You spend time on the craft so spend time on showcasing it! {Cute packaging idea!}

Hi friends! It’s getting to be that time of year, whether you are making things to sell at holiday craft fairs or making items to give as gifts you should take a moment to consider how you are displaying them.


Some pretty paper, a bit of burlap, maybe some ribbon or string and now we’re talking! Pretty packaging tells your customers (and your loved ones) that you really care about your product and them. Your loved ones will appreciate your gifts more and your customers will be willing to pay more, or at least a fair price LOL! Pretty packaging is inexpensive and easy using supplies from our sponsor Papermart! Watch the video to see how I did this!

One tip is to keep it simple so it does not take you as long to price and package your wares as it did to make them. This should be part of your creative process and also part of your workday so it needs to be sustainable. Also you don’t want the packaging to outshine the craft, it should compliment, not compete.


Directions (earring cards)
1. Fold cardstock in half and cut window from one side. Punch a hanging hole at the top of the card.
2. Cut burlap slightly larger than the window and glue to the inside of the cardstock then glue the card shut.
3. Insert earrings into burlap.

For the journal bags.
1. Place item in a clear bag and seal.
2. Fold cardstock in half and punch hanging hole.
3. Apply double-sided tape to cardstock and place bag inside the cardstock and press to close.

What are your favorite ways to display or gift your handmade good? Let us know in the comments! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

11 thoughts on “You spend time on the craft so spend time on showcasing it! {Cute packaging idea!}

  1. When I am selling my creations I put my cards into cellophane bags so that the customer is sure to get a card free of fingerprints from those who have looked at them before and I usually do little topper to keep the bags closed. I make sure that each item has a price easily seen on it so the customer doesn’t have to search for it. If doing notecard sets I make a box to put them in and use shrink wrap to keep it free from fingerprints. For those I take a photo of the cards that are in the box and stick it on the side or bottom so the customer can see what they are getting.
    For gifts to friends and family, I will wrap the item(s) in tissue paper and make my own wrapping paper or gift bag to match. I love adding in the extra special touches to make it even more precious to whomever I am gifting it to!


  2. What a great way to showcase our creations. Having handmade items packaged with a professional appearance allows us not only to sell them and gift them as well. I especially like the option of using up trimmings and leftovers that give a festive appeal for holidays and other special days year ’round. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Those are great ideas. I always strive to make my presentation eye catching. It makes a huge difference. That punch is perfect too. I have never seen one before so its nice to know where I can buy one. Thanks.


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