Warning, there will be singing…..

Hi friends! I hope you are having a great Saturday! Baseball season has kicked off in full force which means lost of rushing here and there to baseball and softball games (we have 2 today, I can work on my tan!) I like to bring knitting and crochet project with me to the game, just simple ones, because I can watch the game and make progress on my projects. Here is my new bag, it is from Creative Options.


Last night it was so cold I think I could have sold knit hats if I was quick enough making them LOL! Actually I brought blankets and cocooned myself in my camp chair to stay warm. We go from 80 to 55 awfully fast here in Maine! Do you want to see what I have in my bag?


I want to thank Creative Options for sending me this bag and sponsoring the video. You can purchase the bag and accessories at Hobby Lobby.. You may even have a diaper bag that would serve the same purpose. Whatever you choose I recommend a flat bottom shallow bag so items will not get lost and outside pockets for often used tools and supplies. What are your favorite knitting on the go projects? I need more ideas!  Leave suggestions in the comments below. Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

18 thoughts on “Warning, there will be singing…..

  1. Hi Lindsay, Yes, The temps here in Maine are crazy back and forth, but I have also noticed from being up here all winter and now in the spring that once the snow melts the leaves on the trees are practically already all there! It’s like, poof, leaves! waaahooo! anyway, back to knitting… I STINK at it, I mean, I have really tried over the years and I still stink. Have you done a video on that round loom thingie? Help! I can crochet (well, basic stuff) but that round loom looks like maybe something that would work for me.


  2. Lindsey…you need an Under-the-Weather pop up shelter! I sure wish I had one for all those freezing times spent watching my son’s soccer! Just think of all the crafting you could do inside one of these 🙂 Cheers, Susan

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  3. Lindsey…

    I also knit. Have you heard of the store in Oklahoma called “Loops”? They have a monthly project club that is fantastic and exceptional yarns. Check out Loops.com


    Sent from my iPad



  4. It gets way too hot and humid (the yarn sticks to my hands when they are damp) here in Kansas to do much knitting in the summer but it is a great time to plan fall projects. For the large gauge round looms my favorite on-the-go projects are the usual: hats, mittens, tube socks/slippers, and scarves. It is a good time to work with cotton yarn so dishcloths and spa items are fun to make.
    There are some cute toys that can be made on them too like a colorful stuffed tube snake for a baby, or the square shaped toys on the Lion Brand yarn web site.
    My favorite place for patterns is “Knitting Pattern Central”: http://tinyurl.com/35l4j4
    and Brenda Myers’s blog, “Loom Lore”.
    When making something that will be stuffed on the large gauge looms I like to use knee high nylon stockings to line the item to keep the fluff from poking out since the fabric can stretch so much.
    If you want to get an adjustable sock loom you can make socks in any size you want. You need to pay attention when making the heel and toe but once you get to the foot and the leg part it is super easy (unless you are making a fancy pattern). For the knit stitch you just lay the sock yarn above the loops and lift the loop over–it goes really fast. Isela Phelps has lots of helpful information on her blog, “Purling Sprite” and the KB “Knitting Boards” web site. And, of course, there are videos on You Tube. 🙂
    Happy loom knitting.


  5. Lindsay, I must be blind, but I can’t find this exact bag on Creative Options website or at Hobby Lobby. I would really like to have one as I’m planning a trip to PA next month and this bag would be great to carry art supplies on the flight. I’m thinking small watercolor kit, tin of prisma pencils, small container drawing pencils, zipper bag of erasers, blending stumps, etc. and in the large open compartment some art instruction books, patterns, pads of assorted paper, etc. Really would like more info to identify the bag if possible. It’s really cute!


  6. Ahh, yes! I remember days upon days, watching softball games, one right after another this time of year. Enjoy them while they last, Ms. Maine, for soon enough, you’ll just be watching games on t.v., remembering the good ‘ole days, like my husband and I now do. At least, we currently get watch many of those kids play in the slow pitch games as adults. Still fun, and I still bring something artsy to do.


  7. Favorite on the go projects are crochet granny squares, modified by using double stitch in each round, rather than grouping stitches, the last round in black. Last afghan, I used a quilt pattern for the colors & layout. The extra blocks can be used for g. Square house shoes, pillow covers, or to start another afghan. My bag stays a reasonable size, is always ready, & in October I have 7 – 10 afghans to stitch together, can do in strips on the go, finish while watching TV. For gifts, I enclose a label with washing directions for the afghan. So I am never without a to go project, no waste, or a unexpected gift.


  8. You look super cute in this video. Your make-up is lovely. Fully enjoy all your videos and I have learned so much. Thank you, you’re the best.


  9. I pick up shower bags (I live in a college town). I don’t think I’ve ever actually paid for one and they have all been brand new. Students get them as a gift and then don’t want them. They are great for craft projects.


    1. I think they jumped the gun:) Google the Creative options 5 pocket knitting tote and you will find sellers online or they told me that hobby Lobby carries this entire line if you like to shop there, in store not online though.


  10. I carry a creative bag with me everywhere I go. If I am waiting in a doctors appointment, waiting in the car, sometimes when my daughter is shopping I’m usually sitting somewhere creating. Sometimes that’s where I do my best work…lol


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