My First Watercolor Course Coming Soon!

Hi friends! I am excited to announce that I will soon be launching my very first watercolor course! I am about 90% done with it and I think it will fit the needs of many painters. I have been asked countless times if I could make a class that went over all of the essential tools, supplies and techniques a watercolor painter should know to be successful. I wanted the class to demystify watercolor and I want my students to learn the skills of painting so they can paint whatever they choose.


The course is divided into several sections in two main parts. The first part of the course are the foundations and building blocks. This is the raw information you need to learn watercolor. Tools and Supplies: These are the basic, tried and true items you need to paint, some items are store-bought and some are DIY but all have earned their place in my kit due to their usefulness and versatility. Color mixing: Getting a large variety of colors with a split primary palette plus what other 3 colors I think are worth having in every palette. Techniques:  We will learn several types of wet-in-wet and controlled washes, sponging, spattering, scraping, masking, blending, fading and basic brush control.


I thought that having a foundation element was good but applying the techniques is just as important because it makes the knowledge sink in. That is why I decided to add three full finished painting tutorials in real-time where I can go in-depth with every technique. I even suggest when it would be a good time to take a break so you can come back and see your painting with new eyes!


I want this class to be the perfect stepping stone for anyone wanting to begin a watercolor journey or fill in any gaps they feel they might have in their watercolor practice. Mostly I want the student to learn the essential skills to communicate their vision in watercolor and have the confidence to paint!


I am finishing up the filming now and hope to launch the class in a week or two. I would love to know what struggles you have as you paint. Do you have any questions or confusion when it comes to watercolor? Let me know in the comments below, this way if I see anything I didn’t think of I can post a bonus lesson in my class when it comes out. I want to empower anyone who wants to create. Thank you for all of the encouragement you have given me to finally accomplish this daunting task, I am so glad I did. Oh, and if you want to be the first to be notified when the class goes live please sign up for my special events newsletter. Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

109 thoughts on “My First Watercolor Course Coming Soon!

    1. Me too! I seem to never know when to stop. My best paintings are when I’m in pain and can’t fiddle around with too many details.
      I’d like to know how to do it on purpose though … plus how to mix colors better than I’m able to right now.


  1. Congratulations! So pleased for you and me. Definitely on my Mother’s Day gift list? Can’t wait to have your cheerful guidance on this journey. I have found knowing which colors and paper to use difficult as everyone has a different opinion on almost everything. Getting the movement in wet on wet like you do.


  2. I struggle with limiting the amount of detail and paint I use and the results look very “coloring book” style. Hard to explain but I hope you know what I mean.



  3. I am a beginner and I think I have watched all your videos. I need to know what type of watercolors to use. Up to now, I am using colors that come in a tray and are fairly inexpensive. I started looking at the tubes of watercolor, but I don’t want to invest $10-$15 per color, if it is not a good brand. I really love your videos and have learned a lot, but I need the basics. What is a good starter kit for watercolors and basic brushes? Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Shading, i just started watercolor with some cheap products and as you recomend just to try if i like then invest in something more professional…thank you

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I am new to watercolor painting. From seeing your tutorials, you made it look so simple that I thought I would give it a try. Mine never turn out luke yours they appear “muddy”. I’m not sure if I’m using too much water or what I’m doing wrong. Love all you’re tutorials.


      1. The Daniel Smith 6 color essentail set plus sap green (Sennelier olive to be exact) burnt sienna (Rembrant PBr7) and Yellow Ocher (W&N) and either Arches #140 CP or Strathmore 400 #140 CP but I do go over the different kinds of paper.


  6. I have a problem with perspective. While your paintings have so much demension, mine look flat. Thank you so much for all the knowledge and enjoyment that you offer.


  7. I am having trouble figuring out what colors to use when I start something (usually a coloring book page–Painterly Days). I am trying to discern what my style is–I love doing wet on wet, but I’m not sure how to apply it to what I want to do (Painterly Days pages). I have watched a lot of your YouTube videos and always pick up things there, but when I got to my pages, I don’t really know where to start.


  8. My struggles are many. Controlling the water is one. Also, I am not very good at drawing, and I get discouraged before I even start painting when the sketching doesn’t go well. I have enjoyed your tutorials so much and I would love to do a watercolor course of yours!


  9. I just started working with watercolor at the beginning of February, so just over 2 months ago and your videos have been amazing in teaching me, but this news has me feeling very excited. I can’t wait to watch these lessons. Your teaching technique in your other videos is awesome, you really help to explain how to do things and why, so I’m sure this new approach will be amazing!


  10. I have been watching your YouTube videos for almost a year now, when I began water coloring. I have to thank you so much for sharing your amazing talent and knowledge. I have learned so much and have truly grown to love painting like I never did before. Best wishes and success on your new classes….I know they will be very helpful to so many!


