing what comes next!! Best wishes—


  67. Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication! You be true to yourself and happy! I’m mainly a Watercolorist’s and I still watch your videos on all crafts. If I miss your live I always watch it later. I always learn something,you’re a joy and knowledgeable lady to watch and you love what you do! It really shows in your videos! I’ll be sticking around like I have been for over 3 years now since your site was suggested to me by The Mind of Watercolor. Also,thank you for introducing me to Renesans watercolors! I love it them so much. Till your next show no matter the subject. May You and your Family have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


  68. Look at how much people love you and all that you do! I agree with Debra Brock that “your passion shines through in everything that you do”. That’s what it’s all about. If the passion ain’t there, well then, it’s time to move on, just as you surmised. More power to you!


  69. I think whatever YOU think is best! Follow your heart and Gods guidance… when your choice is right you will know!

    I love your work and everything I know about watercolor came from you and I just started at 60 years old! Thanks so much…. .YOU INSPIRED ME. Relax and let yourself enjoy what you do…. its a gift from God!


  70. Be happy and if Fridays were stressing you then you are absolutely right to stop doing them! You are in charge of making yourself happy. Art should be fun and satisfying, not stressful and and something that sucks the life out off you!


  71. I love your life streams…but I do see that it is hard to have to do this every week. You are amazing! Need to take care of yourself. I watch you every day!


  72. I’m sorry Lindsay, I still work, so can’t participate, but I watch them later – and I’ve signed up for several of your courses – so please don’t feel unappreciated, many enjoy watching you – I’m also sorry I don’t always click on like – I watch a lot at the office at lunch, and am not signed up on that terminal for You Tube voting or whatever … so it won’t let me give a thumbs up and I don’t always get back to them on my home computer! I am nearing retirement, and hope to soon have more time to spend on expanding my artistic side – thank you for all you do! Claudetta Gathman, Seattle WA


  73. You are a AWESOME! You have to do what is right for you! I have learned more from you than anyone EVER! This time of year people are busy as you probably are. YouTube doesn’t help with screwing with alerts. I may not watch live, but I do catch the videos when I can. I’m so thankful that you share you talent, knowledge and self with us.


  74. Good for you! You have to do what makes your happy! I get what you mean about stressing out for the whole week for Friday’s tutorial. I for one, enjoy everything you post and will continue watching. I am inspired by your enthusiasm….thank you so much!!!


  75. I LOVE your videos and all your blog posts. I don’t usually watch the “live” stream, but catch it later. Glad you will continue to bring us your creativity – I’ve learned a lot from watching you over the years. Thanks for all you do.


  76. I totally get it, Lindsay. I backed out of some things this year and find that my creativity is starting to freshen up and flow better. I even have dusted off some neglected works and breathing new life into them. Feeling stressed and overwhelmed definitely stifles creativity. I think you are making a good choice.


  77. ironically I like your videos and was thinking maybe I should do them. In 2019 videos are going to be huge acccording to the industry. I have been doing a lot of soul blogging. I am tried of doing nonsense too. I just want to create and paint what I want period.


  78. I recently found your site and absolutely love it. I hope you still post videos often. You are my favorite person to watch. The thing I appreciate is the fact that you are frugal and down to earth. I love that aspect so much!! Your tips are invaluable. I don’t watch live stream, but late at night when I have time. This is the first time I have posted, but I wanted you to know how important you are to us crafters. Thanks so much!



  79. I have enjoyed all your sessions ,however, the time comes sometimes when we have to make choices to improve our work life balance and to create a time that is just for us and our families.
    Burnout happens when we don’t take time to refresh ourselves, even though art and creativity is fulfilling at the rate you have been going means it has become work.
    Take a step back, breathe and enjoy your extra family time.
    All the best and joy and best wishes for Christmas and the new year


  80. Lindsay, you are your best when you are true to yourself, and you will attract people who have kindred spirits. Go your own way and many of us will follow. You are a talented teacher and generous sharer ad well as a gifted artist! I have been wondering how you manage to do all that you do and not go a bit insane. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and plans with us
    Your honesty is truly valued.


  81. Good choice Lindsay. I have found that I Was watching so many videos that I either didn’t t have time to create on my own or was too Intimidated! I narrowed it down to your drawing and watercolor lessons, ceecee, and once in awhile Shel C. Other than that I have a couple of classes that I work on intermittently trying new techniques and making them my own. Loved the paintings you did for the class you took…they were stunning! Best wishes for a happy and blessed Christmas and New Year…and get some rest and enjoy your family time.


