My Secret is Out…

OK folks, I often get asked how I find the time to be crafty and creative…well, it is due to the fact that I avoid housework at all costs LOL! I was sitting in my living room Sunday morning with the sun streaming through the windows and I thought the beads looked pretty all lit up so I decided to snap a photo of them on the windowsill. I had no IDEA how filthy the window was until I looked at the photo on my computer…I’m kinda hoping the jewelry is so stunning that no one will notice my slovenly ways….

…nice cobwebs, huh? I do have a house cleaning tip though: Invite people over! That way you will be motivated to dash around and clean! I think most of my friends just think I am a really social person, when in fact I just need the threat of people seeing my home to set me to cleaning 🙂

I have been into making chandelier earrings lately, they are fun but I will warn you take more time than you think and use up jump-rings and head pins like crazy! I have had to “borrow” from my kids stash and pick up more findings twice last week! I saw in the Joann flyer that all jewelry making supplies were going to be 50% off from 6am-noon on black Friday and there is a 25% off your total purchase coupon (although it might not work on the jewelry stuff since it is a “doorbuster”) and I must say I am tempted to break my “no Black Friday shopping 36 year streak” and stock up. I mean, I am using beads like they are going out of style! I sure hope other people like my jewelry at the craft fair next month 😀 Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

12 thoughts on “My Secret is Out…

  1. I’m of the same opinion, no Black Friday for me either! I also get highly motivated to clean the house when guests are expected! Thanksgiving dinner is here again!
    Happy Thanksgiving!


  2. I too have never shopped on black Friday, but have been thinking about it myself….BUT there is the temptation of cyber Monday…I have no room to speak of anyone’s cleaning efforts…mine are lacking around here,


  3. number one, welcome to the housecleaning club. I hate it too and my son and wife are coming tomorrow and I have got to get cracking. There are boxes of notebook covers and card blanks and cutters etc. the table is decorated but you couldn’t eat there yet. Love the necklace with the leaves. Beautiful. could you buy the findings on line instead of black Friday. I hate the rude crowds you find there. The problem with cleaning up is I can’t find things after I do and it slows my crafting down plenty.


  4. I’ve lived in my house 2 years and have only washed some of the windows once! Lived in my former house 15 years and only washed the windows twice! I take lots of pictures of birds thru the window so some of the picts look cloudy. Oh well, back to crafting!


  5. You are the highlight of my day Lindsay!! Not only do I get awesome tips and neat projects to try but I also get a good laugh…today it was your husband leaving you a comment…that was priceless!! I burst out laughing and my daughter, who was on the other side of the table painting kept asking me what was going on. Too funny! But I really am going to have to try making some jewelry because yours are so pretty!! I have only been shopping once on black friday and I was mortified by the slew of people everywhere, but I did get an awesome deal on my husbands leather jacket! Jo Ann:-)


  6. Too funny! I am sooooo fortunate, my husband does all that cleaning stuff – I only have the washing, ironing, dusting, and dishes to do – lucky me! Your jewelry is lovely Lindsay – I should think you will sell out!!! Hoping my cards and book clips will do the same next weekend in Albany, OR!
    Paper Hugs,


  7. What is cleaning? Lol! Think I’ll make a sign for my front door “Please excuse the mess I would rather be crafting than cleaning!”

    After last year doing my first and last Black Friday shopping in actual stores I’ll be shopping the Black Friday deals from the comfort of my home. I shouldn’t get mugged that way because I bought something that someone else wanted.

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  8. “I just need the threat of people seeing my home to set me to cleaning” —- Ha ha! Me too. Except… somehow I still don’t find much time to craft. I just sit at my computer and look at other people’s crafting!


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