  11. Lyndsey I would love to learn all about watercolor painting!!! I subscribed to your newsletter!! This is a prayer being answered!! I have always wanted to learn how to paint!!! Thank you so much!!!


  12. I really need to learn the steps to plan a picture. I need to learn how to paint the foundation and and then to start adding the details after. The creativity is not the issue. It is the organizing.


  13. i am excited about your class, I have trouble with practice I know you say just paint, but are there any practical exercises that might be really easy and helpful. I hope that makes sense.


    1. Yes Dee, the first half of the workshop are all the tools and techniques and in the second half we apply all of the techniques in real finished paintings:)


  14. Sometimes my biggest problem is just getting started. I am so afraid of making a horrible mess and wasting supplies that I never use them. That said I have painted along with you a couple of times and while my finished painting might not have been worthy of framing, I was happy with the results.

    Will your class be appropriate for someone with limited drawing skills?


    1. This is my problem too. I look at the blank page and really don’t know where to start. Maybe some simple practice lessons would help before I actually tackled a real painting?


    2. yes, patterns will be provided for 2 of the paintings and the 3rd is a very simple drawing we do together step by step. I plan to do a drawing course as well but it is too much to put in the watercolor course (which is already pretty long:)

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Oh I’m so excited for this!!!

    I personally struggle with composition when I’m trying to paint my own unique paintings (not from tutorials) It would be great if there was a lesson, or part of a lesson, on that! 🙂


    1. the landscape tutorial talks about composition as I pull from several reference photos and my imagination to make the scene:)


  16. Lindsay, I have been following you a long time, and I am currently struggling with trying to build “my” color palette. I prefer transparent colors, and the ability to lift colors… I get confused knowing that some color pigments are stronger than others and will “push” other colors out of the way…thereby creating movement… How,When, and Where to use this information would be helpful!


  17. Lyndsey, I have been learning from your freebie paint classes for 2 years. This will be great. I never painted before so I’m a fan and will take your class.


  18. I am excited to take an actual class on watercolor painting. I am a timid painter. I have watched some of your videos and I start out but pretty quickly, I think my painting looks pretty good and I’m afraid to do any more to it. Then I just watch you end up with an incredible painting LOL. So I guess I am just scared of messing my painting up. Can you help??? I know you can!!!


  19. My biggest issue, was I first learned oil painting, and the concept of light over dark. You showed me how watercolor is the opposite. I have learned so much from you, but I know I need to continue learning. I love knowing you are preparing a class. Thanks


  20. Well that sounds great and should be wonderful to have everything in one focused package. I’m not a beginner, but not an accomplished artist either. I learn something e very time I watch one of your videos, just love them and your approach to painting instruction. Looking forward to the color mixing and split palette sections, I’ve been lazy about that and I know you will make it easy to understand. Maybe some practice pieces on those?


  21. I’d like to see you actually dip into water with the brush and then to the paint and then to palette. I love your tutorials and am subscribed here and on YouTube. It is a joy to learn from you. I love your teaching style and positive upbeat attitude. Thank you over and over again.


  22. I am really new to watercolor (made two paintings so far), and have tried to learn as much via various YouTube channels. I think your course would be perfect. I struggled at a most basic level – proper way to mix two colors together on a pallet, without losing all the color in the brush “cleaning it” to dip in the 2nd color. Put another way how to keep the individual colors in their respective slots clean from other colors. Probably sounds like a basic and dumb question, but that is where I am at in the new to watercolor process.


    1. we discuss that. AS for not wasting color when mixing let your paints dry on the palette before using them and mix with a stiffer synthetic brush (it won’t suck up so much paint and water)


  23. I love painting along with you on your videos so this new class sounds awesome! One issue I have is getting a hard-edged watermark or bloom where I don’t want it. Then when I try to rewet it and soften it, I just end up with another one a little further out. It’s like a losing battle! About the only way to handle it is to wet the entire painting and then it seems like I end up lifting too much color.


  24. This is so wonderful to hear! Looking forward to learning the basics and more! I would like to get some insight/tips on how to sketch an item to paint! Thanks so much!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Ohhh! I am so excited for this class! Congratulation on all of your hard work…I am sure it has been a labor of love. The two things that I struggle with the most are drawing (I really stink at it) and mixing colors. I am not experienced enough to mix colors on a consistent basis. I know…PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I plan on doing a drawing class, we do dry one of the paintings together but the other 2 have patterns to trace. This class is focusing on watercolor mixing, techniques and painting but there is a lot of content to learn just with that:)


  26. I am a beginner, will I be able to take this class. I am excited about your class. I have watched your videos and tried to do the same thing but not great results, but keep trying. One of my biggest problems is fear of failure but keep trying anyway. That said one issue for me is mixing colors, even though I have the colors already mixed I really want to learn how to mix so I don’t have to take a lot of colors with me when going outside this summer to “try” my hand at watercolors. I really hope this class will accept beginners as I love your videos and have learned so much already and want to learn more. Thank you Lindsay for all of your free videos and congratulations on this class, I know it will be worth whatever you charge and it is probably long overdue for you.