  82. When you’re excited to share something with us, your excitement inspires us to try it. If you feel like this is the right move for you, then it absolutely is. I will continue to watch your channel. Me personally I haven’t been watching the live streams because I am not awake when they air. Also I haven’t been as into watercolor as I was almost 2 years ago. I do enjoy watching your card videos & your other crafting videos. I hope this little bit of insight helps a tiny bit. I think you’re a wonderful crafter & a great personality. I hope you truly enjoy your new content. ❤ 🙂


  83. Dear Lindsay,
    I love your channel and you gave me many ideas what to do and how to do it. I‘m not a big fan of live streams anyway, so I very much respect your decision.
    I really feel your youtube activities should be fun and energizing for you rather than wearing you down.
    Go on and rock it! 😉
    Best of luck – from Frankfurt, Germany.


  84. Good for you Lindsay! I will miss the Friday live streams but understand how importand it is to look after your well being. When you have fun you make magic… Thank you for continuing to share your crafts and ideas with us. I am curious and looking forward to see what fun you will have with pastels! By the way… I followed your instructions on making beeswax wraps and use them all the time now! Thank you! 😄🙏💕


  85. I only took up painting with watercolour because of your ‘easy beginner’ videos! Love all that you do, along with your happy chatter. All the best for the Season, take a break and absorb new zest!!! Jo in UK


  86. I don’t believe in doing something that should be fun but isn’t for some reason, no matter why.

    I enjoyed the Friday Live Videos a lot because they were sure to be about art instead of craft (both are nice but I do art more than craft) but I must admit I couldn’t always make it on time to watch it while you were at it, the last weeks I watched it a few hours later. I didn’t mind but I never thought you would notice a difference. I’m sorry about that.

    But if you quit one thing you have the time for something new and I’m looking forward to it! Creativity and Plain Routine often don’t work well together. And if you’re not happy with what you’re doing how can you pass happiness on to us?


  87. I love all that you do, but hate the thought that it hasn’t been making you happy. Do what makes you happy, and we’ll be sure to enjoy it and be inspired. You’re wonderful and a great inspiration.


  88. I love your videos but I don’t think I ever catch them “live” ( I am in the UK) – I watch them from years ago if they are about a topic I have just discovered. You are so lively and fun to watch, please don’t feel abandoned!


  89. I cried when i read your email letter. I love all your videos they are gifts to open every time i watch one, because i learn so much and get inspired.
    I do love the live ones because you and Sarah are so fun to listen too!! But i completely understand. You are so amazing i don’t know why you get stressed, you are beautiful and so intelligent! I have learned so much from you and am so much more happy and busy wtih fun making cards, drawing and love painting again all because of you. I do love all your videos even the ones where you just talk because you teach us so much. So i hope you have more fun now and less stress. I was the Pokey on your live streams.. LOL I hope you have a Happy Happy Holiday and Sarah too!!
    Thanks so much for all your gifts, I look forward to more..


  90. I think you are a really good teacher, what ever you teach – you make things make sense. I for one really appreciate all that you do. The reviews are really helpful and money saving information for us people who don’t have alot of money to waste. I have enjoyed watching all your videos, even the older ones. Thanks.
    Take care of yourself and God bless.
    Sincerely Becky B from Arkansas


  91. Lindsay, I have never before commented on one of your posts, and I’m not into painting (yet), but I had to say I appreciate your transparency about your Friday live-streams. Keep up your fq – fun quotient. I love your blog.


  92. I loved your Friday class and will miss it. You taught me so much about watercolor painting. I loved how you told us what paints to mix, why, what the picture needed and how to make that happen. THANK YOU for all your wisdom. Please continue making videos in some way for they are TERRIFIC!


  93. Dear Lindsay, You are such a bright and shining light throughout the year. I think you are wise to let the live streams go, since they are not fun for you now. It is not always easy to make decisions about things like that, but you sound like your spirit is so much lighter now!

    Your enthusiasm and joy sound like they will have more room to maneuver in your art and teaching. I have found that if I start to get cranky, impatient, or tired about doing something (like volunteering for a certain organization), it may be time to reconsider my options.

    I think you are an amazing young woman, with a profession and a family. Your listeners may be interested in how you balance your life.

