What makes me happy?

Hi friends! I just received the most awesome photo from a school teacher in California. As an after testing treat she let her students paint using the glass bottle tutorial from a couple of weeks ago. I have to say that Ms. Gulledge and the kids at Avocado Elementary School did a fantastic job! Wouldn’t you agree?



I love that she used art as a treat! Growing up in a small town we did not have a school art teacher, it was part of the job of our homeroom teachers to provide art class. Honestly, there was something nice about that because they would let us have a certain freedom with supplies because they were not caught up in the “right way” to do art. Don’t get me wrong, I am so thankful that my kids have an art teacher in school but wouldn’t it be lovely if any teacher could say, “Great job kids! We have some extra time, let’s dig out the cray-pas!” Rewarding kids with art-making is so beneficial and empowering and I hope more teachers and parents give it a try!

Since Happiness is the theme of tonight’s post, and I get asked everyday how I stay so happy and positive all the time, I thought I would share a vlog on the subject.


Disclaimer: Please note that my opinions come from my experiences and from what I know to be true. I am not perfect, I am lazy sometimes and I am not always happy but this is what I have found keeps me positive and accountable. Also, I am not a therapist nor would I ever suggest that watching a 4 minute (or any length) video on you tube to be substitute for seeking professional help if you are feeling truly depressed or mentally unwell. I received a bit of anger and criticism from a couple viewers on YouTube from this vlog and I want to make it clear that I am NOT trying to dole out psychiatric advise, rather I am trying to inspire you to make the best of your day using  a method that works for me: being grateful for what I have and taking responsibility for the choices I make. Polite discussion is welcome in the comments:) For all of you who have the day off Monday (Memorial Day in the US and many bank holidays elsewhere in the world) have a great one, be safe and til next time happy crafting!

47 thoughts on “What makes me happy?

    1. This is so interesting that you said this now. A few days ago I told my husband that I am going make sure that I take at least two hours a day to do something that I enjoy. I have been making holiday gifts as well as other things for various people. So as of Tuesday (husband is off tomorrow ) I will be making time for e, whether it is to “try” to paint like you, or draw, or get back to parchment craft. Just something for me.


  1. Lindsay you are so right…and I’ve been beating myself up for not getting things done like I want….not anymore…thank you so much for the pep talk…I really needed this…and a list…

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I can’t believe it you got nasty comments for your video!

    Apart from making me feel happy and hopeful it got ME starting to think about happiness and what I think causes it. I think what you said is right, and of COURSE I’m just speaking for myself (to avoid getting bad comments too).

    Sometimes when I am happy about something I did people comment: “Yeah, I’d like to do stuff like that too IF I had the TIME” making me feel as if I STOLE their time and had fun instead of them. I KNEW my day only has 24 hours like everybody else has, but it used to leave me with a horrible guilty feeling.

    On the other hand on days when I don’t have much spare time either and know I don’t want to RUSH through a painting I decide to just sketch something with a pen, just so I get to do SOMETHING. I do that on purpose to avoid feeling I don’t have to the time to do something fun.Usually once I get started I find out I have more spare time than I thought.

    I want to thank you for making it clear to me I have more chance to choose if I want to end up feeling happy or not!
    Have a nice day!


    1. Oh, I forgot to mention the last ten years or so I have been having chronic pains, anxiety and panic attacks. Needless to say when Times are bad nothing helps much but I have to keep in mind the rest of the time I AM able to make a choice. It makes a HUGE difference to feel less helpless. I remember when I was small I took happiness for GRANTED. Those were the days!


      1. Pamela, I used to have this type of problem too and getting off gluten made a huge difference in my life. Google “300 symptoms of gluten intolerance” and you’ll find a whole list of symptoms. It took going to a functional doctor who asked me what I eat. I had never had a doctor ask me this! I mention it in case it might help you. Living with those symptoms isn’t fun. Take care.


          1. That’s where I was, I was thrilled there may be a solution! I noticed a marked improvement by two weeks but she told me to try it for 30 days to see. When I brought back a list of everything that got better, she told me to never ever go back to gluten. http://Www.elanaspantry.com was a huge help for recipes. Let me know if I can help with anything else. If it helps you, you’ll eventually need a GF toaster, stuff like that to keep from being contaminated, so keep it in mind for the future. Best of luck to you! Gluten as it exists today (genetically altered to make bread on the shelf fluffier, with tons more gluten in it than bread of old) is good for no one. Good luck!


            1. Thanks! I’m leafing through the recipes, finding a lot of things to eat that are non-gluten by nature. Of course I have to see a doctor about it, it may be something else like lactose intolerance, I never thought about food intolerance before.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Good point. They did test me for food allergies first and I had none. But LOTS of intolerances, which I’m finding by keeping a food log and symptoms log with that. She also told me to stay away from GMO foods because they are harmful to the gut. She diagnosed me with Leaky Gut syndrome. I hope this helps you!


                1. I’m living in Germany, GMO foods are forbidden here and I’m glad about it. That would make it really complicated because I’d have no idea how to figure out what to eat and what to avoid.