  27. i have been following you for a long time i love your paintings in all mediums WC especially. i have usd a number of your WC pieces on cards to friends and family; thou i get many nice (polite) responces, i am so excitted about this class, i know with your help i will get better and feel more confident which should make me be able to express my attempts show more emotion, looser, and better color management, i am gushing. soooo excited so will stop now, i have signed up for the class; i also signed up for your special news letter. please keep me posted. also i am totally technotarded and do not blog; guess i will go to you tube to learn how. thanks again pat


  28. Color mixing:when painting a piece, how to determine how much color you need to finish the piece. I have ran out of paint a couple of times prior to finishing. When this happens, I never can get the exact mixture of color I used. Arrgh!, Also, the size and type of brush to use, Should you dip your brush (with paint) in water prior to painting and how to fix those terrible streaks (light spots).


  29. This is a great idea Lindsay. I really struggle with how to hold the brush properly. It never seems to feel comfortable or like I can control the stroke. I’m not sure if I’m just holding it too tight or if I’m not holding the brush correctly with my fingers in the right positions. Maybe this is something others need help with too.


  30. Hi Lindsay,
    I have been a watercolour painter for 30 years, belonging to an international gallery until recently. Last year I saw one of your painting videos and subscribed. I thoroughly enjoy your videos and wish you the best of luck with your online classes. I think you have a lovely informative manner and you are fun as well. In my book, that’s a win/win. Thank you
    Barbara from British Columbia, Canada


  31. Well done! Some people think Watercolour painting is easy, however learning techniques are so important. My first attempts were frustrating because my colours ‘muddied’ and the painting lacked that wonderful spontaneity that you can achieve with watercolour! Your course sounds fabulous!


  32. What a brilliant idea, Lindsay. I am looking forward to it. I hope you might touch on how to use a reference photo to make a composition that is a work of art and not just a faithful copy. I think watercolour has the ability to transform the mundane into something wonderful. I was amazed at how you achieved this with the bunny painting quite recently. Good luck and best wishes to you and yours.


  33. This is exciting news, Lindsay. Congratulations on accomplishing it!
    I have myriad issues. The first is that I don’t practice enough. My paintings tend to look flat rather than dimensional and I have a hard time using just the right amount of water…too much flow or not enough. I don’t have a great green either. I know you love sap green. Can it be mixed? Thank you. Kim


    1. I am recommending Sennelier olive green or M Graham Sap Green but yes it can be mixed, try pthalo green (pg7 or PG36) with cad yellow or cad orange if you have them, if not get the mix.


  34. I love your classes Lindsay. You inspired me to start to watercolor! Can’t wait for your course, could you cover knowing how much water to have in your brush, I have lines and blooms all over the place!
    Thanks, Marta


  35. Wonderful! I am still using cotman tubes and am slowly transitioning to the W&N artist/professional paint. My struggles are: my first wash is always too light, mixing paint so I don’t always get dull colours, mud mud mud- how do I avoid getting muddy?
    Thank you, Lindsay.


  36. Can’t wait for the class, maybe you can discuss fixing mistakes as you go along, like we know how to get balloons and other errors but how to fix after they happen


  37. I thought I hated watercolor, but, by watching you, I found I really like it. I look forward to learning anything you teach. So, where will this class be held? Thanks for all you do!


  38. Thanks for info on the watercolor class. I am looking forward to seeing the info. As I am not good at the rough draw of what I want to paint I would like to see some direction on how to accomplish that task before starting to paint.


  39. I think your class will be wonderful. I’m a beginner painter(about 4 mos) but have already learned so much from you. I love watercolor and find it to be the medium for me! I don’t do well with the big brushes, trying to work on that more.


  40. Congratulations on your big step forward!!! I have problems with backgrounds, blooms, staying loose, and lifting color when I don’t want to lift. How wet is too wet? I finally bought some sheets of arches and I’m super excited to tear them down and give them a try because I feel like my low quality paper is causing me some grief. I also have a problem with getting backgrounds to look real with my foreground. But, that might be more of an artistic issue than a watercolor issue. I’m wondering if having paint lift when I don’t want it to is maybe a paper problem? Sorry for the scattered thoughts. I’m excited for you!


  41. Great idea Lindsay…welldone can’t wait to see it…I love doing loose first washes..but then..when I’m pleased with result I’m afraid to go back in to define more areas..(flowers mostly.. ) for fear of losing lvly first stage!!? So have lots of unfinished beginnings!!:
    Any tips be great…good luck


  42. Lindsay, That is so awesome. You are very knowledgable about all things watercolor and so much more. I really love your tutorials and its about time you get paid for your teaching classes. Best wishes, I will keep an eye out for your classes too, because I would definitely pay to take them.


