Let’s Paint a Hummingbird!

Today we are going to paint a humming-bird in watercolor. This was one of my most requested videos! I’ll even show you how to draw it simply. Have a look at today’s video!

Also I want to wish a happy last unofficial day of summer to my USA friends as it is Labor Day today. If you have the day off make sure you do something fun! Looks pretty grey here in maine so I expect to have some crafty fun inside (after my chores are done, yuck :P) Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

17 thoughts on “Let’s Paint a Hummingbird!

  1. Tried this one several times but have trouble getting the drawing right. My hummingbird looks static while yours looks to be hovering, exactly what we want it to be doing. I will keep trying. Love your videos and find them fun and helpful. Thanks.


  2. Your use of the metallic watercolors at the end of your video is a perfect finish to a lovely hummingbird, Lindsay. Thanks for a great wake-up-call this morning. He actually looks as though he is in flight! Happy crafting.


  3. Lindsay,

    Would love to see you do something sumi-e-ish. Several books of sumi-e painting style have inspired me to try it and I have met with a modicum of success, so a tutorial from you might just help me like something that I create.

    One master sumi-e artist whom I saw in action, Johnson Lee, a Chinese artist, had a show here in the area, created two works of art for me at his show. I was pregnant out to here and when he saw me, Mr. Lee grabbed a chair, sat me down, and asked me what my favorite color palette is. He created a hanging wisteria and made highlights with the fingernail of his little finger. When completed, Johnson Lee bowed to me and handed me two beautiful watercolors. I treasure them, but you already knew that.

    Have a great holiday and enjoy your darling children. Annette “:O)

    Barry and Annette “:O) in Southern California Get 10% off your next order when you are published using our rubber stamp images. Website http://www.artneko.com Discounts AboutArtAccents-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


  4. Am trying this today, as I am working on keeping loose and not too much detail…in my second week of 3 weeks in Maine…been sketching and using watercolor pencils everyday…miss painting so am looking for a store near Ellsworth to buy travel park of watercolors!!! Thanks for all your inspiration, you’re terrific!


    1. try the craft barn in the mill mall, it is right on rt 1a in Ellsworth like you are driving away from town toward Bangor. There used to be a cute little shop in Blue Hill called North Light Books that had watercolor supplies but I don’t know if they are still in business.


  5. Hi Lindsay đŸ™‚
    Beautiful painting! I like the metallic watercolors; It makes the humming bird look real. Happy Labor Day. Here in Canada it is our Labor Day also. Hope you and your family went to the beach. Thanks for sharing.
    Best wishes.


  6. I loved this, Lindsay. I painted four of these and made them into cards. I needed lots of birthday cards and this gave me the chance to practise painting the same thing over and over. By the fourth one it started to feel more natural. Watercolours are new to me.


  7. Lindsay – can you recommend some good brushes that have some ‘snap’ like you like. Many of mine are so soft. Love your videos! You have taught me so much!


    1. try the Royal brand Aqualon or Majestic, ACmoore had them in affordable value packs and you can use a coupon!


  8. Hello, was wondering what type of paint the metallic colours are? Been trying to find some which seems impossible and it doesn’t appear to be on your list. I am trying to paint my own hummingbird like you and love that little extra touch


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