Still Life in Gouache on Questionable Paper…

Hi friends! Today I have a lovely still life to share with you!

I found an old block of watercolor paper I bought about 20 years ago. The sizing has gone bad on this paper but that’s OK, it will work fine for gouache (an opaque watercolor)so that’s what I used it for today! A 2 hour live narrated version of this tutorial is available at Critique Club. There are 42 other long format tutorials in Critique Club right now with 2 new tutorials added each month. These in depth lesson help you stay inspired and build your skills as an artist and you have access to them all as long as you area member. Critique Club membership is $5 a month and in addition to all of the lessons you can submit up to 2 painting for a critique from me. The lessons in Critique Club are in a variety of media making it wonderfully educational to artists curious about different supplies. Click here to learn more about Critique Club or join today!

This is the gouache set (affiliate link) I used. I will be posting a comparison between the jelly cup gouache sets in a few days in case you were wondering about them. Thanks for visiting with me today and til next time happy crafting!

One thought on “Still Life in Gouache on Questionable Paper…

  1. Hi Lindsay,
    I love your gouache painting, it looks real!
    To you and your family, stay healthy and safe.
    THANK YOU!!!
    Take care.
    Linda H.


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