    Have a wonderful holiday season!

    May you continue to have success, prosperity, good health, and JOY!

    Best wishes,

    Dianna Diatz

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  94. Dear Lindsay I follow your “Wednesday I have a watercolor tutorial that is real-time and beginners can follow along”. As a beginner, I don’t paint along with you but watch and listen carefully. Then I play the video, as I try my hand at doing the painting. Hurrah for you, knowing when to make wise adjustments to your schedule. And the “ah” after such decisions, validates your choice. Wishing you time to feed the thirst of your creative spirit. Have a wonderful holiday season, Dale K

    Liked by 1 person

  95. Your honesty endears you to your YouTubers as shown in their supportive comments. Change is hard, but that’s how we grow. Thanks for all your wonderful videos any kind or any time!

    Liked by 1 person

  96. I think it’s a good decision if it’s what you feel you need. A break in the routine is always something to take if the amusement ends and what you do becomes stressful. I wish all the best, and I’ll keep following you. You do such a great job in sharing all your experience with us.


  97. Love you Lindsay and support you in all your decisions. Am glad you’ve made this decision which is making your life better.


  98. I’ve marveled at how you and others I follow keep coming up with so many wonderful ideas, tutorials, etc. Burnout in any situation is no fun, and when the joy becomes stress, it’s no fun at all! I’m glad you shared your situation and fully support your decision. Just find your fun again!! I’m a faithful follower and will continue to be! Bless you, Lindsay!!


  99. Ah Lindsay, you are such a talented and beautiful artist, live streams are just not that important. I like to watch videos that aren’t live streamed. I mean, who cares? We aren’t live TV. Love you. ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  100. Golly Lindsay, I am going to miss you. You have inspired me to start watercolor painting this year and it has helped me so much with the grief I have for losing my husband and son. I hope you still offer lessons from time to time. I have not tuned in lately because of trying to recouperate from back surgery and wearing a brace for several months.
    You have to do what makes you happy. I thought you had tremendous passion for watercolor and incredible talent. Not everybody can paint and you are. apleasure to learn from my dear? God’s blessings to youand yours.


    1. there will still be several videos a week from me, I am only stopping the weekly live ones and replacing them with recorded ones.


  101. Hi Lindsay, I say Hurray for you!! You have soo many talents you can share with us and I’m anxious to see them. I am relatively new to painting with watercolors and I love it. But I also have a dozen other things I enjoy as well. I look forward to seeing the new content and working on the projects myself. As you always say, “Happy crafting”!!


  102. Hi Lindsay,
    Just the other day I was wondering why I hadn’t been to your site in ages. You used to always encourage me try new things, find a way to get me messy & dirty and to make me laugh! For the past year or so I think that everything you presented would have been good for me personally, yet more often than not I’d skip it, using the “I’m too busy” evasion method.
    I am pretty sure I’ve been missing the spontaneity, fun and occasional goofiness that I always associate with your gifts as a true artist. So bless you girl, relax and always remember that perfect art is not created by perfect artists!


  103. Lindsay, I have to say that it is important that you remember the same thing we tell ourselves. It is suppose to be fun and not cause you to stress out over it for days at a time prior to getting it done.

    If You Tubers are telling you that you’re not doing it right maybe its because none of you are on the same page. I have always loved watching your videos and have learned from them, which is what it is all about.

    My craft room has been almost dismantled to make from for stamp n storage units that never got put up…so frustrating. Wish hubby loved completing jobs half as much as he enjoys starting them. All my papers were moved to another room and I can find NOTHING. I can positively say one thing….all my wood mounted stamps are now unmounted, indexed and stored in clear envelopes and I love that…so much space saving. Nice to know when and if I ever do get this room back together creating will be much more fun.

    That is what it is suppose to be for you too!!
    As you say…happy crafting. That’s my New Years wish.

    PS a few prayers for my husband who lost his job in July and is still unemployed…?


    1. As a retired HR Recruitment Manager, tell your husband he may need to reinvent himself, taking skills he has and making something else out of it. Wish I could talk to him because I think I could help. Prayers on the way. Emilie Ortega, Tucson, AZ


  104. Good for you, I never got to watch live anyway as I’m at work and just take peeks at the live stream…but I did love the real time watercolor painting and hope you will still do that so we can keep learning…It makes no difference if its live or taped as far as I’m concerned as long as we still get to see you


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