A Pretty Flower for a Very Sweet Viewer!

Dear friends, I don’t think you realize the impact you make on my life when I read your emails, messages and comments. Today’s video goes out to a very sweet lady LaVonne who shared a lovely photograph of this bromeliad flower growing in her yard and gave me permission to share it with you.


Grab your paper, paints and brushes for a fun tutorial using only 3 colors! You will need Hookers Green, Lemon Yellow and a cool red like Magenta, Alizarin crimson or Rose Red. This can be painted with only a #6 round brush but you might also want a 1/2″ angular for leaf shading. I am painting on a 140# Strathmore watercolor greeting card.


I hope you enjoyed this relaxing tutorial and if you give it a try, please let me know how it went. I also have another favor to ask. This dear lady who shared the photo is back in the hospital, if you could send some positive thoughts her way and maybe leave a word of encouragement for her in the comments I know it would make her day. She has no idea that I am mentioning this and I hope I am not speaking out of turn but it is the least I can do for someone who lifted me up recently. Take care of yourselves and til next time happy crafting!


31 thoughts on “A Pretty Flower for a Very Sweet Viewer!

  1. Hi Lindsay 🙂
    Thank you LaVonne for sharing your photo of your beautiful bromeliad flower. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Lindsay, thank you for showing us how to paint such a beautiful flower and for sharing your wonderful talents with us.


  2. Bromeliads are very cool. The center area, where the flower come up, stores water. The leaves that wrap around the center hold water down near the base. You can find frogs hiding in them! As well as other critters. The leaves are very stiff. Some grow up in the trees. They don’t need much to survive.


  3. What a heartfelt post! I love her photo and your watercolor card. Saying prayers for the lady in your post. Thanks again for all you do, Lindsay.


  4. Another great tutorial I was missing watercolors! Thank you Lindsey and LaVonne. LaVonne I hope you are feeling better the picture was lovely.
    PS Lindsey we use Frontline on our cats.


  5. I love bromeliads. Thanks you both for This chance to paint this lovely plant. And love and prayers going out to both of you.


  6. Oh my your did a great job on this flower of LaVonne’s and I hope your doing better and I will pray for your stay in the hosptail will be a short stay so you can get back to what you love stamping and to your beautiful flowers ,And i bet you have more than one of these beautiful flowers ,god bless and take care…..


  7. What a lovely plant – and growing outside in the garden! In my area it would be an indoor plant. A lovely gesture to send the picture to you to paint. How sweet of LaVonne to do that. I do hope that you are feeling much better very soon, LaVonne and that your flower is waiting for you when you return. Hugs Julie


  8. Dear LaVonne–I am sending you Healing Light and angels to watch over you and comfort you. Thanks and Big Hugs to both you and Lindsay for being beautiful and generous flowers in our Crafty Garden!!😀


  9. Beautiful flower from LaVonne….will be keeping her in my thoughts and prayers…hopefully her flower will also encourage others and bring a smile to their face!!! Thanks for the video Lindsay-you’re the best!
    Paper Hugs,


  10. Your photo was lovely LaVonne. Thank you for sharing it with us. Thanks to Lindsay as well for helping us to paint it. Hoping you feel better soon and ate able to get back to your garden and us. 🐣


  11. LaVonne, Hope you are feeling better. I’m sending all positive thoughts your way. Your photo was lovely, and Lindsay’s painting looks just like it! Hoping good thoughts will brighten your day.


  12. Lots of healing thiughts and love sent your way LaVonne 🙂 Thank you for sharing your photo and make us all smile too 🙂

    Great tutorial Lindsay 🙂 I enjoyed watching it


  13. Thanks to Lavonne for sharing such a gorgeous bloom. Thank you, Lindsay, for sharing your beautiful painting. Love ya’


  14. I haven’t watercolored in so long, so thank you for this post and inspiration. Made a birthday card for a sweet lady who is turning 90, so this doubly inspired me. Prayers and best wishes to Lavonne for sharing her horticultural marvel and the talents that go with that endeavor. And a huge thank you to you for sharing your talents. It’s always great to spend time with you, even if it is only virtually.


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