Let’s Paint Winter Branches in Pastel!

Hi friends! I just found out that we are supposed to get rain and not snow this Christmas in Maine, oh well. at least we had a white Thanksgiving LOL! Tonight I have a beginner pastel painting tutorial for you. I am using soft pastels (like a soft chalk) but you can use oil pastels or any opaque drawing medium. Follow along and have fun!

Surface: Grey mat board (you can use paper too)
Pastels. I am using Windsor & Newron brand and will list the # I used, feel free to use what you have or even try another dry drawing media.
#317 Indian Red tint 1- Berry highlight
#726 Windsor Red tint 3 Berry
#725 Windsor Red Deep tint 4 berry base color
#465 Paynes Grey tint 4 shadows/bacground
#331 Ivory Black shadows/background
#554 Raw Umber tint 5 branches
#447 Olive Green tint 5 foliage
#719 Windssor Green Blue Shade tint 4 foliage
#459 Oxide of Chromium tint 4 foliage
#644 Titanium White snow
#709 Windsor Blue Red Shade snow shadows

I am trying to take my own advice and remain calm this week.  I have a few thing to do in the studio, which has been taken over by crafty kids, so I have no space to work and darn it, it’s cold in there and it’s making me feel very unmotivated. I think I am going to bring my projects upstairs (sorry honey) and work on the living room floor while I enjoy some TV…anything good on these days? I hope you are enjoying the week. Try not to feel down or stressed. Take care of yourself, everyone who loves you will want you to and I want you too. Have a great night and til next time happy crafting!

12 thoughts on “Let’s Paint Winter Branches in Pastel!

  1. As always, great project. You mentioned that your pastels feel scratchy. I wonder if they get old and not as smooth as they age. I bought a discount set of oil pastels that don’t seem to blend as well as the student grade pastels I was using in a class. I did use my discount set and to help them blend, I also used my embossing heat tool to help with the coloring/blending (on paper, not the actual stick).


  2. A lovely piece, Lindsay. Thank you. I have some pastels, just have never used them. Might give it a whirl right after Christmas.


  3. Merry Christmas, Linsey. We here in Northern Idaho are still just getting rain, and it will rain on Christmas. Times, they are a changin’!

    Thanks for all the wonderful videos this year. Sincerely, Cheryl K. Johnson

    Sent from my iPad



  4. I think your videos are awesome! You are always so positive and upbeat that I feel better just watching you show us all your creative ideas. I especially enjoy your painting lessons. You’re right, painting IS supposed to be fun! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas from out here in western Canada where, at the moment, there is very little snow.


  5. Yes, rain and more rain here in Oregon too. And, that’s why the greens are so green and the red berries are so red. Wonderful piece, Lindsay. Thanks


  6. Merry Christmas from Edmonton, Canada where “chill’n” isn’t just a temporary state of mind, it’s a lifestyle. All the best for the holidays to you, Lorraine, Kathy and all the families. I look forward to seeing new posts in 2015.


  7. Lindsey, I am enjoying your youtube tutorials. I have done oils in the past, and have tried my hand at acrylics. I have also done pastels. I tried water colors when I was more adventuresome, but didn’t like them. I am going to do my best to learn to love them.


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