  43. Wow .. this is so Cool!! I am so Happy you’re doing this. My problem is what brush to use when & how much water for what. Looking forward to this coming out. Thank You Lindsay for doing this for Us. 😉😊


  44. What fabulous news. I hope I can get in on the class as I have plenty to learn. My questions are: 1. Why doesn’t my paint flow like yours does? 2. How can I avoid my colors over-blending on the page?

    Congratulations. You are a wonderful teacher and so encouraging.

    Teresa (PEI, Canada)


  45. I am very new to watercolor and have watched a lot of your videos. I love all if them! I recently tried the bunny with disastrous results. I have tried it 3 times and each time I cannot keep my paper wet enough to do even the background technique right. I am using Canson watercolor paper because that is all I can afford. I keep trying to rewet an area to get the color where it needs to go but my colors don’t seem to blend like yours. I would love it if you could do some very simple examples so people like me do not feel overwhelmed with the piece. I might have more confidence in painting that way. Cant wait for this course.


  46. I am so excited for you and all of us who love your tutorials. I can’t wait to sign up. Thanks for your inspiration ❤️🎨🖌


  47. Excellent idea, Lindsey. I’ve been watercoloring for almost 5 years and do take classes; however, I really enjoy watching your posts. I would say my biggest issue is being loose….that’s probably a big issue with a lot of people. Maybe using exercises that help to loosen up before tackling a project would help. Looking forward to your new adventure.


  48. I have just invested in the Koi 24 watercolor set. What kind of paints will you be using. How will we know how to obtain the colors you will be using if we do not have the same set as you?


    1. I have a supply list but I will also teach you how determine what color to use by sight. You might want to put some masking tape over the color you want need if you are using the koi set, we only use 9 colors in this class.


  49. Massive fan, and so excited about your watercolor classes. My biggest challenge is the outline. I have been known to find a sketch of what I want and print on my watercolor paper, in the lightest shade from my printer, in black and white, then paint. Am I cheating too much to consider it my original?


    1. So excited about your watercolor class starting. When starting, how to know the size to draw of what you are wanting to paint? Proportion? That is the hardest for me to figure out unless I trace what I want to paint.


    2. I think it depends on if you are selling or publicly displaying it, if you are doing it for your enjoyment and you enjoy it it’s fine


  50. I have been watching your Friday videos and can’t wait for the classes. I have only attempted to do one (the red truck) and it came out so, so. I could not follow all the steps as the background became a little too complicated for me. My husband loved it though. I have issues with control and the watercolor likes to do it’s own thing! Mixing colors would be my next problem. I have the grumbacher opaque watercolors, should I invest in a transparent type?


    1. you will want transparent watercolors for best results. I will post a supply list when the class comes out:) Only 9 colors:)


        1. Arches or strathmore 400 140# cold press watercolor block 9″x12″
          Daniel smith essential watercolor set (with 2 version each of red/yellow/blue) sap green, burnt seinna and yellow ochre
          Brushes: rounds #2, #10, 1/2″ flat or angle, 1″ Flat wash, 1/4″ dagger or #0 liner


  51. Sign me up! This is so exciting…my favorite thing to do, taught by the best teacher ever.
    The hardest part I have with watercolors, is getting the paint mixed right. I can’t get the color i want without using up a ton of paint, and my whole palette covered. I get too much of one shade, then keep adding other colors, then not enuf water, then too much water, etc. I hope you have some help for this, as I do not seem to get any better with time and practice. Thanks so much Lindsay…diane


    1. Color mixing is taught in this class, I have a very simple method with limited supplies so you can mix it right with no mud:)


    1. Yes, the first half of the course is the basic tools and techniques and then the 2nd half is applying them in 3 paintings (so if more experienced painters want they can skip to the painting tutorials.) I wanted to create a course that would fill in the gaps for anyone who has been painting or start someone new off on the right foot from the beginning:)


  52. I painted with oils for years, and now that I’ve started watercolors, I still want to fill in every hole. I hope you can help us learn how to let go and get that beautiful watercolor, loose effect. Thanks Lindsay!


  53. My fellow watercolor painters and I agree that our paper often gets oversaturated with water. We have learned that some paper brands are better about this than others (we like Arches 140# CP). If you could address this common problem, It would be great.


  54. Hi Lindsay My problem seems to be shading. I try to look at pictures etc, but I don’t always seem to paint in just enough shading, usually I end up overdoing it. My next issue is trying to draw in like flowers and blueberrys. Thanks for taking these two issues into consideration. PS, I am using some floral stamps to help me.


  55. Hi Lindsay, What platform will you use for your class…will I need a YouTube account or Facebook account? Beautiful work, love the iris!


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