Watercolor for Relaxation

Hi friends, It doesn’t get more casual than carnations and sprigs of lavender in a vintage ink bottle style vase.


If you want to relax for 20 minutes grab your watercolor and paint with me!

Supplies (affiliate links used)

It’s been a busy week! I have been super productive filming my next class (Watercolor Landscape Workshop) and it is coming together so nicely! I really think it will take the mystery out of landscape painting and inspire people to paint! I am hoping to launch the class next week, I really think you are going to love it! I hope you are having a great week so far and til next time happy crafting!

Live! 12:30pm ET Let’s Paint a Lighthouse in Watercolor!

Edit: Here is the finished painting from Today’s Live stream. Enjoy the replay and have a great weekend!


Hi friends! Last week I had the opportunity to paint on Monhegan island with a group of delightful ladies from Louisiana. At the top of the island sits this quaint lighthouse.


Here is the on location sketch I painted:


I decided that I wanted to paint this again once I returned home so that is what we will do together live at 12:30pm ET today! You can watch live, or the replay in the player below but if you want to chat live and ask me questions as we go be sure to catch the live stream on YouTube.

Supplies can be purchased from our sponsor Jerry’s Artarama. Use coupon code: frugal20FS49 for 20% off $49 + Free Shipping (Excludes: Sale, Super Sale, Egift Cards, Buy It Try It’s and Vendor restricted items. Look for the green coupon eligible icon on the product listing.

My Mixed Mix it Up Mixed Media DVD is out…

…and on sale for $19.99 (Reg $44.99)  *Digital version is $14.99 this weekend too! If you have wanted to purchase my Craftsy class but prefered to have a DVD now is your chance. Craftsy selected my class to be in the DVD pilot program and I am so excited!!!


If you are not into mixed media I also have an online watercolor class:  Essential Watercolor Course  with over 5 hours of in-depth watercolor instruction to start your journey into watercolor painting off on the right foot. Oh! Exciting classroom news, you can now upload your artwork directly in the comments section of the classroom, right in the relevant lesson,  so you won’t need to post in the Facebook group to share your work. I am so excited for this development!

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Pretty cool huh? I love this update because if you have a question while you are working through the course you can pop it right in the lesson where it is relevant, not only do you get help but it helps your fellow students! Sharing is caring my friends:)

I also wanted to let you know that there will be no live stream next Friday (vacation!) so make sure you tune in today if you want to catch the live show! See you soon and until then happy crafting!

Last Two Days to Save 50% on My Watercolor Course!

Hi friends! I just wanted to pop in with a friendly reminder that my Essential Tools and Techniques for Watercolor course is 50% off through tomorrow! Come June 1st it will cost $79 to enroll in this class but you can enroll today for $39 and have lifetime access so you can take you time in completing it and return to it whenever you feel like you want a refresher.


Still not convinced? Here is what some of the students have to say:

“Thanks so much for this class Lindsay as well as all the videos you do. You are so encouraging and motivating.” -Virginia Staib

“Lindsay, you’re the greatest! I’m pleased with the results of my still life after a second try. I’ve definitely enjoyed your in-depth course. Still need work on glass but it’s the best I’ve done. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to more classes.” -Priscilla M. Ware

“I hate for this to end. I have never done watercolor before because everyone said it was so hard but you made it so enjoyable, I’ve done oil and acrylic but I think……I really like the water color. Especially how you never waste any paint! It was so much fun and relaxing. I want to learn more, more, more so I hope you will have another one.” -Sherry Sandberg

“Lindsay, I am enjoying your class so much! You have such a nice manner and make everything look easy! Your lessons are such a pleasure, it is like spending time with a fun friend who also happens to be an artist!” -Gerri Dauer

The class is broken up into two parts. In the first part we go over techniques on their own and color mixing. We also learn washes. It is important to isolate these skills so you can practise and perfect them.


In the second part of the course we put those techniques to good use as we complete three finished paintings. Learning a technique is only useful if you see how to apply it in a painting.

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In the iris painting we learn wet-in-wet wash, plastic wrap texture, scraping, glazing, shading, color mixing, masking fluid and cutting highlights.


In the landscape we learn wet-in-wet washes, lifting, layering, composition, perspective, spattering, masking with tape, side load shading, scraping, shading, color mixing and reflections.


In the still life we learn masking with masking fluid, controlled wash, wet-in-wet wash, salt texture, layering for texture, glazing, lifting, shadows, reflections and glass refractions.


You can see that many techniques are repeated in the painting lessons, that’s because application and repetition over different subject matters will help you learn where you can use those techniques on your future paintings making the techniques you learn in this class extend to your art outside of the classroom.


If you love watercolor but feel you are missing some of the foundations or you want to brush up (pun intended) on your skills and have three new paintings to show for it consider enrolling in Essential Tools and Techniques for Watercolor Today! On sale for $39 (regular $79) through May 31, 2017. Don’t miss out, learn the essentials for half price! Thank you so much for your support and til next time happy crafting & painting!

My First Watercolor Course Coming Soon!

Hi friends! I am excited to announce that I will soon be launching my very first watercolor course! I am about 90% done with it and I think it will fit the needs of many painters. I have been asked countless times if I could make a class that went over all of the essential tools, supplies and techniques a watercolor painter should know to be successful. I wanted the class to demystify watercolor and I want my students to learn the skills of painting so they can paint whatever they choose.