                  Liked by 1 person

  3. Great video, say it …like it is, some might still not understand, but its all a process.
    Thanks Lindsay for your thoughts 😉


  4. I agree with you 90%. Many people do make excuses for not using their time, money, and supplies better. For me, I have an autoimmune disease similar to rheumatoid arthritis, and some days it is a battle to get out of bed, then to get off the couch, and to just get through the day. Its much easier to scroll my mouse wheel and see what others are making, then it is to stamp and cut and glue and make something myself. Sometimes our choices are made for us, whether by medical conditions or the medicines we take to treat them that make us feel not like ourselves. If it were not for wonderful folks like you who share your projects and skills, it would be depressing for sure! Thanks Lindsay! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. That reminds me of when I was their age … we also only had ‘class’ teachers in infant school in the UK and we also got similar treats for being good. Even had a teacher send a couple of us to the local sweet shop once for treats for the class. How times change and then good to see that some things don’t. It is good to be creative – not everyone is a Piccasso for eveyone can create! 🙂


  6. That reminds me of when I was their age … we also only had ‘class’ teachers in infant school in the UK and we also got similar treats for being good. Even had a teacher send a couple of us to the local sweet shop once for treats for the class. How times change and then good to see that some things don’t. It is good to be creative – not everyone is a Piccasso for eveyone can create! 🙂 I have also just finished watching your video and totally agree with you. We all don’t always take responsibility for our choices whatever they may be. So glad to have come across you via You Tube etc. 🙂 Off to make some happy choices ! 🙂


  7. Forget the haters. Nothing is going to make them happy. Your positive and energetic personality is one of the reasons we watch your  videos. It makes me happy!

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  8. Oh my, that picture of the students would have made me cry knowing I might have inspired someone…it’s wonderful. One of my favorite teachers in jr high was an art teacher, she let us make vases on a pottery wheel and a bust out of clay…that was my favorite part of school and that is what got me going in drawing and crafting…I am 61 years old and I had one of the little pencil vases she gave me that she made..and i treasured it until it got destroyed in a flood several years ago..

    I made my first steampunk card with scraps and I sold it to my sister in law before I even got a picture of it lol! She loved it…Now I got to find me some more stuff to make more lol…I told someone just yesterday how much I enjoyed your videos and how much they inspire me to be creative…keep it up, life is boring without imagination and creativity.


  9. I think you are so right, Lindsay! Ignore the haters. I am “happy” to see someone deliberately avoiding the victim mindset, when it is most often our own choices that get us into uncomfortable predicaments in life. Being pro-active in anything is work, even with leisure activities. That’s true for me, as well. I have also contemplated the difference between feeling joy versus being happy. Big difference!

    Thank you for reminding us that we often have more time than we realize, and for the encouragement to keep on keeping on with our creative spark!

    Today, I actually am crafting for our two grandsons’ graduation party! Fun! Fun! Fun! Makes me happy! ;o)



  10. I did not think there was anything left to put a disclaimer on. People, c’mon!!! Take responsibility for you lives, teach your kids good critical thinking skills. I really hate to think that we will soon be watching disclaimers on Youtube tutorials.n other countries they let children take a certain amount of risk because it helps them with critical thinking skills. She tells you “Don’t burn your hands off!”, what more trouble can you get into with art than you can by getting out of bed?Sheesh!!!!


  11. Great advice! And I think, to add to what you said, having Jesus in one’s life is a happiness factor multiplier!! …That one fact makes all the difference! …Thanks for all your fun and inspirational tutorials, Lindsay! xox


  12. I can’t believe anyone can not understand what you are saying. I am guilty of procrastination too. Keep up the good work Lindsay you brighten my days.


  13. I love that you started off with counting your blessings. I find that when I feel blue, counting my blessings is a great way to climb up into the day. Choices are a big part of it…. sometimes life hits really hard…as you know…and there are still choices. It does make me wonder though…about the naysayers…would they rather you be sad?


  14. You Go GIRL! I have come to realize that there are some people who are not happy unless they have something to bitch about and are making others miserable. I had a couple friends who were like that and I finally stopped associating with them and am MUCH happier without the negativity in my life!
    I choose to do things that leaves my soul happy and peaceful because I am in less pain when I am in a good frame of mind and want to raise my granddaughter to be positive and happy too.
    Let the negative people continue on their path of discontent and take the high road to happiness!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I cannot believe the people who waste their time, and yours, sending you “hate” Mail. Please do not let it get you down. You are an inspiration and truly a wonderful and generous person to send out all the great stuff you share with us including your “personal” feelings. To heck with them and I LOVE you !!!! Hilary

    Sent from my iPad


  16. What a sad commentary on today’s society when EVERYTHING anyone does has to have a disclaimer. It has become very easy for anyone to make anonymous comments that one would not make if it had to be signed. As far as I know the FIRST AMENDMENT is still in effect and opinions and conversations whether it be written or on social media or YouTube are not required to be censored, explained, or to have an upfront apology. And although we are sliding down the slippery slope of no longer being a democratic (majority rules, not the rule of the one individual or group) country – Lindsay, you are still entitled to free speech, no disclaimer, apology or explanation necessary. Anyone who is offended by a comment or opinion should either keep it to themselves, stop watching or express their opinion politely. Although I’m sure this post will elicit more nasty comments regarding intolerance, where is the tolerance for your opinion???


