Happiness Journal Page with Resist Techniques!

Howdy friends! I hope you are having an awesome Saturday! I sure am! Actually I am hoping this bog post goes off without a hitch because today’s video is currently uploading as I write this. I am hoping to time it correctly so when the post goes live the video will be ready. What can I say, I like to live on the edge LOL! Here is today’s page:

DCF 1.0

We will be experimenting with foam stamps, crayons, mod-podge (or white glue), Bombay India inks (or you can use watercolors) and Micron Pens.

Thanks to Oriental Trading Company for providing many of the supplies for my mixed media art journal tutorials. Please check out their wonderful offerings and don’t forget to tell them Lindsay Thefrugalcrafter sent you! That is all for me today! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

9 thoughts on “Happiness Journal Page with Resist Techniques!

  1. cute page. what exactly is the name of the crayola crayons? never saw them before. meaningful quote too 🙂 tfs


  2. I already stole your quote for a friend who was having a tough day. 😉 I like the freehand elements of this page. I don’t do art journaling, but so enjoy watching the techniques and how “life” magically appears in them as the process continues.


  3. I really appreciated the recent tips on reinking and I’m sorry if I missed if you talked about micron pens. Can these be reinked? I have a few that I know they just dried up from sitting in my drawer since these do last for a long time. The finer pointed ones are the ones that tend to dry up. Thanks always for your videos .. After work they give me energy and wake me up when you say “Hi there, Lyndsay here!”


    1. I have not tried this but soaking the nib in alcohol might loosen up the shellac in the ink and get it flowing again. You could try a drop or twon in the barell too if it works.


  4. Hi Lindsay,
    I have a set of 6 cookie cutters. never used, which I would like to send to you to use in your crafting. If you would like them, please tell me the address I can send them to.
    I really enjoy your videos. You are a wonderful instructor and make crafting look easy, fun and help us to save money. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me and everyone.
    All the best.


  5. Hi, if you heated the page with a heat tool, iron, bottom of hot coffee cup, or some such method, I imagine it would help the crayon shavings to stick prior to the page preventing them from blowing all over the place? I tried with my heating tool thingy and it worked well.
    Thanks for the journalling series, as always you inspire creativity.


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