The course is divided into several sections in two main parts. The first part of the course are the foundations and building blocks. This is the raw information you need to learn watercolor. Tools and Supplies: These are the basic, tried and true items you need to paint, some items are store-bought and some are DIY but all have earned their place in my kit due to their usefulness and versatility. Color mixing: Getting a large variety of colors with a split primary palette plus what other 3 colors I think are worth having in every palette. Techniques:  We will learn several types of wet-in-wet and controlled washes, sponging, spattering, scraping, masking, blending, fading and basic brush control.


I thought that having a foundation element was good but applying the techniques is just as important because it makes the knowledge sink in. That is why I decided to add three full finished painting tutorials in real-time where I can go in-depth with every technique. I even suggest when it would be a good time to take a break so you can come back and see your painting with new eyes!


I want this class to be the perfect stepping stone for anyone wanting to begin a watercolor journey or fill in any gaps they feel they might have in their watercolor practice. Mostly I want the student to learn the essential skills to communicate their vision in watercolor and have the confidence to paint!


I am finishing up the filming now and hope to launch the class in a week or two. I would love to know what struggles you have as you paint. Do you have any questions or confusion when it comes to watercolor? Let me know in the comments below, this way if I see anything I didn’t think of I can post a bonus lesson in my class when it comes out. I want to empower anyone who wants to create. Thank you for all of the encouragement you have given me to finally accomplish this daunting task, I am so glad I did. Oh, and if you want to be the first to be notified when the class goes live please sign up for my special events newsletter. Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

Less Pity, More Painty!

Hi friends! I just wanted to let you know my funky mood-attitude is officially over although I filmed this yesterday when I was in full whine mode 🙂 (I shoulda had a glass of wine LOL!) I want to thank everyone for all of the lovely comments on my YouTube and blog yesterday, you all mean the world to me, how can I get down about a negative comment when there is so much positive awesomeness from you guys in my life? 😀 Today we will paint this:


It was the most requested photo I took in my sister’s garden:


Don’t worry if you preferred a different photo, I have already filmed 2 more tutorials from the other photos, a colored pencil and an oil pastel, they will be up over the next few days. The video is long, I go in depth on the woodgrain and other elements of the painting. I hope you enjoy it and give it a try!


Sorry about any whining, well, you can say one thing, I truly talk to you like we are close friends! Have a great rest of your weekend and til next time happy crafting!


Let’s Paint Swans! Beginner Watercolor Tutorial in 4 Colors

Hi Friends! I just got back from my morning walk and saw about 30 Canadian geese hanging out near a small pond. I wonder if they are heading south? It was neat to see them up close. I wish I had my camera with me. Oh well. Today we are going to paint a swan scene. I found a wonderful website with public domain photos taken by the talented Jon Sullivan, it is called Public Domain Photo and I used a portion of this photo to paint this painting.


You might want to print out the photo as you follow along with the video. The colors I am using are: ultramarine blue, burnt sienna, yellow ocher and sap green. You can mix everything you need from only those colors. I tried out a cat’s tongue brush in the tutorial too but you can just use rounds. I am not sure I really like this brush, it feels to small. It is not a Neptune as I thought but it is from Princeton. Also not e that I sound different in this video, I did my first voice over on this, what do you think?

I think I prefer narrating most of my videos live but for some of the longer more in depth projects I will use a voice over so I can speed parts up and so I can concentrate on my art rather than trying to talk, think AND paint. Don’t worry, I’ll save the voice overs for the long in depth projects. It will also give me a chance to create more intermediate and advanced tutorials. I ordered a better mic too, the one I used in today’s video was a $5 headset mic from Big Lots that I have had for years LOL! I hope you enjoyed the video, you can let me know what you think in the comments and as always happy crafting!

Let’s Paint Blue Skies and Birch Trees Today!

Hello Friends! I have to say that this has been one of the most beautiful Autumns I can remember, crisp blue skies, colorful foliage and warmer than usual temperatures. Our family trip to the White Mountains in New Hampshire last weekend inspired this hand painted card.

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I used watercolor paint, a 140# Strathmore watercolor card, painter’s tape and 1″ and 1/2″ flat brushes and a #6 round but you can use any soft brushes you have that are similar in size. Don’t forget my favorite tools: an old cut up credit card and sponge too! Watch the step by step video to see how easy it is!

I hope you give this painting a try and if you have any questions or suggestions you can leave a comment:) Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

Free Watercolor Video Tutorial: Eggs & Nest

Hello friends! Today I felt like painting…and sharing…and sharing my love of painting so I decided to make a video showing you how to paint this simple watercolor card:

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Anyone can do this, all you need is a piece of watercolor paper (or watercolor greeting card), a round brush (either a #8 brush and a jug or water or a water-brush) and watercolor paints or watercolor crayons. Ready? Here we go!

So, what did you think? Ready to give it a try? I am hoping to bring you more easy watercolor tutorial videos if you want them:)

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Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

Watercolor Basics {video}

First off I have to say “Thank You!” To all of the folks who purchase my first ever painting kit! I am so honored that you will allow me to teach you. I have been busy today designing another beginner painting packet that I hope you will enjoy: Learn To Paint Pussy Willows, isn’t it so springy? Well, it’s what spring looks like here in Maine, brown, gray and white:

I decided to make a video explaining the basic watercolor supplies and a few basic techniques. I’m sorry it is so long, when I looked at the clock during filming I nearly fell over, it is almost a half an hour…as my husband would say, watching it take a commitment LOL! So you might want to grab a beverage and get comfy 😛

Here is the basic supply list I mentioned in the video, you can print it out and take it to the store with you.


I still have the Introductory special on the Learn to Paint Birch Trees project going on ($1) so if you are curious about this series of lessons you can try for a buck, not much of a risk if you ask me 🙂

Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!