  17. Amen, Lindsay, you are 100% right! Keep on keepin’ on, lady! You changed my entire life with your watercolor lessons and wonderful attitude. It made me realize that anyone can create art. And now I do it daily, nearly two years running! It keeps me ticking, humming and smiling. Thank you so much!


  18. ….you have helped so many of us…you are just being honest about your way of coping with things .. im sure some people know what works for them ….we are all individuals ….acceptance


  19. This was a very timely reminder for me of my word for this year, “recreate.” It’s almost halfway through 2016 and my resolve was flagging. You’ve pumped me up again! I just went for walk and listened to bird songs. Now I plan to go to my work table and paint! Thanks for a great video.

    As for the negative feedback, I didn’t find anything objectionable in the way you phrased the issue. It was clear that you were speaking to people who have the emotional and financial resources to make healthy choices for how they spend their time.


  20. I agree Lindsey, and thank you for taking a crafting break to share this thought, you’ve developed such a great community here, I appreciate all that you share, crafty and/or life-y. 🙂


  21. Lesley, I love your enthusiasm. I love your videos. People who detract are nuts in my opinion.Please ignore those who don’t understand. I
    Love you and your positiveness. Wish I was still teaching.I used ART all the time with my classes.Kids loved coming to school so much that , some used to drag to school even when ill, and I’d have to send them home after the parents said they just wouldn’t hear of staying home in case they missed something.My classrooms always looked fabulous with the children’s art work.
    Thanks again Lindsay.
    Judy xx in Australia


  22. I’ve always been a pretty positive person but in 2000 I had exploratory brain surgery that I had to talk the neurosurgeon into performing as it was so dangerous. The cause of problems was so rare he had never ever seen it or even read about it in over 30 years of practice. I obviously did recover but it was not a complete cure and I still have days when the pain is very bad (I have both trigeminal neuralgia and hemi-facial paralysis) and it affects my speech and eye sight. However, I refuse to take addictive pain medication and I absolutely refuse to wallow in self-pity and play the “why me” game – see choices – just like you said. We laugh at my odd speech – I can suddenly start talking with a deep southern accent (which hubby quite likes); or like I’m having a stroke; or like I learned to speak while deaf; or I add about 30 syllables to the end of words, and many more. Why get upset. We choose to laugh instead – again, its a choice. People so often tell me they cannot understand how I can always appear to be so happy with what I went through and I tell them that it’s not an act, “I am happy because I’m alive….and every day this side of the dirt is a good one”!


    1. Thank you for sharing your story Violet, you are a great example of good choices! I am so glad you chimed in, long time no hear! I hope you and hubby are well:)


  23. I know I’m late to this discussion so probably shouldn’t bother, but this does seem to be a topic that comes up fairly often, anymore. Maybe because so many people really aren’t happy. I have to say that I pretty much gave up on happiness a very long time ago. Sometimes in people’s lives there are just really major events that can never quite be overcome. Add on a few more major events over the years and it just becomes too much to bear. But, as I said earlier, I’ve given up on my own happiness, but I can say that I have never brought anyone else down to where I am. I’ve never allowed myself to take out my own feelings on anyone else. I smile more than the average person and laugh at other people’s jokes… even the bad ones. 🙂 I know for certain that most of the people I have known in my life – even close friends – do not know how sad and depressed I have been for most of my life. I always got up and went to work and was kind and friendly to other people and I worked hard. Then I was forced to retire early due to a disability I probably don’t have all that much time left now, (and no, I’m not suicidal… just getting older) and I have to say that is fine with me since I cannot say that there have been enough good times in my life to make all the bad times worth it. I saw a saying on a keychain many years ago that I have never forgotten because it’s so true. It said, “Life always stinks. So, some days it just smells worse than others.” So, some days I make cards, some days I organize some of my crafting supplies and some days I veg out at the computer or in front of the TV just gettin’ by till it all ends.


    1. Your comment is so sad, I wish things were better for you. I hope you find some comfort and happiness. Maybe talking with a professional could help. Please take care of yourself:)


      1. Thanks for your kind words, Lindsay. I’m pretty much homebound – can’t drive anymore – so have to depend on my husband to take me anywhere I go. He’s not in good health so I’ve pretty much given up on even going out of the house anymore. I’ve only been out of the house 2 times in over two years now. I did actually try seeing a counselor over a decade ago but she was worthless so gave up on that pretty quickly. Back then at least I had decent insurance. I could not afford to do that now with the outrageous deductibles that Obamacare has forced on many of us. I’ll just keep faking people out with my fake smiles and laughter like I’ve done most of my life. Thanks for trying to help.


  24. I can really relate to what you are saying….
    Many a times I waste my time on the laptop and then end up feeling bad for the time gone…thinking how much work I would have gotten done in that time…
    I am usually happy but I tend to sulk a lot about not getting things done…
    Thanks a lot for sharing this Lindsay! Its juts what I needed to get off my a** and start taking responsibility!


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