Yesterday’s crafting was not so successful….

I’m like a dog with a bone sometimes! I spent 3 hours yesterday trying to cut wine bottles so I could pour candles in them. I think I had a few oddballs because half of the bottles I cut cracked where they shouldn’t have and were rendered unusable. After cutting some I could see the glass was thinner in spots…I am thinking that would make a score/crack misbehave. So then I get the bright idea to change the blade. The next cut was bad then I cut 5 good ones in a row. Huh. I did manage to pour 3 candles last night though. I’ll heat up some more wax today (it takes 2 hours in my crock-pot) and clean up the glass shard obstical course that is my studio. Since I have nothing to show you of yesterday’s crafting adventure here is some more jewelry I made on Thursday:

I really need to get on the ball and package up these bracelets and necklace sets. I’m not sure how I am going to do this. I thought about making origami or die cut boxes, or larger cards that have been stamped and put in clear bags. All of the displays I have  seen have the jewelry out on the craft fair tables loose and I am afraid that I will lose something in transit if I do that or all of my stuff will get tangled up. Any ideas?

Well, I better think of something soon because my tables are so full of items for sale waiting to be packaged that I have no place to work! I hope to get my studio cleaned and jewelry packaged while I wait for wax to melt. That is one of the reasons I use an old crock-pot, it is slower but I can putter while it is warming 🙂

Tomorrow is Veterans Day in the states so I want to thank all of the veterans for their service and sacrifice and to enjoy a much deserved day of honor. Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!