Victorian Valentines!

Howdy friends! Well, I did clean my studio today after yesterdays scary desk photo and managed some much needed organization tasks. It feels good to have everything neat and tidy. One of the projects that got my desk to it’s unruly state was this fun project: A Valentine favor cone AKA Mussie Tussie:

I used supplies from Papermart for this affordable craft. I love how they are three dimensional but so easy to make, you can easily whip up a bunch of these for classroom valentines or even classy wedding favors. There are so many options depending on what paper, doilies, ribbon, tulle, raffia and flowers you choose.  And the generous amount of supplies in a  package and low prices at Papermart are perfect for making these lovey favors in bulk for any event. Thanks so much for stopping by, I’m sure you were expecting the latest Ask A Crafter but it is still uploading (in 2 parts) I’ll be back with that tomorrow or if you get impatient you can check my YouTube channel later tonight. Til next time happy crafting!

8 thoughts on “Victorian Valentines!

  1. I admit, when I first saw this video on YouTube, I misread the title as “Victorian favor scones” and was all ‘wait, Lindsay has a COOKING video?!’ Then I watched it and everything started making sense again 😛


  2. These are soooo cute and romantic here for Valentines day. I made some the same kind for Christmas in 2012, and they were also soo popular, that I ended up getting a little tired of making sooo many for friends too ha ha ha. But I think, I´m ready to make some again now soon ha ha ha Thanks sooo much for the great videotut here.


  3. These are very pretty! do you happen to have the Stampin’ Up petal cone Bigz L die? I have the Brenda Walton cone die and had not tried it out, but this video inspired me to give it a try. I liked the ones I made, but the die is pretty small. I was wondering id the SU one makes larger cones or would yours be larger than the SU one?


  4. Thanks so much. I want it to be able to hold a good bit of candy. I love making Halloween themed stuff so I want to use them for that, but needed it a bit bigger.


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