What makes me happy?

Hi friends! I just received the most awesome photo from a school teacher in California. As an after testing treat she let her students paint using the glass bottle tutorial from a couple of weeks ago. I have to say that Ms. Gulledge and the kids at Avocado Elementary School did a fantastic job! Wouldn’t you agree?



I love that she used art as a treat! Growing up in a small town we did not have a school art teacher, it was part of the job of our homeroom teachers to provide art class. Honestly, there was something nice about that because they would let us have a certain freedom with supplies because they were not caught up in the “right way” to do art. Don’t get me wrong, I am so thankful that my kids have an art teacher in school but wouldn’t it be lovely if any teacher could say, “Great job kids! We have some extra time, let’s dig out the cray-pas!” Rewarding kids with art-making is so beneficial and empowering and I hope more teachers and parents give it a try!

Since Happiness is the theme of tonight’s post, and I get asked everyday how I stay so happy and positive all the time, I thought I would share a vlog on the subject.


Disclaimer: Please note that my opinions come from my experiences and from what I know to be true. I am not perfect, I am lazy sometimes and I am not always happy but this is what I have found keeps me positive and accountable. Also, I am not a therapist nor would I ever suggest that watching a 4 minute (or any length) video on you tube to be substitute for seeking professional help if you are feeling truly depressed or mentally unwell. I received a bit of anger and criticism from a couple viewers on YouTube from this vlog and I want to make it clear that I am NOT trying to dole out psychiatric advise, rather I am trying to inspire you to make the best of your day using  a method that works for me: being grateful for what I have and taking responsibility for the choices I make. Polite discussion is welcome in the comments:) For all of you who have the day off Monday (Memorial Day in the US and many bank holidays elsewhere in the world) have a great one, be safe and til next time happy crafting!