I’m Back!!!

howdy folks! I got back from the Heirloom stamp show last night and oh my goodness, what a blast! Look who I met:


Can you freaking belive it? It’s THE Judi from Judikins! She was the sweetest, nicest person and she did non-stop demos all day. I could have stayed at her booth all day but I was afraid she would think i was stalking her LOL 😀 Also I had that stupid grin plastered over my face all day..I probably looked like a crazy person…or first time stamp show attendee 🙂

I watched many demos and learned some new techniques. A bunch of us went together and stayed in a hotel so it was like one great big rubber stamping slumber party! I can’t wait til next year (and after seeing all of the goodies I would have liked to buy I should save up untill next year too!) Don’t worry, my wallet is a bit lighter after the show but I did not go overboard (which would have been so easy to do!) I marked off my favorite vendors on the paper they gave me when I cam e in and if I made a purchase I wrote it in the margin so I could keep a running tally throughout the show so I did not end up going over my budget and I am really happy with the few things I bought and you can bet I will be sharing my purchases with you this week!

I have to give props to my hubby who had the kids on his own while I was gone, he did a great job, the kids had a ball and the house was clean when I came home! And he didn’t even ask me how much I spent at the show! Am I a lucky lady or what? Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

10 thoughts on “I’m Back!!!

  1. I went to the Show too and met Judi!!!! I didn’t go crazy spending eitehr, I will next year though! I wish I had seen you there I would have told you how much I love your blog and appreciate everything you share, Which I share again with my rubber art firends! Your blog is the best!! Thank you! and maybe I’ll see you next year, I live ten miles from where the show was!!


  2. Glad you had a great time and can’t wait to see what you share in the future…you are such an inspiration! I know what you mean about Judi – I had the same feeling when I met her…..soooooooo nice! Hope to meet you some day too…maybe at CHA in Anaheim next year…I’ll be in the Cheery Lynn Designs booth helping out!
    Paper Hugs,
    Jan in Salem, OR


    1. that would be fun! I just bought one of her dies at the show too:) Anaheim is a bit too far away tho, I’m in Maine:)


  3. what?? ypour hubby did dishes?? mine took care of the fur kids, worked a bit, and when I got home he wanted to know what was for supper! I mean huh? lol I made us scrambled eggs and toast & told him he owed me..lol!! i had so much fun having you with us.


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