Let’s Use Chalk Paint to Gussy Stuff Up!

Hi friends! Today I am going to show you how I use Folk Art Home Decor Chalk Paint to refurbish some odds and ends I had kicking around the studio, I never met a box I didn’t like remember…

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They started out looking like this:


I was sent this chalk paint to try out from Plaid, I wanted to put it through its paces and see how it covered on glossy painted wood, paper covered wood, hard board, raw wood and wooden beads.  Watch the video to see how it worked and to see my bonus tip for art journalers!


Here is a look at the supplies I got to work with. They are not cheap but they are excellent quality. I know the brushes will last for years. Often when you buy large hog bristle brushes they shed hairs and when you look down the middle of the brush you can see a gap in the bristles where the handle is. Not with these, they are packed with bristles that are firmly set in the ferrule. The brushes are well-balanced and comfortable to use which is important with a big brush so you do not get fatigued working on a large project.


The wax finish is the final step in these projects. Now, I’m not gonna lie, the buffing of the wax is work. I would not wax a large piece of furniture unless you try the wax on a small project first to see if you can hack it. It looks great and the more you buff it the glossier it looks but it is honestly the hardest part of the project. I don’t know what I was thinking waxing those beads! Live and learn:)

I wanted a sweet little watercolor to put in my distressed frame. You can find the tutorial for painting it here.

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I have had summer on the mind lately, I think the little boxes will be great for putting beach treasures in or maybe putting small activities to keep the kids busy during road trips. The bead box would be nice for brushes and paints I think too! What would you put in them! Of course someday I’d love to have a camp on the water and I could totally see these sitting on my bookshelf there but for now I can paint and dream 🙂

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Please visit PlaidOnline for more information, free project ideas and to purchase Folk Art Home Decor Chalk or any other of their fine products (they are the mod-podge people you know!) It is generous companies like this that allow me to provide fun craft projects everyday! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

9 thoughts on “Let’s Use Chalk Paint to Gussy Stuff Up!

  1. I haven’t met a box I don’t like yet either! I have a mountain of them waiting to be loved. Haven’t tried chalk paints yet but one day I am going to bite the bullet and give it a try! Love the cute painting! TFS!


  2. I have heard so many great things about this paint but have been scared to try it. What if I didn’t like it but spent all that money on one jar? Well you have answered my questions and I made a purchase. Diving in to try it tomorrow. Thank you Lindsay for being such a brave soldier!


  3. Nice I really like the boxes.i wonder how much area one 8 oz. jar would cover. I have an old night stand I stained about 40 years ago and I have been wanting to paint it. Bought it at a dime store for $25.00 in the 70’s and it was unfinished wood.has been a good one. Have a good week Lindsay


  4. I love watching your product reviews thank you ..I often go looking at the sites you purchase from and find they don’t ship worldwide ,with the Merriartist I could not find shipping details …would it be a problem for you to ask them when placing your orders …it would be such a help …thanks so much…


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